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kagra-guest - 17:55, Monday 02 March 2015 (14)Get code to link to this report
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kagra-guest - 17:53, Monday 02 March 2015 (13)Get code to link to this report
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kagra-guest - 17:51, Monday 02 March 2015 (12)Get code to link to this report
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kagra-guest - 17:49, Monday 02 March 2015 (11)Get code to link to this report
Comments related to this report
kagra-guest - 13:08, Friday 06 March 2015 (31)

After some research I find that Archaiomelesidonophrunicherata means "the good old honey-sweet songs from the Sidonian (play) of Phrynichus" - Aristophanes' "The Wasps" line 220.

kagra-guest - 00:27, Saturday 07 March 2015 (36)
「意味はしらん。ただ綴りだけ知ってるんだ。」 --- 夏目漱石『吾輩は猫である』
KAGRA AOS (General)
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kagra-guest - 17:46, Monday 02 March 2015 (9)Get code to link to this report
Comment to 日本語テスト (Click here to view original report: 6)


KAGRA AOS (General)
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kagra-guest - 17:45, Monday 02 March 2015 (8)Get code to link to this report
Comment to 日本語テスト (Click here to view original report: 6)


KAGRA AOS (General)
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kagra-guest - 17:45, Monday 02 March 2015 (7)Get code to link to this report
Comment to 日本語テスト (Click here to view original report: 6)
Self comment!
KAGRA AOS (General)
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kagra-guest - 17:44, Monday 02 March 2015 (6)Get code to link to this report
Japanese language test
Comments related to this report
kagra-guest - 17:45, Monday 02 March 2015 (7)
Self comment!
kagra-guest - 17:45, Monday 02 March 2015 (8)


kagra-guest - 17:46, Monday 02 March 2015 (9)


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kagra-guest - 05:41, Sunday 01 March 2015 (5)Get code to link to this report
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YoichiAso - 05:37, Sunday 01 March 2015 (4)Get code to link to this report


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YoichiAso - 05:35, Sunday 01 March 2015 (2)Get code to link to this report
General (General)
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YoichiAso - 05:31, Sunday 01 March 2015 (1)Get code to link to this report
E-log test server set up
Gary and I set up the test e-log server with the help of Oe-san and Inoue-san from the astronomical data center.

There was basically only one problem we met during the installation process. That is, some of the PHP extension modules were not installed on the test server. We asked Oe-san to install "session" and "gd" modules. Then everything seems to be working fine now.