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NaokiAritomi - 13:48, Wednesday 27 February 2019 (1237)Get code to link to this report
Recovery of squeezing

[Aritomi, Eleonora, Matteo]

First we checked if the alignment of AMC changes or not from yesterday. For LO, peak is 8.16V and mismatch is 31.2mV+4mV. Alignment got worse from yesterday a bit and it was horizontal misalignment (31.2mV). The mode matching was 99.6%. After alignment, horizontal misalignment became from 31.2mV to 2.4mV. The mode matching is 99.9%.

For BAB, first we maximized OPO transmission of BAB by changing p pol PLL locking frequency. P pol PLL frequency where OPO transmission of BAB is maxmized is 288MHz without green.

Then we injected green and maximized parametric amplification by changing p pol PLL locking frequency. P pol PLL frequency where parametric amplification is maxmized is 174 MHz with 48mW green.

Estimation of parametric gain
Maximum is 6.66V and minimum is 80mV with 48mW green and 308mV without green. So parametric gain is 6.66/0/308 = 21.6, which is consistent with the measurement before. 
Estimation of parametric gain
Maximum is 6.66V and minimum is 80mV with 48mW green and 308mV without green. So parametric gain is 6.66/0.308 = 21.6, which is consistent with the measurement before.
For alignment of BAB inside AMC, peak is 240mV and mismatch is 11mV+4mV. The mode match is 94.1%.
Then we measured visibility. Maximum is 8.24V and minimum is 3.84V, which means the visibility is 0.364. Since power of LO is 594uW and BAB is 24uW, expected visibility is 0.386. The mode matching estimated from visibility is 36.4/38.6 = 94%, which is reasonable.
Finally we recovered the squeezing. First attached picture shows shot noise and second attached picture shows squeezing. At 200kHz, squeezing is ~2dB and anti-squeezing is ~11dB.
We'll lock CC and measure squeezing.
First we checked if the alignment of AMC changes or not from yesterday.
For LO, peak is 8.16V and mismatch is 31.2mV+4mV. Alignment got worse from yesterday a bit and it was horizontal misalignment (31.2mV). The mode matching was 99.6%. After alignment, horizontal misalignment became from 31.2mV to 2.4mV. The mode matching is 99.9%.First we checked if the alignment of AMC changes or not from yesterday.
For LO, peak is 8.16V and mismatch is 31.2mV+4mV. Alignment got worse from yesterday a bit and it was horizontal misalignment (31.2mV). The mode matching was 99.6%. After alignment, horizontal misalignment became from 31.2mV to 2.4mV. The mode matching is 99.9%.First we checked if the alignment of AMC changes or not from yesterday.
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 19:56, Monday 25 February 2019 (1236)Get code to link to this report
IRMC filter

gain 2, 20 dB attenuation, 30 Hz  lowpass

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NaokiAritomi - 19:51, Monday 25 February 2019 (1235)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of AMC

[Aritomi, Eleonora, Matteo]

First we checked alignment of LO inside AMC. The alignment was very very bad and we couldn't find any resonance. So we decided to remove a front mirror of AMC and aligned from the scratch. While we were doing alignment, we found that a mirror just in front of AMC was loose. That's why we sometimes lost alignment of AMC suddenly. After we fixed it and aligned AMC, we recovered the alignment of LO inside AMC.

For LO, peak is 8.16V and mismatching is 5.6mV+4.8mV+3.2mV. The mode matching is 99.8%.

For BAB, we moved a lens in s pol OPO trans path to improve mode matching. The lens position was 89.5 mm before and now it's 99 mm. Peak is 232mV and mismatch is 9.2mV. The mode matching is 96.2%.

We'll check if the alignment keeps fine or not tomorrow.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 10:54, Monday 25 February 2019 (1234)Get code to link to this report
More work on KAGRA DGS installation

[Miyakawa-san, Matteo, Eleonora]

Yesterday, in the afternoon, Miyakawa-san came to NAOJ to finalize the installation of KAGRA DGS. 

1) He set up the router to make possible to access the computer from outside. Actually, we couldn't select a fix IP address for the moment so in case the assigned (DHCP) address changes we shoud use the new one for the remote access. The current one is

2) We powered the DAC, AI and AA modules with  +/-18 V. The total current needed for the 3 moduels is about 1.2 A so we had to use two power supplies.

4) We connected the AI and AA modules to DAC and ADC with Dsub9 cables I borrow in Kamioka last week. 

3) We created a test simulink model and started to do basic tests on ADC and DAC channes. No major problems have been found so far.

Tests will continue in the next days.

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NaokiAritomi - 17:09, Saturday 23 February 2019 (1233)Get code to link to this report
Preparation for remote access

[Aritomi, Miyakawa, Oshino (remotely)]

Currently IP address of a computer and a router is obtained by DHCP, so first we have to fix an IP address. To change the network setting of a computer, we edited /etc/network/interfaces, but we can't fix an IP address so far. Miyakawa-san will take over this Sunday.

we can't fix an IP address for now. Miyakawa-san will take over this Sunday.
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 03:03, Friday 22 February 2019 (1232)Get code to link to this report
ND filter was placed in front of OPO

Participant: Aritomi, Matteo, and Yuhang

We put two ND filters between the last steering mirror before OPO and the last lens before OPO. They are OD0.1 and OD 0.4. So it gives 10^-0.5 = 0.316 factor to both p-pol and coherent control beam.

The reason is to reduce the noise of coherent control OPO transmission coupled into the homodyne detector.

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YuhangZhao - 02:52, Friday 22 February 2019 (1231)Get code to link to this report
Coherent control basically achieved

Participant: Marco and Yuhang

After lock coherent control PLL with a 7MHz frequency offset with the main laser, we tried to demodulate the OPO reflection signal with 14MHz. And the OPO transmission is going to the homodyne detector. Then there is demodulation of 7MHz(7MHz local oscillator was connected). 

After the demodulation of each signal, we make them go through the filter separately. And then goes to the green phase shifter and the infrared phase shifter separately. After close these two loops, we can basically lock them.

We scanned the green and infrared phase. The error signal for the green phase is around 70mV p-p while 700mV p-p for IR(green power now is 50mW). This may be the reason why we can lock the IR phase much better.

I measured the optical-mechanical transfer function of green phase part. It shows wired behavior. However, we checked together and the measurement strategy looks reasonable. The result is shown in the attached picture and should be further investigated.

Locking condition, for now
green phase Low pass 3Hz Gain 100
IR phase Low pass 1Hz Gain 50
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YuhangZhao - 02:29, Friday 22 February 2019 (1230)Get code to link to this report
Better lock of coherent control PLL

Participant: Marco and Yuhang

Since the locking of coherent control PLL plays a very important role in getting a coherent control error signal. When we want to perform coherent control, we suffered a lot from the bad locking condition.

Then we start to consider why we cannot lock coherent control PLL. At some point, we realize, even we used an attenuator to reduce minor peaks. But the PLL system still tries to bring it to these minor peaks. So we decide to remove the attenuator. Now the situation is that the beat note comes from fiber PD and then has an amplification of 18dB.

In this case, we can lock coherent control PLL much better. The locking scheme(named as PLL_CC20190221) is saved in the default folder of all the PLL settings. And the parameters are listed in the attached figure.

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YuhangZhao - 00:47, Thursday 21 February 2019 (1229)Get code to link to this report
Change locking scheme of coherent control PLL

From the datasheet of ADF4002 (page 3), there is REFIN input frequency limit from 20MHz to 300MHz. However, we used to send a 7MHz reference signal into REFIN. So in this case, it seems the old locking scheme of coherent control PLL can be improved.

So we decide to use 21MHz REFIN and divide it by 3. This 3 is the value of R.

Today we tried this new locking scheme. However, it still didn't work.

What we observed was PLL locked on the beat note while it goes away easily(Can we put an integrator?). By turning on slow, it can go back to locking point. But there is always overshot(still high gain?).

However, sometimes, we can lock it successfully. So it seems the shape of the locking filters should be improved. Now it works like a not optimized control loop. Maybe we should measure the open loop transfer function of it?

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 23:19, Wednesday 20 February 2019 (1227)Get code to link to this report
Chanels exchange of amplification board, better coherent control error signal

Since we want a reasonably large coherent control error signal. We exchange 'Demod CC' amplification channel with 'EOM SHG+IRMC' channel.

Reason: SHG EOM channel has an amplification factor of 20dB but we are using a 12dB attenuator to reduce sideband amplitude. This means 8dB of amplification is enough.

               While CC DEMOD channel had amplification of 14dB. Actually, the more the better. So we decide to exchange it with SHG EOM channel.

After the exchange, we put 6dB attenuator for SHG EOM.

In practice, we could use the AOM channel which has a 37dB amplification. However, I tested it and the AOM channel seems broken.

In the end, the coherent control error signal becomes around 60mV peak to peak.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 23:18, Wednesday 20 February 2019 (1228)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of homodyne
[Aritomi, Yuhang]
First, filter gain for IRMC was too high, so we changed it as follows.
Filter: gain 5, 20dB attenuator, 30 Hz lowpass
Then we replaced a flipping mirror which has a long micrometer with a new magnetic flipping mirror as shown in a first attached picture.
Alignment of LO to AMC somehow became worse, so we aligned it again. Main peak was 8.08V and mismatching peak was 3.6mV and 2.4mV. Mode matching is 8.08/(8.08+0.0036+0.0024) = 99.9%.
For alignment of CC to AMC, it has two mismatching peaks like second attached picture and they should be mode mismatch. Main peak was 83.2mV and two mismatching peak was 4.8mV, modemathing is 83.2/(83.2+0.48*2) = 89.7%.
Then we aligned flipping mirror before homodyne. Output of each homodyne PD is
PD 1: 4.85 V PD 2: -5.05 V
The unbalance is 0.2/5.05 = 4%. That's more or less same as before.
Finally we did a quick check of shot noise and squeezing. Shot noise of homodyne seems fine, but we couldn't see any squeezing. Tomorrow we'll check more detail.
The unbalance is 0.2/5.05 = 4%. Than's more or less same as before.
The unbalance is 0.2/5.05 = 4%. Than's more or less same as before.
Then We aligned flipping mirror before homodyne.
Output of each homodyne PD is
PD 1: 4.85V PD 2: -5.05V
The unbalance is 0.2/5.05 = 4%. Than's more or less same as before.
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 16:21, Wednesday 20 February 2019 (1226)Get code to link to this report
Crystalline coating calibration with HeNe proxy preparation

In order to have the HeNe with the same size as the pump, we want to add 2 lenses between the last 2 mirrors of the HeNe path before the sample.
Attach a picture with the distances from the sample and the screenshot of the Jammat simulation to find the focal lengths of the 2 lenses.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcoBazzan - 14:37, Wednesday 20 February 2019 (1224)Get code to link to this report
Sapphire sample S6 maps

using the calibration reported in entry 1221 we did 2 rectangular perpendicular maps (xz and yz) of the sample S6

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 22:10, Tuesday 19 February 2019 (1223)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of AMC
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Marco, Matteo]
First we swapped PDs for IRMC reflection and OPO reflection because the PD for IRMC had better responsivity and should be good to get error signal of coherent control. PDs we have now are shown in attached pictures.
With that PD, we locked IRMC. Filter parameter is
Filter: gain 1, 30Hz lowpass, no attenuation
Then we aligned LO to AMC again. The peak height was 8.24 V and mismatch peak was 16 mV, which means mode matching is 8.24/(8.24+0.016) = 99.8%.
Since we don't have BAB now, we used CC for alignment to AMC. We locked CC PLL at 7 MHz and p pol PLL at 207 MHz as usual and aligned CC to AMC. The peak height was 80.8 mV and mismatching peak was 5.4 mV, which means mode matching is 80.8/(80.8+5.4) = 93.7%. This value is almost same as before.
Then we replaced the flipping mirror before homodyne. Attached picture shows new magnetic flipping mirror. Alignment of this mirror is not done yet.
Next step:
-first, replace the flipping mirror which has a long micrometer and align CC to AMC again
-align flipping mirror before homodyne
-check shot noise and squeezing again
-check homodyne RF signal and get error signal for phase locking of CC and LO
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 23:53, Monday 18 February 2019 (1222)Get code to link to this report
Error signal of coherent control
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Matteo]
Since we found that parametric gain is not as high as before, we measured parametric gain again changing OPO temperature and green power. First attached figure shows the result. The optimal temperature of OPO is not 7.05 kOhm anymore, but it's around 7.16 kOhm. The reason why optimal OPO temperature changed is not identified yet, but temperature change in clean room could be one reason.
Second attached figure shows parametric gain with optimal OPO temperature. OPO threshold is now 79.52 +- 0.59 mW. It's reasonable.
With green power of 51 mW and OPO temperature of 7.16 kOhm, we made BAB and p pol overlapped inside OPO. P pol beat note was 208 MHz. The laser setting is as follows.
  Current (A) Temperature (deg)
CC 1.183 38.16
P pol 1.338 32.5
Then we found a problem that we couldn't lock p pol PLL at 208 MHz with PLL setting of reference frequency 104 MHz and divider 2 (104*2=208 MHz). However, when we changed the reference frequency 69 MHz and divider 3 (69*3= 207 MHz), we can lock PLL at 207 MHz.
The reason is to be investigated.
Then we found a problem that we couldn't lock p pol PLL at 208 MHz with PLL setting of reference frequency 104 MHz and divider 2 (104*2=208 MHz). However, when we changed the reference frequency to 69 MHz and divider to 3 (69*3= 207 MHz), we can lock PLL at 207 MHz. The reason is to be investigated.
After we demodulated reflection of OPO with 14 MHz, we got the error signal for phase locking of green and CC as shown in last attached picture. Modulation of green phase was 100 Hz, 4 Vpp.
Then we found a problem that we couldn't lock p pol PLL at 208 MHz with PLL setting of reference frequency 104 MHz and divider 2 (104*2=208 MHz). However, when we changed the reference frequency 69 MHz and divider 3 (69*3= 207 MHz), we can lock PLL at 207 MHz.
The reason is to be investigated.
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcoBazzan - 20:01, Monday 18 February 2019 (1221)Get code to link to this report
Sapphire Namiki N1 check + Shinkosha S1 - 6 check
Members: Marco Bazzan, Manuel Marchio

After the sample N1 was mounted, a set of measurements was performed, with a pump power of 10.6 W on the sample.

We found that a parasitic reflection from the red probe is propagating back towards the IR line. We fixed the problem by slightly moving the diaphragm in front of the chopper. This does not affect the power measured by the power meter

Calibration with reference sample.
Position of the detection stage: 70 mm
Pump power: 34 mW * sqrt(0.55) = 0.02521 W
Probe Beam alignment: DC probe maximized at 4.85 V
AC signal at scan center = 0.08 V
Z stage alignment: surface peak maximum at Z =38.85

R = AC/DC/Abs/P = 0.63

Sample N1
DC level 4.92 V

P = 10 W (current = 7.5 A)
Power transmitted 9 W
Power incident 10.54W

Previous results confirmed (Fig 1). All OK.

Sample S1 mounted.
Transmitted power = 9 W
Preliminary absorption estimate:
AC/DC/P/sqrt(0.85)/R*3.34= 0.00175/4.25/10/sqrt(0.85)/0.63*3.34 = 237 ppm/cm
but DC was not maximized... to be done again
Figure 2

Sample S2 Mounted
Transmitted power = 9 W
Preliminary absorption estimate:
AC/DC/P/sqrt(0.85)/R*3.34= 0.001/4.95/10/sqrt(0.85)/0.63*3.34 = 116 ppm/cm
Figure 3

Sample S3 Mounted
Transmitted power = 9 W
Preliminary absorption estimate:
AC/DC/P/sqrt(0.85)/R*3.34= 47 - 163 ppm/cm
Figure 4

Sample S4 Mounted
Transmitted power = 9 W
Preliminary absorption estimate:
AC/DC/P/sqrt(0.85)/R*3.34= 81 - 406 ppm/cm
Figure 5

Sample S5 Mounted
Transmitted power = 9 W
Preliminary absorption estimate:
AC/DC/P/sqrt(0.85)/R*3.34= 115 - 287 ppm/cm
Figure 6

Sample S6 Mounted
Transmitted power = 9 W
Preliminary absorption estimate:
AC/DC/P/sqrt(0.85)/R*3.34= 80 ppm/cm
Figure 7
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcoBazzan - 16:55, Monday 18 February 2019 (1220)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Sapphire Namiki 1inch x 20mm (Click here to view original report: 1201)
After this measurements, the power was rised to 10.6 W on the sample and a set of measurements wee performed (scan XZ, YZ, XY top, XY bottom).

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MatteoLeonardi - 10:29, Monday 18 February 2019 (1218)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Searching for coherent control error signal (Click here to view original report: 1216)
What is the green pump power used to obtain Fig.1?
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 23:47, Sunday 17 February 2019 (1217)Get code to link to this report
Replacement of OPO reflection s-pol PD

Participant: Marco and Yuhang

Since we suspected the OPO reflection signal may be too much and saturate PD. We decided to use TAMA PD. Because:

1. It separates DC and AC. So there is less probability of saturation.

2. TAMA PD amplifies signal around 15MHz. We can see that it also amplifies 14MHz quite a lot from the attached figure.

However, even after replacement, we cannot see useful information from OPO reflection. And even after reflection demodulation, we cannot see.

Anyway, we can check more things to confirm.

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YuhangZhao - 23:36, Sunday 17 February 2019 (1216)Get code to link to this report
Searching for coherent control error signal

Participant: Marco, Aritomi, and Yuhang

1. We replaced the OPO transmission PD by PDA10CS. The new PD has a bandwidth of 17MHz so that we can see the oscillation of coherent control error signal(should be 14MHz).

2. Then we brought back BAB and aligned it with OPO scanning and green phase scanning. Here the green phase scanning with 1kHz and 2Vp-p. This parametric amplification effect is not obvious when the modulation magnitude around 1Vp-p. However, we see many fringes within 1ms. This means 2 Vp-p corresponds to the scanning depth is more than 1 period. See attached figure 1.

We also make BAB and p-pol peak overlap when we scanning OPO. We wrote down the p-pol PLL frequency shift. It is 30.5MHz. In this case, green power is 51mW. OPO temperature is 7.03kOm. In principle, this frequency difference will be always like this if we keep green power and OPO temperature. Then we lock p-pol PLL.

3. Then we replace BAB with coherent control beam. Lock PLL with 7MHz. As soon as we did that, we found a phenomenon in the attached picture 2. It seems there is a very clear oscillation at high frequency. After we lock OPO and we look into the detail of this oscillation. We found this oscillation is around 14MHz. See attached picture 3. It seems the coherent control signal we are looking for. However, we found a not understandable error signal after we did the demodulation. Because we found the error signal didn't change oscillation frequency after we changed the green phase scanning frequency. So further investigation needs to be done.

4. We didn't see any useful information from OPO reflection.

We have noticed the nonlinear effect became worse for the second time of CC error signal checking. This proofs that we should consider more about how to apply coherent control.

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Comments related to this report
MatteoLeonardi - 10:29, Monday 18 February 2019 (1218)
What is the green pump power used to obtain Fig.1?