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MarcEisenmann - 18:38, Wednesday 19 June 2024 (3618)Get code to link to this report
wifi issue in TAMA solved

With help of NOC


During last electrical shutdown a white CISCO wifi provider in TAMA storage stopped working.

Today we found out that its power supply got broken. Furthermore, NOC is not fully sure what are the 2 switches in the storage doing? Maybe old remnants.

In any case, NOC is responsible for the white CISCO wifi provider and the purple switch. The wifi source was moved and connected to the purple switch close to the DGS through POE and worked fine.

It can happen that the purple switch breaks during thunder or typhoon. A quick check would be to confirm if the LED is on on the white CISCO.

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ShalikaSingh - 11:31, Monday 17 June 2024 (3615)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Re-characterizing the BS and measuring mirror (Click here to view original report: 3611)

Replaced mirror with another sample of BB1EO3

10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-EO3 Sample2\20240616\10 avg\Mon, Jun 17, 2024 11-30-53 AM.txt

100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-EO3 Sample2\20240616\100 avg\Mon, Jun 17, 2024 9-08-21 AM.txt

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ShalikaSingh - 06:44, Monday 17 June 2024 (3611)Get code to link to this report
Re-characterizing the BS and measuring mirror

Coming across the recent issues with labview and the several modifications, we saw that the observed characteristics of other components look better. Hence, we also chose to re-calibrate the BS

Pol states after LC without BS:

10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\20240613\Thu, Jun 13, 2024 4-52-27 PM.txt

100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\20240613\Thu, Jun 13, 2024 5-35-00 PM.txt

Flipped the BS and measure

with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Beam Splitter Calibration\20240613\BackFaceRefl\10 avg\Fri, Jun 14, 2024 11-52-01 AM.txt

with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Beam Splitter Calibration\20240613\BackFaceRefl\100 avg\Fri, Jun 14, 2024 1-22-15 PM.txt

The BS was flipped back to its original position

Pol states with BS :

10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\20240613\Sat, Jun 15, 2024 9-41-39 AM.txt

100 avg:C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\20240613\Fri, Jun 14, 2024 10-54-07 PM.txt

Put camera in mirror reflection

I changed the mount of the mirror. Previously, I didn't notice, but I saw that when I rotated the mirror, the beam alignment changed(i.e the beam was rotating around a circumference of a circle) which could indicate that the way rotator mount is placed in the clamp mount, there is some inclination. To avoid discrepancy in considering normal incidence position, I changed the mount to using the mirror mount which is ideally used. 

BB1EO3 sample old :

10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240615\10 avg\Sat, Jun 15, 2024 8-17-41 PM.txt

100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240615\100 avg\Sat, Jun 15, 2024 5-26-09 PM.txt

Comments related to this report
ShalikaSingh - 11:31, Monday 17 June 2024 (3615)

Replaced mirror with another sample of BB1EO3

10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-EO3 Sample2\20240616\10 avg\Mon, Jun 17, 2024 11-30-53 AM.txt

100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-EO3 Sample2\20240616\100 avg\Mon, Jun 17, 2024 9-08-21 AM.txt

ShalikaSingh - 18:57, Wednesday 19 June 2024 (3616)

I rotated the sample. Although its on non rotatble mount, I took a picture of the back surface for a reference of Sample 2 BB1EO3, before and after rotation.

C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-EO3 Sample2\20240619\Wed, Jun 19, 2024 6-42-43 PM.txt

KAGRA MIR (General)
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ShalikaSingh - 06:44, Monday 17 June 2024 (3614)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Labview modification for camera integration (Click here to view original report: 3575)

The format of saving is of the form:

X, Y, Azimuth, Ellipticity, Power, s1, s2, s3

BIGFOOT (General)
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HugoSaintOlive - 08:39, Friday 14 June 2024 (3612)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of ILM sample
tuned input polarization to O ellipticity and 45 deg azimuth :

-took small map without sample for reference : Thu, Jun 13, 2024 1-42-34 PM.txt
-with a ILM sapphire as sample : Thu, Jun 13, 2024 1-49-37 PM.txt

tuned input polarization to 0 deg in azimuth and ellipticity :

-took small map without sample for reference : Thu, Jun 13, 2024 3-02-11 PM.txt
-with a ILM sapphire as sample : Thu, Jun 13, 2024 3-07-04 PM.txt
BIGFOOT (Cavity)
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ShalikaSingh - 15:46, Thursday 13 June 2024 (3610)Get code to link to this report
Comment to More Labview problems (Click here to view original report: 3609)

I took this subvi for granted and didn't notice this before. But, it seems there always has been a discrepancy in the voltage. It means that there is a high possibility that the input voltage used for calibration and for characterizing the optics were never same.

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ShalikaSingh - 15:42, Thursday 13 June 2024 (3609)Get code to link to this report
More Labview problems

I am not sure what was the logic used in making the "dual step voltage" VI to change the voltage of LC but it is very problematic. It doesn't have 1mV resolution. Whenever I want to change the voltage from  0-3.5 V with 0.1V step, all of a sudden the voltage supplied starts becoming random numbers like 0.214. I don't understand how can it happen!

This needs to be changed because it means voltage applied is random!

Also, for future its advisable to not add stuff in VI if it can't generate perfect requirements!

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ShalikaSingh - 15:46, Thursday 13 June 2024 (3610)

I took this subvi for granted and didn't notice this before. But, it seems there always has been a discrepancy in the voltage. It means that there is a high possibility that the input voltage used for calibration and for characterizing the optics were never same.

KAGRA MIR (Polarization)
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HugoSaintOlive - 13:42, Thursday 13 June 2024 (3608)Get code to link to this report
measurement of iLM sample
tuned input polarization to 0 deg in azimuth and ellipticity :

-took small map without sample for reference : Wed, Jun 12, 2024 2-27-13 PM.txt
-with a QWP as sample : Wed, Jun 12, 2024 2-47-47 PM.txt

tuned input polarization to O ellipticity and 45 deg azimuth :

-took small map without sample for reference :Wed, Jun 12, 2024 3-37-50 PM.txt
-with a QWP as sample : Wed, Jun 12, 2024 3-54-04 PM.txt
BIGFOOT (cell birefringence)
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MarcEisenmann - 13:39, Thursday 13 June 2024 (3607)Get code to link to this report
test of microscope

I checked the TAMA microscope.

It is Olympus model GX51 with light source U-LH100-3 and cooled CCD camera BU-50LN.

It also comes with few ND filters.

The microscope is working fine. The camera aswell. I could installed the japanese driver and software on my laptop (for some reason the english version did not work).

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ShalikaSingh - 13:02, Wednesday 12 June 2024 (3605)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Coating measurement with more averaging (Click here to view original report: 3597)


at 0 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\0 deg\10 avg\Tue, Jun 11, 2024 5-38-05 PM.txt

at 0 deg with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\0 deg\10 avg\Tue, Jun 11, 2024 9-18-38 PM.txt

at 38 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\38 deg\10 avg\Wed, Jun 12, 2024 12-31-12 PM.txt

at 38 deg with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\38 deg\100 avg\Wed, Jun 12, 2024 9-56-56 AM.txt

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ShalikaSingh - 13:02, Monday 10 June 2024 (3603)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Coating measurement with more averaging (Click here to view original report: 3597)

Coating :

at 0 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\0 deg\Sat, Jun 8, 2024 8-12-43 PM.txt

at 62 deg

10 avg:C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\62 deg\Mon, Jun 10, 2024 12-22-38 PM.txt

100 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\62 deg\Mon, Jun 10, 2024 9-26-34 AM.txt

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ShalikaSingh - 19:21, Friday 07 June 2024 (3597)Get code to link to this report
Coating measurement with more averaging

I read a paper which said that Jones matrix measurement can be improved with more averaging. Although they measure a sample which was changing its properties in time. its quite different. But, still wanted to try to save with more averaging. So I did 100 averaging of each point. Also, had to take measurement again after amending flaws in the averaging./

So, I scan the LC voltage from 0-3.5V with 0.1V step.

Input file:

with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\20240607\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 10-13-20 AM.txt

with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Polarization states\20240607\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 10-52-34 AM.txt

Output files of optics:


at 0 deg with 10 avg C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\QWP\20240605\0 deg\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 3-13-11 PM.txt

at 62 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\QWP\20240605\62 deg\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 3-42-36 PM.txt

at 0 deg with 100 avg : C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\QWP\20240605\0 deg\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 1-30-40 PM.txt

at 62 deg with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\QWP\20240605\62 deg\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 4-12-57 PM.txt

Coating BB1E03:

at 0 deg with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\0 deg\Fri, Jun 7, 2024 5-40-54 PM.txt

Comments related to this report
ShalikaSingh - 13:02, Monday 10 June 2024 (3603)

Coating :

at 0 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\0 deg\Sat, Jun 8, 2024 8-12-43 PM.txt

at 62 deg

10 avg:C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\62 deg\Mon, Jun 10, 2024 12-22-38 PM.txt

100 avg: C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Coating measurement\BB1-E03\20240606\62 deg\Mon, Jun 10, 2024 9-26-34 AM.txt

ShalikaSingh - 13:02, Wednesday 12 June 2024 (3605)


at 0 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\0 deg\10 avg\Tue, Jun 11, 2024 5-38-05 PM.txt

at 0 deg with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\0 deg\10 avg\Tue, Jun 11, 2024 9-18-38 PM.txt

at 38 deg with 10 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\38 deg\10 avg\Wed, Jun 12, 2024 12-31-12 PM.txt

at 38 deg with 100 avg: C:\Users\atama\Dropbox\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\HWP\20240611\38 deg\100 avg\Wed, Jun 12, 2024 9-56-56 AM.txt

BIGFOOT (Cavity)
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ShalikaSingh - 08:51, Friday 07 June 2024 (3602)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Labview modification (Click here to view original report: 3599)

The STD has reduced to around 0.08 deg in azi and 0.03 in ell at around lc voltage of 0.9V (where the flip happens in sign and ell in wrapped). At all the other voltages of LC the std is 2e-3 deg ish in ell and azi both. 

The uncertainity was reduced by adding a wait time(1s) before the polarization camera is read and after lc voltage changes. From my understanding at this voltage of 0.9 ish V the lc molecules take more time to stabilize as compared to other voltages, which was giving rise to high std at just this voltage. Also, the ellipticity getting wrapped was giving rise to high std.

Now, the setup is ready to take measurement with better averaging and more averaging. I have left the setup to warm up. Will start measurement in an hour.  

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 21:58, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3601)Get code to link to this report
shg, irmc, mz/grmc recovery

[Logan, Marc]

We checked again SHG scan. Actually, we found that our HOMs were splitted in 2 due to mistuning of the input polarization.

This made our previous mode-matching estimation wrong. Retuning the HWP, we could properly recover the 91% mode-matching. It is not clear why the high order-mode that was spoiling 30% of mode-matching disappeared. Tuning the modulation phase and servo settings we could relock SHG. The DDS1 setting was saved.

We realigned MZ and GRMC and could also lock them without particular issue. Same for IRMC.

BIGFOOT (Cavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 21:55, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3600)Get code to link to this report
issue with polarization camera?

[Hugo, Marc, Shalika]

While trying to align the polarization camera on pci setup we found out that the power it measured was quite lower than expected.

We installed it on the translation stage to verify if the discrepancy was due to the beam size but whichever position gave similar result.

We also placed it on the LC beam that was used for birefringence compensation and Jones matrix measurement but still could see this discrepancy (we measure 75% of the real power).

This is true for vertical and horizontal linear polarization, elliptic, right/left circular polarization...

We are now discussing with Thorlabs support about this.

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ShalikaSingh - 21:52, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3599)Get code to link to this report
Labview modification

There were several issue related to data averging. The VI became too complicated due to unwise choices. modifications involved:

1. Previoulsy the averging and filling buffer was done in same labview. I separated both of them. Also made a subvi called delete buffer which resets the buffer before lc voltage is changed for new data.

2. removed PCI like complicated averging and now m using directly VI from NI for this. This made the labview very compact.

3. The only issue remains when the lc changes the azimuth from -45 to 45 kinda when the voltage is around 1V. The std is high at this point.

So, we have now a rather clean procedure

LC voltage change --->>>> create bufffer VI (initialized array of size equal to average order) --->>>> Fill Buffer VI by loading camera VI(number of times it loads is equal to averge order) --->>>> average VI (takes average of entire buffer) --->>>> Send data for saving --->>> delete buffer

On a good note: The VI datasaving speed is better now. With averging of 10th order the  data saving speed is 40Hz.

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ShalikaSingh - 08:51, Friday 07 June 2024 (3602)

The STD has reduced to around 0.08 deg in azi and 0.03 in ell at around lc voltage of 0.9V (where the flip happens in sign and ell in wrapped). At all the other voltages of LC the std is 2e-3 deg ish in ell and azi both. 

The uncertainity was reduced by adding a wait time(1s) before the polarization camera is read and after lc voltage changes. From my understanding at this voltage of 0.9 ish V the lc molecules take more time to stabilize as compared to other voltages, which was giving rise to high std at just this voltage. Also, the ellipticity getting wrapped was giving rise to high std.

Now, the setup is ready to take measurement with better averaging and more averaging. I have left the setup to warm up. Will start measurement in an hour.  

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 14:19, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3598)Get code to link to this report
Comment to OPO characterization in ATC- beam profile (Click here to view original report: 3595)

I did some check based on fiber equations that you can find on Thorlabs or Newport.

The fiber to the SHG is PM980 (polarization maintaining 980nm in-fiber wavelength) with a mode field diameter 6.6 um. This gives f/D = pi*MFD/(4 lambda) = 4.8. Thorlabs FC/ACP connector fiber collimators are sold with f = 2.0, 4.6, 7.5, 11.0, 15.3, 18.4mm focal lengths, giving input beam diameters D = 0.41, 0.94, 1.53, 2.26, 3.14, 3.8 mm. The clear apertures are 2.0, 4.9, 4.5, 4.4, 5.0, 5.5 mm. In retrospect, maybe I should have picked the f = 4.6mm. But it's maybe not super important. exp(-2*(r/w0)^2) = 0.00051 (510 ppm diffraction loss) for the current coupler. r > 2.7 w0 gives < 1 ppm diffraction loss.

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ShalikaSingh - 10:15, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3594)Get code to link to this report
Understanding relation between ell and retardation

We wish to investigate the correct relation between the ellipticity in degrees measured by thorlabs camera and the retardation of any sample, which is delta n.

For this I put polarizer and HWP after BS in the LC path. Then I tune the input polarization to be linear, i.e ell is 0 +/-0.1 aqnd azi is 0+/-0.04 deg respectively. I don't know the reason of the large fluctuation in ell.

Then I put QWP after them infront of the camera. Then I record the azimuth and ellipticity at various angles of the QWP. The QWP was mounted on rotator mount and the data was saved at various positions of the rotator.

filename:C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\Retarder\QWP\20240605\Thu, Jun 6, 2024 10-12-20 AM.txt

the last column in file saved the angle of the rotator

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 23:08, Wednesday 05 June 2024 (3596)Get code to link to this report
DDS recovery and alignment restart

[Logan, Marc]

Fixed amplifier and clock with kapton tape.

Seems clock and LNVR are quite hot  (no heatsink) maybe the reason for their degradation?

Recabled all DDS connections

SHG alignment : fundamental = 1.6V ; hom = 64+88mV ie 91.3% mode-matching. not sure why the previous spurious HOM diaspeared..

after some tweaking we got kind of similar values so it seems hard to further optimize without moving the matching lens.

IRMC fund = 320mV, hom = 32 + 18mV ie 87% mode-matching after alignment (only acting on lens) funad = 364mV and hom = 24mV ie 94% mode-matching

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 19:53, Wednesday 05 June 2024 (3595)Get code to link to this report
OPO characterization in ATC- beam profile

Logan, Michael

We found the source of the problem regarding beam size. Before the PBS there is a telescope consisting of two 100mm lenses but they were quite poorly centered. We took them out and adjusted the reference alignment to lie at 74mm height above the usual designated set of screw holes on the breadboard, then put in the lenses, both times centering them by recovering the reference alignment, approximately. After I fixed them, the beam waist moved a bit closer towards the source than before, but we could see from measurements of the beam divergence that now we have the beam diameter changing by approximately 150 um per screw hole of z displacement, going to and from the beam waist. The beam waist diameter is approximately 250-300 um, we didn't measure super precisely but it seems enough for the purpose of using modulators to the OPO.

Basically, always set a reference target before inserting optical components that require precise centering.

Next step is to construct the beam path to test the OPO. The beam size as is is probably fine for modulators but the beam size increases when going to the Korean Faraday isolator experiment. Guessing from Gaussianbeam.exe rough calculations and looking at the size of the sensor card, we can also get about 1.5mm diameter collimated beam from small fiddling of the mode matching telescope. I should check again what is the clear aperture of Korean FI but I suppose they can always put a lens before their periscope if they really need a smaller beam.

I originally designed some beam size parameters to put a 2.3mm diameter beam into the fiber SHG. However, the Taiwan New Years visitors used a completely different setup to what I wrote down. In some sense my design was not very good (I left the bare minimum of space for QWP/HWP/Faraday/Mode matching after the laser, for no good reason), although I asked a few people about it and no-one pointed out these issues. The 2.3mm beam diameter was a parameter given to me by Chien-Ming Wu for the fiber input, and given he used this type of fiber SHG before I just trusted him on the number. But it seems the people who set it up had other ideas. I need to check.

Comments related to this report
MichaelPage - 14:19, Thursday 06 June 2024 (3598)

I did some check based on fiber equations that you can find on Thorlabs or Newport.

The fiber to the SHG is PM980 (polarization maintaining 980nm in-fiber wavelength) with a mode field diameter 6.6 um. This gives f/D = pi*MFD/(4 lambda) = 4.8. Thorlabs FC/ACP connector fiber collimators are sold with f = 2.0, 4.6, 7.5, 11.0, 15.3, 18.4mm focal lengths, giving input beam diameters D = 0.41, 0.94, 1.53, 2.26, 3.14, 3.8 mm. The clear apertures are 2.0, 4.9, 4.5, 4.4, 5.0, 5.5 mm. In retrospect, maybe I should have picked the f = 4.6mm. But it's maybe not super important. exp(-2*(r/w0)^2) = 0.00051 (510 ppm diffraction loss) for the current coupler. r > 2.7 w0 gives < 1 ppm diffraction loss.