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YuhangZhao - 22:23, Sunday 17 February 2019 (1215)Get code to link to this report
Sudden move of coherent control laser's steering mirror

Participant: Marco and Yuhang

We found a sudden movement of the mirror while we were doing the experiment. We think two mirrors are suspicious, which are used for coherent control laser alignment. Because the alignment of p-pol didn't change, we think the guess above is reasonable.

The suspicious mirrors are marked with black circles in the attachment. Next time, we should try to recover alignment by moving only one mirror. So that we can know which one is causing the problem and replace it.

The fork is properly fixed.

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YuhangZhao - 12:15, Friday 15 February 2019 (1214)Get code to link to this report
accident change of OPO temperature

We tried to make s PLL working for 7MHz. At the same time, make p and s co-resonant. Then shift 7MHz of p. This is the procedure to lock PLL.

However, we found a good setting for that procedure brought us mode-hooping of p.

In the end, we found the temperature of OPO was changed accidentally from 7.05 to 7.9. After we brought back the temperature, we can lock PLL for coherent control without mode-hooping.

Next step is to check coherent control error signal. However, the reflection power drop for resonance is still not visible up to now.

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NaokiAritomi - 16:52, Thursday 14 February 2019 (1213)Get code to link to this report
Optimal laser temperature region

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Marco]

We found optimal temperature region which doesn't have mode hopping for three lasers and has beat note with 7 MHz for ML-CC PLL and below 400 MHz for ML-p pol PLL and overlapping of CC and p pol inside OPO.

  Current (A) Temperature (deg)
Main Laser 1.834 23.12
CC  1.183 38.18
P pol 1.338 32.43

P pol beat note when CC and p pol is overlapping inside OPO is 69.8 MHz without green.

With green power of 68 mW, p pol overlapping beat note is around 7 MHz. The laser setting is as follows.

  Current (A) Temperature (deg)
Main Laser 1.834 23.12
CC  1.183 38.1
P pol  1.338 32.41

We have to lock p pol at p pol beat frequency +- 7 MHz, so p pol beat note around 7 MHz is not good. To change the p pol beat frequency, we changed OPO temperature from 7.05 kOhm to 7.02 kOhm. The p pol beat frequency became 56 MHz.

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NaokiAritomi - 00:04, Thursday 14 February 2019 (1212)Get code to link to this report
Mode hopping region
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Marco, Matteo]
We checked mode hopping region of Main laser, Auxiliary laser 1 and Auxiliary laser 2.
Main laser (Current = 1.834 A, unit is degree Celsius)
22.2 - 22.3
25.2 - 25.6
28.6 - 29
31.9 - 32.3
35.2 - 35.6
38.3 - 38.7
41.2 - 41.6
Auxiliary laser 1 (Current = 1.183 A)
33.7 - 34.6
36.9 - 37.7
39.8 - 40.9
42.7 - 43.9 
Auxiliary laser 2 (current = 1.338 A)
33.2 - 34.6
36.4 - 37.7
39.5 - 40.8
We'll check the rest of mode hopping region of CC laser and p pol laser tomorrow.
We have to find the optimal temperature region which doesn't have mode hopping for three lasers and has beat note with 7 MHz for ML-CC PLL and below 400 MHz for ML-p pol PLL and overlapping of s pol and p pol inside OPO.
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NaokiAritomi - 23:57, Wednesday 13 February 2019 (1211)Get code to link to this report
Locking of ML-CC PLL with both fast and slow loop at 7 MHz
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Marco, Matteo]
We succeeded in locking ML-CC PLL with both fast and slow loop at 7 MHz. First attached picture shows spectrum of locked beat note. It's very stable with slow loop.
Note that an integrator for slow loop must be turned on a few seconds before slow loop is turned on.
Reduction of EOM sideband for SHG and IRMC
We found that EOM sideband for SHG and IRMC (15.2 MHz) could be a problem for locking PLL at 7 MHz since lower sideband of 7 MHz beat note appears at 15.2-7 = 8.2 MHz, which is close to 7 MHz. So we reduced EOM sideband for SHG and IRMC by adding 12 dB attenuator to 20.8 dB RF amplifier, which corresponds to 20.8-12=8.8 dB amplification for sideband.
We also checked  the sidebands without sideband amplification (0 dB). Second, third and fourth attached pictures show beat note at 30 MHz and its sidebands at 14.8 MHz and 45.2 MHz when sideband amplification is 20.8 dB, 8.8 dB, 0 dB. Amplitude of beat note and sidebands are as follows.

It's very stable with slow loop.
First attached picture shows spectrum of locked beat note. 
Note that an integrator for slow loop must be turned on a few seconds before slow loop is turned on.
sideband amplification
    20.8 dB
     8.8 dB
     0 dB
beat note
   -38 dBm
   -38 dBm
   -38 dBm
lower sideband
   -45 dBm
   -52 dBm
   -66 dBm
upper sideband
   -55 dBm
   -60 dBm

We can lock SHG with both 8.8 dB and 0 dB amplification, but SHG locking is not good for 0 dB amplification. So we decided to use 8.8 dB amplification.

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NaokiAritomi - 16:43, Wednesday 13 February 2019 (1210)Get code to link to this report
Fiber BS for each PLL

p pol and main laser: PN1064R5F2

s pol and main laser: TN1064R5F2A

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NaokiAritomi - 18:36, Tuesday 12 February 2019 (1209)Get code to link to this report
Setting for locking ML-CC PLL at 7 MHz
[Aritomi, Eleonora, Yuhang, Marco, Matteo]
Laser setting
ML: 1.833 A, 24.18 deg
CC: 1.185 A, 39.08 deg
PLL setting
charge pump 1: 0.625 mA
Sign: Positive
Frequency of beat note is higher than 7 MHz.
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YuhangZhao - 19:51, Friday 08 February 2019 (1208)Get code to link to this report
s-pol mismatching solved

Participant: Eleonora and Yuhang

As we said during the last filter cavity meeting, the matching of s-pol inside OPO is becoming worse. Today we checked again and found something different. Especially we checked the shape of the first higher order mode. And another important effect is the higher order mode becomes higher after moving screws for yaw. All of these prove that the higher order mode is because of yaw misalignment.

Then we aligned s-pol and also p-pol. The alignment condition is taken as a photo and attached. The first one is for s-pol and the second one for p-pol.

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NaokiAritomi - 19:38, Wednesday 06 February 2019 (1207)Get code to link to this report
Locking both p pol PLL and CC PLL
[Aritomi, Eleonora, Yuhang, Matteo]
We finally succeeded in locking both p pol PLL and CC PLL.
The reason why we couldn't lock PLL so far was that some SMA cables were broken. 
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YuhangZhao - 18:58, Wednesday 06 February 2019 (1206)Get code to link to this report
Cables we need

0.5 m LEMO-SMA x 2

2 m SMA-SMA x 2

5 m LEMO-SMA x 2

Please check the cable before you use it !

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YuhangZhao - 17:20, Wednesday 06 February 2019 (1205)Get code to link to this report
Test of PLL servo box

Since we found that we cannot lock PLL, I did the test of PLL by sending signal inside and checking output signal.

The PLL servo box contains

Input local oscillator, beat note
output fast control, slow control, mux
function filter, integrator(switchable)

(Before doing test, we succeed in connecting computer and servo. We also succeeded in writing a desirable command to servo.)


Input signal:

1.Beat note: (1) 20MHz Sine wave with 100Hz frequency modulation, deviation of 1MHz. (2)20MHz Sine wave with 100Hz frequency modulation, deviation of 1kHz. (see attached figure 1 and 2)

2. Local oscillator: 20MHz from DDS board.


The purpose of using these two signals is to check how PLL acts when we have a "beat note" signal deviating from local oscillator. The result is as following:

1. Close the fast control loop. Sending beat note (1) and local oscillator. We check on oscilloscope and found it almost give just an offset of 10V. If we look at the AC of this signal, there is something(20mV) and the frequency is 100Hz. So it is sensing the difference between LO and BEAT.(see attached figure 3 and 4)

2. Open the fast control loop. Others are the same with rsult 1. We found almost nothing. So this means the small AC signal we get is because of the comparison of LO and BEAT.

3. We also tried to reduce the deviation. Close the loop and send beat note (2) and local oscillator. Then we got an AC signal without a clear frequency.


Conclusion: The PLL board has a problem. Actually we did the same test when Chienming was here. At that time, the signal we get from output channel is quite large.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 17:03, Tuesday 05 February 2019 (1203)Get code to link to this report
Floor repaired in TAMA circuit prefab

Last Monday, the damaged part of the floor of TAMA circuit prefab (a.k.a elecshop) has been repaired.

In order to allow for the floor replacement we moved away everything in the interested area and we took the chance to do some cleaning.

We will put everything back in the next days and possibly tidy up a bit.

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YuhangZhao - 11:46, Tuesday 05 February 2019 (1202)Get code to link to this report
PLL lock input signal magnitude measurement

local oscillator amplitude 16dBm(DDS3 CH0)

beat note amplitude (p pol-main laser before amplification) is -7dBm

beat note amplitude (s pol-main laser before amplification) is -10dBm

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcoBazzan - 19:54, Monday 04 February 2019 (1201)Get code to link to this report
Sapphire Namiki 1inch x 20mm
Members: Marco Bazzan, Manuel

We aligned the red probe with the surface reference sample.
Then we calibrated the bulk absorption.
Ac= 0.1V; DC=4.75V. T_ref=55%
R=0.1/4.75/0.032/sqrt(0.55)/1.04=0.85 cm/W

at 17:45 - Mounted the Namiki sapphire sample
Imaging unit position corrected for sample thickness by Delta_z = 8.6 mm
Rised the power to 1 W by rotating the IPC HWP

Although noisy, we can observe an absorption profile by scanning the sample along z (see first screenshot). The profile is confirmed by flipping the sample (see second screenshot).

AC max = 250uV
Max absorption level estimate:

250/5/1/sqrt(0.86)/R*3.34 = 212 ppm/cm

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Comments related to this report
MarcoBazzan - 16:55, Monday 18 February 2019 (1220)
After this measurements, the power was rised to 10.6 W on the sample and a set of measurements wee performed (scan XZ, YZ, XY top, XY bottom).

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NaokiAritomi - 18:44, Monday 04 February 2019 (1200)Get code to link to this report
PLL fiber coupling
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Marco]
Here is the summary of PLL fiber coupling now.
ML-AUX1: 3 mW → 500 uW, coupling: 0.5*2/3 = 33%
ML-AUX2: 3.6 mW → 560uW, coupling: 0.56*2/3.6 = 31%
CC: 4 mW → 600 uW, coupling: 0.6*2/4 = 30%
p pol: 4.7 mW → 1.3 mW, coupling: 1.3*2/4.7= 55%
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NaokiAritomi - 23:20, Friday 01 February 2019 (1199)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of fiber for PLL and fiber fluctuation
[Aritomi, Yuhang]
Today while working on coherent control PLL, the mirror for ML PLL shown in an attached figure moved because the clamp for this mirror was actually loose.
So we have to re-align the fibers for ML PLL.
Today we aligned only ML-p pol fiber. The result is as follows.
Before fiber: 3.7 mW
After fiber and fiber BS: 550 uW 
Fiber coupling: 0.55*2/3.7 = 30%
We'll align ML-CC fiber next week.
We also found that the output of the fiber for ML-CC PLL fluctuates a lot.
We'll investigate the reason of this fluctuation.
Today while working on coherent control PLL, the mirror for ML PLL shown in an attached figure moved because the clamp for this mirror was actually loose.
So we have to re-align the fibers for ML PLL.
Today we aligned only ML-p pol fiber. The result is as follows.
Before fiber: 3.7 mW
After fiber and fiber BS: 550 uW 
So the fiber coupling for ML-p pol is 0.55*2/3.7 = 30%.
We'll align ML-CC fiber next week.
We also found that the output of the fiber for ML-CC PLL fluctuates a lot.
We'll investigate the reason of this fluctuation.
Today while working on coherent control PLL, the mirror for ML PLL shown in an attached figure moved because the clamp for this mirror was actually loose.
So we have to re-align the fibers for ML PLL.
Today we aligned only ML-p pol fiber. The result is as follows.
Before fiber: 3.7 mW
After fiber and fiber BS: 550 uW 
So the fiber coupling for ML-p pol is 0.55*2/3.7 = 30%.
We'll align ML-CC fiber next week.
We also found that the output of the fiber for ML-CC PLL fluctuates a lot.
We'll investigate the reason of this fluctuation.
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YuhangZhao - 18:11, Friday 01 February 2019 (1198)Get code to link to this report
Replace of fiber splitter

We found the fiber for ppol-mainlaser PLL (FC1064-50B-FC) was broken. We replaced it by a new one (PN1064R5F2).

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NaokiAritomi - 10:52, Tuesday 29 January 2019 (1197)Get code to link to this report
Locking procedure of coherent control
[Aritomi, Yuhang, Matteo]
1. lock ML and cc with 7 MHz
2. make resonant frequency of p pol and cc overlap inside OPO
3. measure the beat note between ML and p pol (assume f MHz)
4. lock ML and p pol with f +/- 7 MHz
5. lock OPO with p pol
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NaokiAritomi - 10:41, Tuesday 29 January 2019 (1196)Get code to link to this report
Original position of flipping mirror for Bright Alignment Beam

Attached picture shows micrometer of  flipping mirror for BAB when BAB is aligned to OPO.

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NaokiAritomi - 19:06, Monday 28 January 2019 (1195)Get code to link to this report
Fiber coupling for coherent control PLL

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Matteo]

Before fiber collimator: 4mW
After fiber collimator and fiber BS: 0.5mW
So the fiber coupling for coherent control is 0.5*2/4 = 25%