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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 16:39, Tuesday 01 September 2015 (168)Get code to link to this report
SiC measured with JASMINE scatterometer

I present here the results of my own measurements on the polished SiC sample from Kyocera.
The measurements were done after Iwata-san did his measurements and after I did a necessary readjustment of the hight and the orientation of the laser.

The data show now a relatively equal maximum due to specular reflection, limited, of course, by the angular resolution of the system (-> 1 deg).
I added some roughly read data from Iwata-sans Backscattering measurements.
It is interesting to note that they are for all angles bigger than the JASMINE data would imply. At least for the maximum at AOI=0, it might be a true value. However, I am skeptical that the other values (all at around 0.02) are due to pure backscattering. Actually, I guess that noise is the main factor for their values...

The next step will be the measurement of the non-polished side of SiC.

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Comments related to this report
TomotadaAkutsu - 12:04, Thursday 03 September 2015 (170)

It would be nice if you check the polarization of the incident lights; maybe it would be different between the JASMINE one and the backscattering measurement system.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 16:31, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (167)Get code to link to this report
Analitic solution of Temperature distribution in Silica and Sapphire

I coded a Matlab script to evalue the analitic solution of the temperature distribution reported on the paper of Jackson et al.

I show the plot of T along z (depth) and r (radius)

Laser power = 1W



absorption = 12ppm;

coating thickness = 10micron;



absorption = 20ppm/cm

thickness = 5mm;

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 11:27, Wednesday 26 August 2015 (166)Get code to link to this report
Sapphire sample absorption measurement

Befor mesuring the Sapphire sample I made once again the calibration of the bulk reference sample (Schott glass#12 Abs=116%/cm) with low power 55mW and I found a calibrtion factor R=0.43W-1 (about 10% smaller than usually).

I measure the absorption of the Sapphire sample.

Pump power = 9.5W (maximum avaulable)

The scan along the Z axis Figure1 and Figure2 shows that the absorption value is 18 ppm/cm. The value has to be taken at the lowest inner point which is at Z=6mm in this case.

Then I moved the sample to that Z position and I made a map of 20x20mm with a resolution of 2x2mm.

I made it twice to check the repeatability (Figure3 and Figure4 ), and then I plot the difference Figure5 which is about the noise level: 1ppm/cm,

I made a higher resolution map  1x1mm (See Figure6).

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TomotadaAkutsu - 16:22, Monday 24 August 2015 (165)Get code to link to this report
OSEM testbench in the clean room

An OSEM test bench in the ATC ISO-1 clean room is assembled by ATC people (Ikenoue-san and Saito-san).

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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 11:47, Monday 24 August 2015 (164)Get code to link to this report
Scattering of Titanium sample 90deg rotated

These are now the results of the second round for the Ti sample. I rotated the sample by 90 degrees and measured its scattering again.
As can be seen, the peaks are much more sharper and more regular/symmetric compared to the non-rotated sample.
The strange shape of the AOI=0 curve is due to the interpolation process of the data gap (PD cuts off the Laser light) and the fact that I used one data point at theta=0 from older backscattering measurements.I need the interpolation for the implementation of the data into LightTools.

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KAGRA AOS (General)
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TomotadaAkutsu - 22:36, Friday 21 August 2015 (163)Get code to link to this report
BS oplev

About BS oplev, its optical axis will be vertical, so it is relatively difficult for adults; maybe easier for japanese elementary school students.

One notice on this system is the angle of the axis is 37 degrees. Newport is selling adapters for 45 degrees for their mirror holders, which has a range of +/-7degrees, and that means even the combination of the adapter and the mirror holder cannot cover 37 degrees!!!!

Hmm, well, maybe I'll design a stuff...

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:12, Friday 21 August 2015 (162)Get code to link to this report
LMA bulk sample Suprasil312

Since bulk sample from LMA are rectangular, we needed a rectangular mount. We ordered the parts to be assembled and, after some trouble with metric and imperial lengths and screw threads, we succeded attach the magnets at the mount properly. (See Figure1 and Figure2 )

The sample of suprasil312 has a thickness of 20mm and a nominal absorption of 1.5-1.6ppm/cm.

I used the maximum power available setting the LD current at 7.5A. The measured power at the end of the pump path is 9.3W. I used the calibration factor R = 0.51 1/W  which was measured on the high absorbing reference sample.

The scan along the z axis shows that the  first surface is not absorbing but the second surface gives a big signal (600ppm). See Figure3 and Figure4.

Figure5 is a zoom of figure4 and it show the absorption inside the bulk (between 2 and 15mm) which has a value of 4ppm, while the noise outside the bulk is about 1ppm. This means that the measured absorption is 3ppm. About the double of the nominal value.

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KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
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ManuelMarchio - 11:34, Friday 21 August 2015 (161)Get code to link to this report
Wire breakers and flags glueing on spare mirror

Members: Tatsumi, Hirose, Manuel

We went to Kashiwa campus on wednesday and we glued the wire breakers and the flags on the spare mirror.

I attach some pictures:

Figure1: Pour the first contact on the surface

Figure2: Spread the first contact

Figure3: Attach the little mesh to later remove the film.

Figure4: Set the mirror on the glueing rotating table. The arrow indicates the HR surface facing downward.

Figure5: Set the stages

Figure6: Set the lenses and rotate the table to be sure the white lines are aligned. Then remove the lenses.

Figure7: Put glue on the bigger wire breaker

Figure8: Put glue on the smaller wire breaker

Figure9: Fix the wire breakers on the stage

Figure10: Approach and attach the wire breakers to the surface using the micrometer screw

Figure11: Detail of the wire breaker

Figure12: Set the upper table and fix the flag mounts without glue to be sure they contact the surface

Figure13: Put  glue on the flags

Figure14: Paste the flags

Figure15: All flags are set

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TomotadaAkutsu - 16:32, Thursday 20 August 2015 (160)Get code to link to this report
OSEM wash

Just for a small experiment: wash the loctite vac seal with acetone in a ultrasonic bath.

The attached pictures clearly show that the vac seal is broken to be rough.


Well, the kaptoned flexi circuit survives, and the micro D-sub connector also survives.

The soldering before this washing survives. The flux appears washed out by acetone; maybe the same effect can be expected with ethanol.

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Comments related to this report
TomotadaAkutsu - 23:26, Wednesday 30 September 2015 (186)

 A short notice: I confirmed the LOCTITE vac seal can survive with ethanol in the ultrasonic bath.

KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 17:04, Tuesday 18 August 2015 (159)Get code to link to this report
Scattering of Titanium sample

I measured the scattering profiles of an unpolished Ti sample with JASMINEs scatterometer today.

The results in form of the calculated BRDF can be seen in the attached figure.
Also attached is a photograph of the Ti sample.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 16:15, Thursday 13 August 2015 (158)Get code to link to this report
Microscope map of LMA sample #15034

In order to state which part of the sample I was watching exactly, I used the sample boundaries as reference.

First I made a map with the DC signal in order to define the boundaries. I put it together in the same plot of the last absorption measurement (See Figure1.png). I could do that because I didn't remove the sample from the holder since the last measurement.

Then I took many pictures at the microscope and I put them together to make all mirror map. (See Figure2.jpg)

I overlap the two images making a matching of the boundaries. (See Figure3.jpg)

Finally I found the corresponding area. (See Figure4.jpg). The problem is that the pattern of dots at the microscope doesn't completely correspond to the absorption peaks pattern.

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KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
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ManuelMarchio - 10:46, Tuesday 11 August 2015 (157)Get code to link to this report
Glueing JIGs: delivery and unboxing

Members: Tatsumi, Fujii, Manuel.

JIG for gluing and necessary tools were delivered at NAOJ.

we wiped the tools one by one with ethanol before put inside the clean room. picture1.png

In order to carefully check the mechanical parts  before gluing, we made a simulation of many of the gluing procedure steps:

 - Unbox the JIG and clamp the basement on the optical table and attach the plastic move rod on the turn-table. picture2.png

 - Set the alignment parts (the micrometer screws and the lenses) on the basement. picture3.png

 - Through each lense we can see the magnified white mark to be aligned to the proper position of the mirror. picture4.png

 - Remove the lenses and place the glueing parts for wire breakers: picture5.png and picture6.png

 - Set the six posts to place the inner plate (3 shorter and 3 longer). And then, place the inner plate.  picture7.png

   (Unfortunately we found a little mistake on the hole position of one of the 3 shorter posts, we ask the company to fix it)

 - Set the cilinder and close the JIG with the upper plate. picture8.png

 - Open again the JIG and set the basement to stand up the JIG. picture9.png

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KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
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TomotadaAkutsu - 04:57, Saturday 08 August 2015 (156)Get code to link to this report
Mirror box 3D model

We only have had 2D drawings of the mirror box's parts, and that prevents most of us from understanding the installation/hanging procedure of mirrors.

After the today's dry-run of the review (internal review) on the procedure, I've reconstructed the 3D data briefly from the 2D drawings, only which the manufacture company provided us (uploaded to the jgwdoc by Tatsumi-san).

If I didn't misunderstand the 2D drawings, the reconstructed 3D model shows a mechanical intereferance between one of the blue pillars and the mirror base (see the third figure attached).

And also, I think the base has a too narrow foot and should be widened!; the rail on the other side (the mirror-hanging jig) should be modified accrodingly.

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R&D (General)
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SimonZeidler - 13:42, Thursday 06 August 2015 (155)Get code to link to this report
Surface Measurements of Mirror Materials

In the last week I did some surface measurements with Zygos NewView8000 microscope on samples of Sapphire, SiO2-glass, and a GaAs-wafer from LMA.

Attached to this file are figures of the surface profile of each sample taken from the center and an area close to the edge of each sample.
The calculated surface roughnesses (rms) are as follows:

Sapphire-center: 1 nm
Sapphire-edge: 2nm
SiO2-center: 1nm
SiO2-edge: 1nm
GaAs-center: 2nm
GaAs-edge: 3nm

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 10:52, Thursday 06 August 2015 (154)Get code to link to this report
Comment to LMA surface sample maps (Click here to view original report: 141)

I made again a map of the same area of the LMA sample 15034. In the same conditions. I didn't unmount the sample from the holder, but I noticed that after one week it was dusty. So I cleaned it again with the first contact polymer. I show the picture of before and after cleaning. I show the comparison of the same measurement in the same conditions but after a week and a cleaning.

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KAGRA VIS (General)
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AyakaShoda - 13:50, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (152)Get code to link to this report
IM installation on going

Fabian, Hirata, Shoda

We started the IM installation today.
Since we do not have a clamping tool for the cabling and some screws now, we are on the middle of the way.

I started to write an installation document:
You can edit the document. Please read and write down if you find something missing.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 11:36, Wednesday 05 August 2015 (151)Get code to link to this report
Absorption simulation COMSOL

I learned using COMSOL Multiphysics 5.1. I made a model of the sample in 2D with axisimmetric revolution around the pump beam axis. I built a thin rectangle for the absorbing coating (10 micron) and a thick rectangle for the substrate (3mm). The mesh is fine (1micron) near the heat source and in the coating, and coarse (0.5mm) far from the center (see the picture mesh.png). The heat source is a gaussian beam of size 70micron and power 1W. The absorption ratio is 12ppm. Chopper frequency is 430Hz but the waveform is a sine, because I'm going to compare this  solution with the analitic solution which has a sine waveform instead of a square one. I attach the plot of the temperature of the point (r,z)=(0,0) as a function of time for 100 ms. And an animation of the temperature distribution. with the color scale in kelvin. I cannot upload the file and I don't understand why. It is a gif file and it's less than 10Mb. this is the link to my dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gd28tb1zc7gxdob/movie.gif?dl=0

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KAGRA AOS (General)
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TomotadaAkutsu - 18:29, Thursday 30 July 2015 (150)Get code to link to this report
Changing windows on a gate valve between the MCF and IFI chambers

Two viewport windows on the gate valve (GVs) between the MCF and IFI chambers are changed with new glasses with AR-coated as planned.


With this work, AOS has finished to change all the windows on the exsiting GVs in KAGRA to the AR-coated ones (10 pieces of windows in total).

This is a small milestone for AOS.


The details of the AR-coated windows are fonud in


KAGRA VIS (Mirror Assemble)
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AyakaShoda - 18:05, Thursday 30 July 2015 (149)Get code to link to this report
IM parts in clean room
Fujii, Hirata, Shoda

We brought the IM parts into the clean room.
The parts are on the green rack where the bottom filters sit below.

Two sets of the IM parts are brought inside except for the picomotors and bottom mass compensation parts.
And the some of the wire clamping do not have the same numbers on them because the clamping parts are not packed with same numbers.
We can assemble one set of IM with the parts inside, but please check the numbers on the clamping parts when you assemble the second IM.
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KAGRA AOS (General)
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SimonZeidler - 14:07, Thursday 30 July 2015 (148)Get code to link to this report
JASMINE scatterometer laser width development with lens

Since the laser, which is currently used for the JASMINE scatterometer, features a far too high spreading of its width, I installed a lens to refocus the beam toward the sample.
This focussing had to be measured and compared with the theoretical development of the width (the beam should be Gaussian).

The result is satisfying as the theoretical curves mach the measured values within averaged errors of less than 5%.
It should be noted that the beam has two different width distrubutions, perpendicular to each other, which I denominate X and Y.

In the attached figure the development along a lenght-axis (the way of the laser) is shown with indicated positions of the laser, a mirror (this is the point zero, for practical reasons), and the used lens (f=200mm).
On the left side of the lens, the measured values of the laser widths as the laser produces them are shown (dots). They were fitted with the respective Gaussian beam development w(z) (lines).
On the right side of the lens, the measured values of the focussed laser widths are shown (again in dots), together with the theoretical development (lines), calculated out of the parameters as given by the fits of the left-side beams.

For the scatterometer itself, the sample is located approximately 27 - 28 cm away from the lens. The width should, thus, be in the range of 0.13 - 0.17 mm.

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