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MarcoVardaro - 13:45, Tuesday 26 June 2018 (847)Get code to link to this report
Development of the PLL final board and loop characterization (AUX2 Slave - AUX1 Master)

Partecipants: Marco, Matteo


In addition to the ADF4002 phase frequency detector evaluation board we design an external board to perform both the fast loop that acts on the Laser PZT and the slow loop that acts on the Laser PLT.

Description of the external circuit

Attached:  Fig 'boardblockscheme.png' shows the block scheme of the board and Fig '8.pdf' is the board electrical scheme.

The board mounts the loop filter (see entry 837 ) and  6 Op-Amps:

Loop Filter

C1 = 33nF, C2=680nF, R=27 Ω

Fast loop (PZT) input loop filer output

- IC1 is a 2x  non-inverting amplifier (with the aim to amplify the correction signal from 0-5V to 0-10V)

- IC2 is an active notch filter with center frequency 270kHz. Fig 'pllnotchcharacterzation.pdf' represents the notch filter magnitude transfer function.

Slow loop (PLT) input loop filter outout

- IC3 is a difference amplifier in order to center arond zero V the loop filter output. The 2.5V offset can be tuned from 2V to 3V acting on a trimmer,

- IC4 is an integrator with a zero around 2Hz

- IC5 is a variable gain non iverting amplifier (gain from 1/2 to 1/5000)

- IC6 is an inverter to change the slow loop sign


Loop performances

We lock both the loop on PLT and PZT and measure the loop performances. The PLL servo loop was closed acting on AUX2 laser as slave laser.

Concerning the long term stability the PLL remains locked between Friday evening and Monday morning.

Concerning the loop phase noise I measured the PLL output phase noise between 100Hz and 102.k kHz with different charge pump gain. The used gain, the rms phase noise and the approximative loop bandwidth are reported in the following table:

CP Gain [mA] r.m.s phase noise [mrad] Approx. loop bandwidth [kHz]
1.875 8.67 30
2.5 7.78 36
3.125 6.56 38
3.75 5.13 43
4.375 4.53 49
5 3.96 53

Fig. 'phasenoisevsgain.pdf' shows the ouptput phase noise in the different configurations of the table above.

Fig 'phaenoisecp5mA.pdf' shows the phase noise and its cumulative rms value of the final configuration CP Gain = 5mA.

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YuhangZhao - 13:43, Tuesday 26 June 2018 (852)Get code to link to this report
Telescope for main laser pick off

Considering the space we have, we designed the telescope for main laser pick off.

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YuhangZhao - 17:18, Monday 25 June 2018 (845)Get code to link to this report
Pick off a part of light from infrared path from main laser

Participant: Eleonora and Yuhang.

For the locking of main laser with two auxiliary lasers, we need to use part of mian laser.

So we used a 70:30 BS, which is now put after the first BS 25cm. The transmission is 21mW and reflection is 11mW. After put it, we aligned the two steering mirrors so that we can have infrared beam aligned in the filter cavity.

After locking the filter cavity, we can have infrared transmission as 900mV.

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YuhangZhao - 10:40, Thursday 21 June 2018 (842)Get code to link to this report
Test lock of Mach-Zehnder by using mode cleaner transmission

The sequence is like this: 1. Mach-Zehnder  2. green mode cleaner 3. OPO

For the purpose of offering a stable light for OPO, we decided to use the transmission of mode cleaner as a feedback signal. Then take this signal to Mach-Zehnder to control MZ's PZT.

We put a beam splitter to get this feedback signal. The transmission is used for feedback. The reflection is used for OPO. The ratio between them is 99.2:0.8 (reflection:7.7mW and transmission:67uW)

The signal we get from transmiaaion photo detector is around 20mV(read from oscilloscope).

The procedure I did:

Firstly, I use SR560 lock green mode cleaner.

Secondly, I make sure the loop for MZ is fine.(check signal is going to control board, move the offset to make error signal close to zero, turn on lock switch, turn on intergrator)

Thirdly, I moved the offset of MZ control, I could see the mode cleaner transmission changed with my adjust.

The noise spectrum is attached.

However, the duration of lock is not good. I tried only once. It is around 10minutes.

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Yuhang, Marco - 15:31, Wednesday 20 June 2018 (841)Get code to link to this report
characterization of minicircuits power splitter

Characterization of the minicircuits ZFRSC-4-842-S+ (one to four splitter)

The characterization frequency is 500MHz. (wenzel output)

power splitter Input: 3.07dBm

power splitter output: (1) -4.77dBm (2) -5.10dBm (3) -4.27dBm (4)-4.43dBm

This means we loss around 8dB.

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MarcoVardaro - 00:15, Wednesday 20 June 2018 (840)Get code to link to this report
OPLL servo loop AUX2 master AUX1 slave

Partecipants: Marco, Eleonora

We repeat the same work reported in the entry 838 but this time we reverted the lasers configuration: AUX1 is the Slave laser and AUX2 is the Master laser of the OPLL. 

The circuit scheme is the same used for the other measurement, the selected loop filter was the same of the Config1: C1=680nF R1=27Ω and C2=100nF. The charge pump current was set to 3.75mA and the frequency offset was set to 20MHz.

Picture 'PLL_20MHz.jpg' shows the 20MHz beat note peak once locked. We can see the same structures of the previous configuration.

The phase noise was measured again with the demodulation technique. The mixer calibration factor is measured at 100Hz and is again Vpp=98mV.

The measured phase noise is shown in picture 'pll20mhzpn.pdf' the blue line represents the phase noise of the pll with AUX2 slave laser and the red line represents the phase noise with AUX1 as slave laser.

The rms phase noise between 120 Hz and 102.4kHz is equal to 10.04 mrad.

We try to increase the CP gain in order to decrease the phase noise but the first laser PZT resonance was excited (see fig 'pll20mhzaux2res.jpg'). A notch filter centered at f=160kHz will be added in series to the loop filter.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 20:24, Tuesday 19 June 2018 (838)Get code to link to this report
AUX1 laser PZT gain characterisation

Participants: Marco, Eleonora

We did the characterization of the AUX1 laser PZT gain with the same procedure reported in entry 830.

The attached plot shows the PZT gain as a function of the frequency from 1 kHz to 300 kHz. A forest of piezo resoances appear above 160 kHz.

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MarcoVardaro - 16:53, Tuesday 19 June 2018 (837)Get code to link to this report
OPLL servo loop between AUX1 (Master) and AUX2 (Slave)

Partecipants: Marco, Matteo, Eleonora


Description of the servo loop:

The phase detector was implemented using the ADF4002 chip of Anlog devices.

We start from an ADF4002 evaluation board modified as follows (see pag 13 of Evaluation board manual http://www.analog.com/media/cn/technical-documentation/user-guides/UG-108.pdf):

- a BNC debugging cable was soldered in the position J3

- the output of the charge pump (R1 first pin in the scheme) was connected to an external filter mounting the loop filter and a 2x inverting amplifier see 'pll_scheme.pdf'

  Config 1 Config 2
R1 27 Ω 27 Ω
C1 680 nF 1 uF
C2 100 nF 100 nF
C3 n.c. n.c 
R2 0 Ω 0 Ω
R3 10 kΩ 10 kΩ
R4 20 kΩ 20 kΩ

The evaluation board and the external board are powered with the same power supply with output set ± 12 V.

The output of the external board is connected directly to the PZT controller of the laser and it provides to it a correction signal in the range [0,-10V].

The two input of the pahse detector are the channel 4 of the DDS1 board (-8dBm at 20 MHz) and the beat note between the two lasers detected with the fiber photodiode and amplified by a factor 15 dB. (The amplified signal was splitted with a 90:10 directional coupler, the 90% of the power was sent to the ADF4002 Evaluation board whereas the 10% is used for monitor and diagnostic).

With this setup we locked the beat note between the AUX1 and AUX2 lasers at 20 MHz acting on the AUX2 PZT.


Description of the locked beat note measured with HP 8563E spectrum Analyzer

The attached picture 'pll_20MHz.jpg' shows the shape o the locked beat note, locked in the Config 1 (charge pump current 3.75 mA). The spectrum analyzer settings were SPAN 1 MHz, RBW 1 kHz, VAVG 10. From it we can see  the loop bandwidth around 30-40 kHz, the first PZT resonance peaks around 160 kHz and  some some structures around 380 kHz. 


Phase noise measurement

The phase noise is measured with the demodulation technique. Using a Minicircuit Mixer (Class +7). The mixer channels are connected as follows:

LO: Reference clock at 20 MHz (Channel 3 of the DDS board amplified to have 7dBm output)

RF: 10% of the locked beat note power

OUT: 1.9 MHz low pass filter


1. Mixer V/rad constant measurement:

The LO frequency was set to 20.0001 MHz, in order to have a difference frequency between RF and LO of 100 Hz. The Vpp of this oscillating signal was measured with the oscilloscope input impedance set to 1MΩ. We obtain Vpp= 98 mV => Mixer constant = 49 mV/rad.

2. Phase alignment.

We re-set the LO frequency at 20 MHz and we change it phase offset in order to have the mean value of the demodulated signal around 0V.

3. Phase noise measurement with Agilent 35670A signal analyzer

We connected the output of the mixer to the spectrum analyzer. We set the following parameters: Meas Type PSD, Unit: V^2/Hz, Input coupling: DC, Ground settings: Float


The attached plot pll20mhzpn.pdf' shows the measured and expected phase noise from simulation in the Configuration 1 (CP=3.7mA) and in the Configuration 2 (CP=2.5mA)

The measured RMS phase noise between 120Hz and 102.4 kHz is:

- Config 1: 7.3 mrad

- Config 2: 9.4 mrad


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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 12:05, Tuesday 19 June 2018 (836)Get code to link to this report
preparation for 1310nm laser power stabilization control loop

I checked the manual of the LD and Temperature Controller - CLD1015 
It is possible to modulate the current with an external source.
The input is a SMA connector on the rear panel of the controller.
Details on the modulation parameters are in the attached table (from the manual)

manual link: https://www.thorlabs.com/drawings/a2689db57be706ee-B083F81C-0501-84ED-9463F9E7DF4E37B5/CLD1015-Manual.pdf

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ManuelMarchio - 11:53, Tuesday 19 June 2018 (834)Get code to link to this report
1310nm probe - noise characterization

I checked the noise on the pd of the 1310nm probe laser. with and without sample. then I tried to switch off the chopper, to switch off the pump and to put the PD in the crossing point where the waist of the probe is inside the size of the detector. In all the cases the noise is around 100 uV. This means that the noise comes from the laser. So we are planning to make a power stabilization control loop on the laser.

Details and plots of the noise follow:

note that in the case of LMA sample with power=960mW, the SNR is about 1

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump on 960mW; chopper on
filename: lma15033crossing_point.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump on 34mW; chopper on
filename: lma15033crossing_point-2.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper on
filename:  lma15033crossing_point-3.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper off 
filename: lma15033crossing_point_internal1kHz.txt

with lma#15033 sample at the crossing point:
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper off
filename: lma15033crossing_point_internal380Hz.txt

no sample
laser current 300mA; OD2 filter
pump off; chopper off
filename: 1310nmno_sample_no_chopper_internal380Hz

then I move the pd to the crossing point
laser current 400mA; OD2 filter + OD3 filter 
pump off; chopper off internal380Hz
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YuhangZhao - 11:50, Tuesday 19 June 2018 (835)Get code to link to this report
Beam characterization after the first BS before the first lens

I measured the beam dimension of it.

The reference point is the first lens(after the first BS). The beam waist is 60um and position is -0.576m.

According to this result, we designed the telescope. The purpose it to get a beam collimated and approximate 2mm. The simulation is in attached picture 2.

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835_20180619045014_fit.png 835_20180621121735_telescope.png
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EleonoraCapocasa - 16:38, Monday 18 June 2018 (831)Get code to link to this report
Galvo used for Automatic Alignment in TAMA

[Raffaele, Eleonora]

We have found in Tama storage room a box containg 9 so-called galvo, used to keep the beam centered on the quadrants in TAMA automatic alignment system. (Pic 1-2-3)

We have also found the NIM modules used to drive them (Pic 4) , which take as input the DC values of the four quadrants sectors.

In the attached pdf files the functiong of the system and the scheme of the board are explained in detail.

Note that the electronic can be used both for "plus" and "cross" disposition of the quadrant sectors, as both the configurations were used for TAMA quadrants. To switch from one to the other, some jumpers need to be added/removed (PIC 5). More details can be found in the document attached.

The box (pic 3)  has been currently stored in the bottom shelf placed near TAMA IMC end chamber.

The electronic modules are on the shelf in the entrance container.

Two galvos are still installed on the TAMA injection bench and still connected to their drivers.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 19:56, Saturday 16 June 2018 (830)Get code to link to this report
AUX2 laser PZT gain characterisation

Participants: Marco, Eleonora

We have characterized the PZT gain of the laser AUX2 as function of the frequency.

The measurement has been done by monitoring (with the spectrum analyzer HP 8563Ethe width of the beating note of the two axiliary lasers, when a modulation was sent to the PZT of AUX2.

The first attached plot shows the PZT gain as a function of the frequency from 1 kHz to 170 kHz. Its value is almost constant up to100 kHz. After that, the piezo resonanaces start to appear.  We remark that the gain at low frequency is about 1.8 MHz/V while from the laser spec we expected 1 MHz/V.

As an exemple, in the second attachment is shown the enlarged beating note observed when sending to AUX2 piezo a modulation at 60 kHz. The width of the beating corresponds to twice the PZT gain at that modulation frequency.

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830_20180618063001_pzt.png 830_20180618063109_beatingmodaux260khz.png
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YuhangZhao - 18:29, Friday 15 June 2018 (827)Get code to link to this report
Test lock of green mode cleaner and the mechanical transfer function of it

Participant: Marco, Yuhang and Eleonora

During the last few days, we installed the RF photodiode for mode cleaner reflection. We achieved the lock and measured the mechanical TF.

For the power supply of RF PD, we used a T to seperate the power from CMS 100-05.

For coupling the beam into the PD, we put a 75.6mm lens before PD. In order not to saturate the PD we put a OD 2 to attenuated power. After the OD, we got power around 200uW. Now, we can get the sideband information(78MHz) and create the error signal.

The demodulation frequency(78MHz) of mode cleaner is the same with the demodulation of filter cavity. The demodulation signal(LO) is provided by DDS2 board. We also maximize the error signal by select the best phase (175 degree).

We use SR560 for a temporarily lock. We set a first order pole at 3Hz with a gain of 10. Then we measured the mechanical transfer function of green mode cleaner (cavity + piezo). It is attached as Fig 1. As expected, it is flat at low frequecy. The structures due to the piezo resonances start from about 7 kHz.

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YuhangZhao - 17:35, Friday 15 June 2018 (826)Get code to link to this report
Polarization of beam going to green-mode-cleaner

I used the PBS to check the polarization. The reflection of PBS is 12mW while the transmission is 11uW. This means the polarization is good s-polarization.

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MarcoVardaro - 16:51, Friday 15 June 2018 (824)Get code to link to this report
Swap AOM RF input amplification to the amplifier box

Partecipants: Marco, Eleonora, Yuhang

Before:  the AOM inpu RF signal was amplified by a +15dB ZHL-2 Minicircuit amplifier. Its input signal is generated by a Tecktronix AFG351 Frequency generator and its power level was set to +11 dBm

After:  we connect the RF generator output to the first channel of the amplifier box. This contains a +37dB amplifier, thus its input power level was reduced from +11 dBm to -10 dBm.

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MarcoVardaro - 16:43, Friday 15 June 2018 (823)Get code to link to this report
Swap to DDS 2 Board

participants:  Marco, Eleonora, Yuhang

- Filter cavity modulation:

Before Tektronix AFG3102 Fout=78MHz Ampl=1Vpp (Measured with HP 8563E Power 2.83dBm Fout+78.017MHz)

After DDS2 Board CH0 Fout=78MHZ Full scale output (Measured wit HP: 8563E Power after amplificator 13.6 dBm)

I put a 6 dBm SMA attenuator and I set the output at 1/2 scale after it I measure 4.6 dBm at 78.3 MHz


- Filter cavity PDH demodualtion:

Before provided by Tektronix AFG3102 Fout=78MHz Ampl=9.5 Vpp (the mixer was a class 23 Minicircuit ZAY-3)

After DDS2 board CH1 Fout = 78MHz Full scal output. I measure 6.43 dBm after the amplifier.

We replace the mixer with a Class 7 Mixer Minicrcuit ZAD-1-1+)


- GrMC reflection PDH demodulation:

Now DDS2 Board CH3 Fout=78MHz Full scale output. I measure 6.43 dBm after the amplifier.


Note that the CH2 of the DDS 2 Board is not working


Phase optimization

CH0 = 0

Ch1 = 135 deg (before was 125 deg)

CH2 = not working

CH3 = 175 deg

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MatteoLeonardi - 10:51, Friday 15 June 2018 (822)Get code to link to this report
RF amplifier box
Just to remind the amplification values of the RF amplifier box realized by Pierre Prat.

AOM channel: AMPA-B-34-20.425 -> +37dB
EOM channels: ZFL-500HLN+ -> +20dB
demod channels: ZFL-1000+ -> +13dB
PLL channels: ZFL-1000+ -> +6dB
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EleonoraCapocasa - 21:27, Wednesday 13 June 2018 (820)Get code to link to this report
IR beam realigned into the cavity

We have checked and quickly recovered the alignement of the IR beam into the filter cavity.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 17:07, Wednesday 13 June 2018 (819)Get code to link to this report
Characterization of the main laser beam for PLL

Participants: Yuhang, Eleonora

We have characterized the IR beam from the main laser transmitted by the first BS. We have measured the beam starting from the 48th hole (which is about 6 cm after the lens with f = 500 mm).

The beam is quite collimated: it has a waist of 0.67 mm ad a distance z = +2.9 m from the 48th hole. In the region around the 50th hole it has a diamiter of about  3 mm.

We plan to take a pickoff of the beam in this region and use it for the PLL. We will inject it into a fiber through a collimator. Accoring to the collimator characterization reported here, we need to prepare a collimated beam with a diameter of about 2 mm.

A possible solution for the telescope is to use two lenses with f = 75 mm and f = 50 respectively,  placed at a distance of about 12.3 cm from each other.  See in the attachement the jammt simulation.

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