NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Participants: Matteo, Yuhang, Eleonora
After aligning the crystal along the beam axis, as reported in entry #959, we put the incoupling mirror and align the whole cavity. The aligment has been optimized by maximazing the TEM00 mode from AUX1(Choerent control laser), while the cavity was scanned driving the piezo of the incoupling mirror. The final result is quite good as it can be seen from Fig 1. At the beginning we observed that two different TEM00 mode were resoanting in the same FSR. We found that this was caused by a laser mode hop and was solved by slighly changing the laser temperature.
We also set the crystal temperature control in order to produce green light. The best value was found to be about 6.740 kOhm, but a further optimization will be done once the cavity is locked. The green light produced was transmitted by the dichroic after the cavity and observed with a camera.
We set the PID gains of the temperature controller to the same values of those used for SHG and the control seems to work fine.