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R&D (General)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 16:43, Monday 20 June 2016 (258)Get code to link to this report
gravity acceleration measurement

Aoyama-san of National Institute of Polar Research warmed up the Iodine stabilized He-Ne laser.

But they found trouble on the laser.

Now we are waiting for the warming-up run

and for the stable operation.

We will check the laser in tomorrow morning.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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ManuelMarchio - 10:45, Monday 20 June 2016 (256)Get code to link to this report
Comment to TAMA mirror installations were postponed. (Click here to view original report: 253)

I add some pictures of  tama PR and tama BS.

First picture (tamabs1.jpg) shows that three magnets are clearly absent, but regarding the bottom left one, it's not clear: maybe is still attached, or maybe it is lying in the inner plastic part of the coil.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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ManuelMarchio - 18:18, Sunday 19 June 2016 (257)Get code to link to this report
Comment to TAMA mirror installations were postponed. (Click here to view original report: 253)

I add some pictures of  tama PR and tama BS.

First picture (tamabs1.jpg) shows that three magnets are clearly absent, but regarding the bottom left one, it's not clear: maybe is still attached, or maybe it is lying in the inner plastic part of the coil.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 17:40, Friday 17 June 2016 (255)Get code to link to this report
TAMA (dummy PR) mirror installation

Tatsumi and Takahashi successfully installed the mirror into PR vacuum tank.

Also one additional optical window was installed for Optical Lever system.

Instead of that, a turbo pump was removed from the port.


ToDo list:

* In-vacuum coil actuator cables are temporary connected to the panel fixed at the suspension frame.

We should check the connection later.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 11:23, Thursday 16 June 2016 (254)Get code to link to this report
(temporary) EM2 mirror installation

We installed an old PR mirror into EM2 vacuum tank.

In-vacuum cables were salvaged from TAMA SAS.

ToDo list:

ToDo list for EM2 suspension
Coil Swage the pins to the wires.
Coil support plate Takahashi-san will look for at KAGRA
BNC connector plate at the suspension frame Takahashi-san will look for at KAGRA
In-vacuum cables for coil We need to unscrew the flange for BNC connectors.
R&D (FilterCavity)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 17:01, Wednesday 15 June 2016 (253)Get code to link to this report
TAMA mirror installations were postponed.

(1) South end room / mirror installation

Because a stand-off came off the mirror, we postponed the installation to Thursday.

(2) South end room / Coil

Tatsumi has 20 of coils with bobin.

Pin connectors should be swaged to the coil wires. Takahashi-san has a swage tool and pins.

Tatsumi will make swage works tomorrow.

The pins will be connected to BNC connectors. Tatsumi cannot find the connector.

Takahashi-san will look for at KAGRA site in next week.

Coil support plates are also not found. We hope to find these at KAGRA.

(3) PR tank at center room

Stand-off for this mirror is also troubled. We will install the mirror on Friday.

We found that one pico-motor is missing for the suspension.

Takahashi-san installed the motor today.

(4) BS mirror

We checked BS mirror with opening the vacuum tank.

We found that all of four magnets came off the mirror. 

Glueing jig for TAMA BS is at KAGRA site. Takahashi-san will send it back in next week.

And then we need the glueing and installation work.


Manuel will upload some pictures. 

Comments related to this report
ManuelMarchio - 10:45, Monday 20 June 2016 (256)

I add some pictures of  tama PR and tama BS.

First picture (tamabs1.jpg) shows that three magnets are clearly absent, but regarding the bottom left one, it's not clear: maybe is still attached, or maybe it is lying in the inner plastic part of the coil.

ManuelMarchio - 18:18, Sunday 19 June 2016 (257)

I add some pictures of  tama PR and tama BS.

First picture (tamabs1.jpg) shows that three magnets are clearly absent, but regarding the bottom left one, it's not clear: maybe is still attached, or maybe it is lying in the inner plastic part of the coil.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:43, Sunday 12 June 2016 (252)Get code to link to this report
Noise investigation

In last report, I showed that to fix tightly the samples to the board doesn't change the noise level. http://www2.nao.ac.jp/~gw-elog/osl/?r=247

I did other measurements in different conditions trying to understand where the noise comes from.
I plot the raw data AC (lockin Y vs lockin X) divided by the DC.
Plot1: Tamasize sample sit on blocks (already plotted in last report) makes more noise than the small sample, even dividing by the DC.
Plot2: Noise level (standard deviation) in two different days have a repeatability of about 10%.
Plot3: Both samples tightly fixed at the board using the new mirror mounts. Small sample makes more noise than the tamasize sample. I really dont understand this. Also the distribution for the small sample is strange, more points on the tails of the distribution.
I moved the detection unit 35mm further to check if the noise depends on the distance of the detection unit.
The detection unit is made by the focusing lens (f = 50mm), the smal reflecting sphere (f = 1.25mm) and the detector.
Plot4: at a further position the noise is less (I expected the opposite)
Plot5: without dividing by the DC the ratio between the standard deviations changes a little bit.
I placed the detection unit at an intermediate distance: 25mm further than the original position.
Plot6:Comparison of small and tamasize sample. The small sample makes more noise the tamasize mirror.
I restored the original position of the detection unit and placed the chopper on a chair. So the chopper vibrations are not propagating on the optical table.
Plot7: It looks like the chopper vibrations contributes for 25% on the total noise.
I used the internal oscillator of the lockin amp to avoid any phase noise due to the chopper frequency instability.
Plot8: Tamasize sample. The phase noise doesn't look to have significant  contribution.
Plot9: Comparison of Tamasize and small sample. The reference signal is the lockin internal oscillator. Situation is same as with the chopper reference.
Result. Most of the noise doesn't come from the chopper vibration.  I still don't understand where it comes from.
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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 19:04, Friday 10 June 2016 (251)Get code to link to this report
SiC Sample Optical Measurements

This is still in progress.
However, important measurements were done already on three samples of SiC (after the outgassing measurements at KEK). We now have the reflectivities and the BRDF for the JGW 1 (NFC) and two "Covalent" samples.

I prepared a document for report the results. It cannot be attached to this entry but can be downloaded from the JGW document server instead.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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ManuelMarchio - 13:41, Wednesday 08 June 2016 (249)Get code to link to this report
Optical lever installed on BS tank viewport

[Raffaele, Manuel]

We took a viewport shelf from the IMC end mirror vacuum tank, and placed it on the south-east viewport of the BS vacuum tank.

We assembled an optical lever to test the components. Since the mirror is placed at 45°, the laser cannot reach the center of the mirror because of the suspension leg in front of the mirror. So we pointed the laser to about half of the radius of the mirror. The PSD position is about at the center of the viewport. We could see a good signal of X and Y channels (we jumped on the floor), but the "Total" channel saturates at 15V, because the laser power is too high. Putting an OD filter in front of the laser makes the signal do not saturate anymore.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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ManuelMarchio - 15:49, Tuesday 07 June 2016 (248)Get code to link to this report
Stack and suspension for the filter cavity end mirror

[Takahashi, Tatsumi, Ishizaki, Manuel]

We removed the SAS from the vacuum tank in South end room.

We installed the stack and the suspension for the filter cavity end mirror. See the picture.

And closed the tank.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 16:59, Thursday 02 June 2016 (247)Get code to link to this report
Noise investigation with Tama-size sapphire sample

In last measurements, we noticed a larger noise when measuring the Tama-size sapphire sample.

I did some measurement of the AC signal from the lock-in, in different conditions with two samples: small sapphire sample and Tama-size sapphire sample.

Acquisition time: 1h

Sampling rate: 100ms.

Pump OFF

Probe ON


In order to check if the blocks vibrations were the noise source, I placed the small sample on the blocks .

Plot1: Comparison of small sample sitted on the blocks and small sample attached at the translation stage. The noise is almost the same


To be sure the vibrations don't cause the noise, I removed the translation stage to make enough room, and I placed the Tama-size sample tightly fixed at the optical board. Picture1

Plot2: Comparison of Tama-size sample sitted on the blocks and Tama-size sample fixed at th eoptical board. The noise is almost the same.

Plot3: Comparison between small sample and Tama-size sample, both tightly fixed. The larger sample gives a larger noise.



The only different thing is the thickness.

Let me make an hypotesis. Let's suppose the noise comes from the angle fluctuations of the probe, which cause a fluctuation of the spot position on the photodetector. The probe passing through a thick sample have a longer optical path. This is like if the detector was further. And a further detector sees more angular fluctuation, like in an optical lever. So, next check, I will see how the noise change when I change the detector distance.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 15:14, Thursday 02 June 2016 (246)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Checking of optical chopper SR540 (Click here to view original report: 238)

I wrote a python script to record the frequency value from the lockin amplifier through the serial port.

Sample rate: 1Hz

Acquisition time: 8h

I attach a plot of the entire acquisition (0 - 480min)

and a plot of the first 1000 seconds

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246_20160602080919_chopperfreq.png 246_20160602081231_chopperfreqfirst1000s.png
KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 18:57, Friday 27 May 2016 (245)Get code to link to this report
Refraction effect included in the simulation

The direction of the probe changes inside the sample according to the Snell's law. As I calculated in this post

I included this effect in the optical part of my simulations. I show the simulation of the scan of the silica bulk reference sample, with and without the refraction effect.

The sample thickness is 3.6mm. With the refraction effect, the simulation is more similar to the measurement. Apart from the unknown scale factor.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:41, Wednesday 25 May 2016 (244)Get code to link to this report
Low absorption measurement on Tama-size Sapphire sample. Refraction effect. Phase filtering.

I attach the slides that I presented at the last meeting on May 18 (slides from 1 to 6)

and the slides about the progress I did in these these days (slides from 7 to 11).


Slides 8 and 9 have two animations which don't move in the pdf.

I attach also the GIFs.

X axis unit of the histograms in the GIFs is ppm/cm

I couldn't upload the pdf file at once, so I had to split it in two.

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DECIGO (General)
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SimonZeidler - 20:32, Friday 20 May 2016 (243)Get code to link to this report
SiC samples back from outgassing measurements

We got the SiC samples back from KEK last week. Unfortunately, I discovered some dark spots on the polished surface on at least 3 of 7 samples. 

The pictures below show these spots on a NFC (first picture) and Covalent (second one) sample.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Tuesday 10 May 2016 (242)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Noise investigation - Tama-sized sapphire sample sitting on blocks (Click here to view original report: 241)

I made a calculation that might explain why I couldn't see any absorption signal.

The cross point between pump and probe changes position when there is a thick sapphire sample.

Details are in the attached slide.

This might also explain why in my simulations the simulated scan shows a thicker sample than the measured scan. I will include this effect in the simulations and check the result.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 02:36, Wednesday 27 April 2016 (241)Get code to link to this report
Noise investigation - Tama-sized sapphire sample sitting on blocks

I attach a report about the measurements I did this week

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Comments related to this report
ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Tuesday 10 May 2016 (242)

I made a calculation that might explain why I couldn't see any absorption signal.

The cross point between pump and probe changes position when there is a thick sapphire sample.

Details are in the attached slide.

This might also explain why in my simulations the simulated scan shows a thicker sample than the measured scan. I will include this effect in the simulations and check the result.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 18:38, Monday 11 April 2016 (240)Get code to link to this report
1310 nm Fabry-Perot Laser: Ignition test

I set the parameters thresholds on the controller (CLD1015) as specified in the butterfly package specs (FPL1053P):

LD max current: 450mA

TEC max current: 500mA

There are two possible operation modes: "Constant Current mode" and "Constant Power mode"

- The "Constant Current" mode keeps the LD current constant (and is used for fast laser modulation)

- The "Constant Power" mode uses the current of a PD placed inside the butterfly package to monitor the output power. 

I set the operation mode on "Costant Current" and make measurements of the optical power using a powermeter. I attach the pdf of the  measurements.


I couldn't use the "Constant power" mode because as soon as I switch on the laser, the  LD current reaches immediately the maximum (450mA as set before), even if I set the minimum PD current. It looks the controller is not able to measure the PD current, I attach a picture of this situation (pic1).

I also noticed that the PAF-X-11-C is bent (pic2) like Pisa's tower, I disassembled the clamp plate (pic3) and removed the "Bulkhead", which is the bent part, I think it is a fabrication defect.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Friday 08 April 2016 (239)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Checking of optical chopper SR540 (Click here to view original report: 238)
I tightly fixed the chopper to the optical table;
I monitored the frequency value for about 1.5 hours;
I didn't change any parameter or move anything;
Just took some snapshot of the spectrum analyzer every few minutes.
The attached file shows each snapshot and a summary plot
The result is:
- For a short time (few minutes), the frequency fluctuations are within the specifications (2%), in agreement with previous Tatsumi-san's measurements.
- For a long period, the frequency fluctuations can be larger than 2%
I couldn't upload the file because it's a bit more than 10MB, so here is the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajzduvo0ingj5an/chopper%20long%20time%20stability.pdf?dl=0
KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 13:36, Monday 04 April 2016 (238)Get code to link to this report
Checking of optical chopper SR540

Because Manuel claimed that the optical chopper has some problems,

I checked the chopper before sending it back.


The chopper has no problems and works well.

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Comments related to this report
ManuelMarchio - 01:30, Friday 08 April 2016 (239)
I tightly fixed the chopper to the optical table;
I monitored the frequency value for about 1.5 hours;
I didn't change any parameter or move anything;
Just took some snapshot of the spectrum analyzer every few minutes.
The attached file shows each snapshot and a summary plot
The result is:
- For a short time (few minutes), the frequency fluctuations are within the specifications (2%), in agreement with previous Tatsumi-san's measurements.
- For a long period, the frequency fluctuations can be larger than 2%
I couldn't upload the file because it's a bit more than 10MB, so here is the link https://www.dropbox.com/s/ajzduvo0ingj5an/chopper%20long%20time%20stability.pdf?dl=0
ManuelMarchio - 15:14, Thursday 02 June 2016 (246)

I wrote a python script to record the frequency value from the lockin amplifier through the serial port.

Sample rate: 1Hz

Acquisition time: 8h

I attach a plot of the entire acquisition (0 - 480min)

and a plot of the first 1000 seconds