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EleonoraCapocasa - 16:38, Monday 18 June 2018 (831)Get code to link to this report
Galvo used for Automatic Alignment in TAMA

[Raffaele, Eleonora]

We have found in Tama storage room a box containg 9 so-called galvo, used to keep the beam centered on the quadrants in TAMA automatic alignment system. (Pic 1-2-3)

We have also found the NIM modules used to drive them (Pic 4) , which take as input the DC values of the four quadrants sectors.

In the attached pdf files the functiong of the system and the scheme of the board are explained in detail.

Note that the electronic can be used both for "plus" and "cross" disposition of the quadrant sectors, as both the configurations were used for TAMA quadrants. To switch from one to the other, some jumpers need to be added/removed (PIC 5). More details can be found in the document attached.

The box (pic 3)  has been currently stored in the bottom shelf placed near TAMA IMC end chamber.

The electronic modules are on the shelf in the entrance container.

Two galvos are still installed on the TAMA injection bench and still connected to their drivers.

Images attached to this report
831_20180618092930_galvo1.jpg 831_20180618092946_galvo2.jpg 831_20180618093018_galvobox.jpg 831_20180618093048_galvonim.jpg 831_20180618093221_galvojump.png
Non-image files attached to this report