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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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MarcEisenmann - 15:57, Tuesday 01 May 2018 (754)Get code to link to this report
Simplified Optical Scheme

For the article preparation as well as for future meetings, it could be useful to have a simplified optical scheme of the experiment.


Here we tried to do one following Oelker example ( Audio-Band Frequency-Dependent Squeezing for Gravitational-Wave Detectors  ).

In the scheme attached to this entry is a preliminary scheme.

The "Not Yet installed" part should contain OPO PLL (?) and homodyne readout.

We haven't yet put the OPO, the PLL and the homodyne readout. The question being how to add them without making the scheme to difficult to read.

All the other main components are indicated.

Maybe it could be also useful to add the control loop?

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MarcEisenmann - 13:58, Wednesday 02 May 2018 (755)

Here is the 2nd version :


Changes :

OPO, homdyne and squeezed vacuum beam path have been added