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KAGRA MIR (General)
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MarcEisenmann - 14:22, Thursday 09 November 2023 (3337)Get code to link to this report
removal of spare ETMY

[Aso, Marc, Rishabh]

We removed the spare ETMY and put it inside its container.

To do it safely we first removed a front supporting pillar that has to be reinstalled.

Maybe because of that, it was first not possible to move the translation stage upwards (the right motor while looking from the input side was not moving).

After some up/down motion it could move slowly without issue.

We could not find the 3 screws to fix the container lid. We  plan to manufacture new ones.

General (General)
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RishabhBajpai - 10:11, Thursday 09 November 2023 (3336)Get code to link to this report
ATC Optical Table

After discussing with Akutsu-san, I disassembled the Al frame on the optical table in front of the AC unit.

The optics (Nikon camera, some beamsplitters and other items) on the other end of the optical table (away from the AC unit) are still there since I have to discuss what to do with them with someone (who?).

Please feel free to use this table.

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ShalikaSingh - 10:47, Wednesday 08 November 2023 (3335)Get code to link to this report
Data acquisition updated

In labview, we now have average filtering implemented. So, we can average camera and power meter's data (using average order from 1-10) at the same voltage of LC. 

Also, as a modification of 3319, we can now do several iterations of the same file and even fix the resolution of data that should be used from the file. 

R&D (Cryogenic)
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RishabhBajpai - 09:32, Wednesday 08 November 2023 (3334)Get code to link to this report
Cryostat Work

I removed the FP cavity from the cryostat in ATC in prepration for cabling work.

The folded cavity optical table is now very crowded (being used by Mitsuhashi-kun and myself).

I want to remove the aluminium frame and foil from the optical table in front of the air-conditioning unit. Is it acceptable?

R&D (Cryogenic)
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RishabhBajpai - 13:29, Tuesday 07 November 2023 (3333)Get code to link to this report
Nodal Support
I reassembled part of the nodal support system.
I need to fix the electrostatic actuator that came off during assembly.
Since I could not find epoxy in NAOJ, I will bring it from KEK and finish the assembly once the actuator is fixed.
(We can't upload photos to the logbook. We should discuss how to maintain the logbook)
R&D (Cryogenic)
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RishabhBajpai - 06:43, Tuesday 07 November 2023 (3331)Get code to link to this report
Ultrasonic Wash- Nodal Support System
When: 2023/10/11
(log book went down around this time)
(it seems we cannot upload photos to logbook)

I cleaned the nodal support system components with help from Hirata-san.
During this work, the ethanol from one of the containers was used up.
R&D (Speed meter)
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MunetakeOtsuka - 16:53, Thursday 02 November 2023 (3329)Get code to link to this report
Tabletop experiment of speed meter
2023-11-02 1500-1630 @ ATC North bld.txt, NAOJ
Tabletop experiment of speed meter
Yohei Nishino & Munetake Otsuka

1)Laser -> 2)QWP -> 3)HWP -> 4)Convex lens -> 5)BS -> 6)HWP
-> 7)FR -> 8)Rotary Disc Shutter -> 9)HWP -> 10)AOM -> 11)Mirror
-> 12)Mirror -> 13)Convex lens -> 14)EOM -> 15)Convex lens
-> 16)FR

-Polarization mesurement after 15)Convex lens
Horizontal 27,3 uW with background 4.3uW
Vertical 4.7 uW with background 4.3uW
Without polarizer 32.9 uW with background 4.3 uW

-Beam profile after 15)lens
position x-width y-width
875mm 0.42mm 0.53mm
900mm 0.51mm 0.56mm
925mm 0.58mm 0.63mm
950mm 0.68mm 0.71mm
975mm 0.74mm 0.84mm
1000mm 0.82mm 0.84mm
R&D (Speed meter)
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MunetakeOtsuka - 10:39, Thursday 02 November 2023 (3327)Get code to link to this report
Tabletop experiment of speed meter
2023-10-18 10am-3pm @ ATC North bldg, NAOJ
Yohei Nishino & Munetake Otsuka
1)Laser -> 2)QWP -> 3)HWP -> 4)Convex lens -> 5)BS -> 6)HWP
-Optical power measurement
output of 4) : 473mW
output of 4) ->Polarizer @ 90 deg : 1.8 mW
output of 4) ->Polarizer @ 0 deg : 391 mW
output of 5) : 272 mW
output of 6) : 219 mW
-Optical component specifications
Extinction Ratio of Polarizer : 0.46% (=1.8/391)
Transmittance of 5)BS @ polarized light : 69.6% (=272/301)
-Configuration of wave plate
2)QWP : 24 + 0.4
3)HWP : 144 + 0.5
-Confirm 6) is really HWP @ 1064 nm
-Beam profile
-Firstly, tried to measure the beam profile with 2 ND Filters:-
beam profile has terrible modal noise, so change one ND filter to gradient shutter.
-output of 6) : beam diameter 1.0 mm
-output of 6) -> Faraday Rotator : 0.7mm with some modal noise
R&D (Speed meter)
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MunetakeOtsuka - 10:37, Thursday 02 November 2023 (3328)Get code to link to this report
Tabletop experiment of speed meter
2023-11-01 1130-1630 @ ATC North bld.txt, NAOJ
Tabletop experiment of speed meter
Yohei Nishino & Munetake Otsuka
1)Laser -> 2)QWP -> 3)HWP -> 4)Convex lens -> 5)BS -> 6)HWP
-> 7)FR -> 8)Rotary Disc Shutter -> 9)HWP -> 10)AOM -> 11)Mirror
-> 12)Mirror -> 13)Convex lens -> 14)EOM

-Optical power mesurement of 10)AOM
1st diffraction light 1.06 mW
Transmitted light 0.69 mW
while input light 1.81 mW

-Optical component specifications of 10)AOM
Diffraction efficiency : 60% (=1.06/(1.06+0.69)

9)HWP : 51
Function generator for 10)AOM : 40MHz 5V(0 to peak)

-Beam profile after 13)lens
position x-width y-width
700mm 0.29mm 0.38mm
750mm 0.28mm 0.20mm
800mm 0.33mm 0.34mm
850mm 0.49mm 0.60mm

BIGFOOT (Cavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:48, Monday 30 October 2023 (3326)Get code to link to this report
rotating HWP

Using data from the long polarization states generation of elog3308 I saved all the voltages required to generate a rotating HWP with 0.1deg error in ellipticity.

The 1st column is V1 and second column V2. They are sorted so that the HWP rotates from -90 to +90 deg.

The file is 'rotatingHWP.csv'

General (General)
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RyutaroTakahashi - 17:25, Tuesday 10 October 2023 (3325)Get code to link to this report
Monitor Cam

I set a monotor camera tentatively in the center room of TAMA at the request of the safety office. If the test operation was reasonable, I would set more cameras at some points.

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R&D (Cryogenic)
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RishabhBajpai - 17:36, Friday 06 October 2023 (3324)Get code to link to this report
Diassembling nodal support setup for cleaning
The nodal support system (fig. 1) was delivered to NAOJ this Monday (10/02).
Today, I disassembled the setup for cleaning.
I did not have the CAD drawing, so I winged the disassembly and only broke the electrostatic actuator.
The components are now on the optical table in plastic bags (fig. 2).
I will clean them and reassemble the setup next week (probably Wednesday).

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R&D (Roberts Linkage)
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KoheiMitsuhashi - 19:10, Wednesday 20 September 2023 (3323)Get code to link to this report
measured the transfer function of double pendulum made by inverted pendulum and Roberts' Linkage

I made double pendulum made by inverted pendulum and Roberts' Linkage.

So I measured the transfer function from IP actuator power to IP displacement and Roberts' Linkage displacement to check how it is.
Each set up pictures are attached(Fig1, Fig2).
IP displacement are measured by LVDT mounted on IP top stage.
Roberts' Linkage displacement are measured by photo displacement sensor.
Each transfer function are attached(Fig3, Fig4).

From Fig3 gain plot, I can realzed that common mode and differrential mode peak and characteristical dip.
I can also realized that points from Fig3 phase plot.
At 400mHz peak is IP yaw motion, and at 1Hz peak is Roberts' Linkage paw motion.

I mentioned about Fig4 lately.

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R&D (Roberts Linkage)
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KoheiMitsuhashi - 16:31, Wednesday 20 September 2023 (3321)Get code to link to this report
suspend Roberts' Linkage and measured it' resonant frequency

We suspend Roberts' Linkage from IP top (image: Fig1, picture: Fig2). The parameters were as follows.

high [m] 0.4
weight [kg] 28.73

I also measured the power spectra with using Photo displacement sensor(Fig3). During measuering, we locked IP physically using meal fitting.
I attached the results (Fig4).
I can realized that there are two peak. These peaks are also from resonant frequency.
I thought it from difference between wire lenghts.

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General (General)
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RishabhBajpai - 10:32, Wednesday 20 September 2023 (3320)Get code to link to this report
Clean Up (folded cavity optical table)
This morning, I cleaned up the folded cavity optical table.
The optics are in the small desiccator (fig.2), and the pedestals and mounts are in a plastic box (fig.3).
I found some mirrors had scratches on them. In hindsight, I should have marked them. (Anyhow, it can be sorted later by the user.)
I will clean up the surrounding area after moving the optical table.
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BIGFOOT (Cavity)
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ShalikaSingh - 16:08, Thursday 14 September 2023 (3319)Get code to link to this report
Labview modifications

The option to choose a specified configuration from a pre-saved file has been added. As a result you can load the list of LC voltages required for any particular scenario. 

BIGFOOT (Cavity)
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ShalikaSingh - 16:06, Thursday 14 September 2023 (3318)Get code to link to this report
BS added to the setup

[Shalika, Gabriella]

The setup was modified and two beam splitters were added (before and after LCs). The measurement to calibrate the beam splitters (both reflection & transmission) were taken as well (done without LCs). 

R&D (Roberts Linkage)
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KoheiMitsuhashi - 01:14, Friday 01 September 2023 (3317)Get code to link to this report
Fitting IP's resonant frequency

What I did:
I fited the resuts of IP's resonant frequency to theoretical value.

The equation used for fitting was atttached.
f is IP's resonant frequency.
k_e is spring constant of IP's flex joint .
k is s anti spring constant.
g is gravity constant.
l is length of IP.
m_0 is mass of IP.
M is weight on IP.

From fitting, m_0 is 1.08 kg, k_e is 131 N/m, l is 2.48 m.

The results and fitting picture was as follows.
X-axis is weight on IP top, y-axis is IP's resonant frequency.

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3317_20230831175947_texclip20230901005920.png 3317_20230831180026_fittingofipsresonatfrequency.png
R&D (Roberts Linkage)
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KoheiMitsuhashi - 00:34, Wednesday 30 August 2023 (3316)Get code to link to this report
diagonalization of IP's matrix

What we did:
We diagonalized the matrix of IP, and checked how much diagonalization was.

The matrix's values form LVDTs to imaginally L-axis and T-axis were as follows.

  L T
H1 +0.20 -0.04
H2 -0.07 -0.12
H3 -0.09 +0.13

The matrix's vakues from L-axis and T-axis to actuators were as follows.

  A1 A2 A3
L -2.20 +2.45 +0.46
T +0.45 +3.21 -2.71

I measured the trasfer function from L,T to L,T respectively.
The pictures was attached.
I concluded it was good at some extend.

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KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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MarcEisenmann - 09:33, Thursday 24 August 2023 (3314)Get code to link to this report
Comment to spare ETMY measurement started (Click here to view original report: 3311)

The measurement seems to go fine and is mostly finished.

However, because of the new failure of air conditioning the temperature and humidity increased quite a lot in TAMA.

It's about 30deg in main building and quite more inside clean room.

just for safety I turned off PCI laser.