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AyakaShoda - 11:44, Friday 13 December 2019 (1942)Get code to link to this report
RT model updated

I have updated the RT model and medm screen.

- The WD system is added.

- The commish message is also added and that can be seen from the sitemap.adl. Here, you can leave the comment when you do not want someone else to touch the FC remotely.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:52, Thursday 12 December 2019 (1940)Get code to link to this report
No coherence between correction singal to FC length and CC2 correction signal

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YuhangZhao - 01:10, Thursday 12 December 2019 (1939)Get code to link to this report
Coherence check between oplev and CC2 correction signal

Shoda and Yuhang

We checked the coherence between each suspended mirror and CC2 correction signal.

The coherence below 0.5 is not mentions in the following form, check detail in the attached pictures.





0.8 coherence   around 4Hz

0.9 coherence   from 2 to 4Hz


0.8 coherence   @12Hz

0.6 coherence   @3 and 4Hz


0.55 coherence from 3 to 10Hz

0.9 coherence from 2 to 3Hz




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1939_20191212084903_ccprp.png 1939_20191212084913_ccpry.png 1939_20191212084926_ccbsp.png 1939_20191212084937_ccbsy.png 1939_20191212084948_ccinputp.png 1939_20191212085000_ccinputy.png 1939_20191212085008_ccendp.png 1939_20191212085015_ccendy.png
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 01:00, Thursday 12 December 2019 (1938)Get code to link to this report
Coherence check between oplev and correction to FC length

Shoda and Yuhang

We checked the coherence between each suspended mirrors oplev signal and correction signal to FC length. The situation is summarized as follows.

The coherence below 0.5 is not mentioned. For the detail, please check the attached figures.





almost no coherence

almost no coherence


almost no coherence

almost no coherence


coherence of 0.8 @ 9Hz

almost no coherence


around 2~5Hz coherence of 0.8

around  2~4Hz coherence of 0.6

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1938_20191212084650_prp.png 1938_20191212084659_pry.png 1938_20191212084718_bsp.png 1938_20191212084725_bsy.png 1938_20191212084736_inputp.png 1938_20191212084755_inputy.png 1938_20191212084806_endp.png 1938_20191212084815_endy.png
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 00:23, Thursday 12 December 2019 (1937)Get code to link to this report
Filter cavity lock characterization @ 9.12.2019

Yaochin and Yuhang

Since last week we had again the problem of filter cavity. We saw filter cavity transmission varied from 2000 counts to 3000 counts. In the end, we found out actually we are not operating SHG in the optimal temperature. Also, we had a temperature change due to the change of air-conditioner mode, so it varied.

After everything settles down, we fixed again the setting of the filter cavity lock loop.





Then we measured the open-loop transfer function again. Also, GR locking accuracy and IR locking accuracy. Especially this time we measured more accurately the low-frequency part of it. And compared with the measurement we did more one year ago(elog 690), the high-frequency part is the same while the low-frequency part is quite different. We should consider more why we have this big difference in IR error signal now.

 We should also measure coherence between IR error signal and each oplev spectrum.

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1937_20191211162226_oltf.png 1937_20191211162246_grla.png 1937_20191211162257_irla.png 1937_20191211164630_wechatimg604.jpeg 1937_20191211164912_tek00092.png
Comments related to this report
YuhangZhao - 01:35, Friday 04 September 2020 (2202)

As pointed out in the last FC meeting, the error signal for green and infrared around 10kHz is similar. This is actually strange for me. Due to the cavity pole for infrared and green has a factor around 25 difference. Above their pole frequency, the green error signal should be around 25 times larger than infrared.

However, I checked several times this entry and compared with elog642, I couldn't find what is wrong. I will try to measure it again.

YuhangZhao - 21:17, Friday 04 September 2020 (2204)

As pointed out by Aritomi-san, the formula used to calibrate the measurement had some problem (check entry642). After correcting that, the measurement result becomes reasonable.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 23:50, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1936)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Loss from not optimal HWP angle (Click here to view original report: 1927)

I am sorry that what I wrote is wrong. The additional loss is 1-visibility**2. I think it is very clear for us that the efficiency of homodyne is visibility**2. This is written in Henning's thesis.

R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 17:53, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1935)Get code to link to this report
80K shield window installation

Today, I assembled the third 80K shield window because the first one has some scars (around the edge of the mirrror though).
Therefore I decided to use two better ones for my experiment.

After assembling, I installed two 80K shield windows on the adapters where they are attached at input and output ports as attached picture.
When I was installing, I used indium wire between the mirror holders and adapters in order to improve heat conduction.

[Next Step]

  • Cabling inside the chamber
  • Install 4K shield
  • Cooling test
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 11:25, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1933)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Loss from not optimal HWP angle (Click here to view original report: 1927)

I think it's better to measure visibility directly.

>> We also considered the loss introduced by non-optimal visibility is the square of (1-visibility).

This seems not correct. This is how I calculated additional loss in entry 1587.

1. Measure voltage of LO, BAB (HWP 0deg), DC offset, visibility (HWP 0deg) 

2. Rotate HWP and measure maximum and minimum of visibility

3. Solve the following equation in terms of V_BAB

(V_max-V_min)/(V_max+V_min-2*V_DC)/(2*sqrt((V_LO-V_DC)*(V_BAB-V_DC))/(V_LO+V_BAB-2*V_DC)) == visibility (HWP 0deg)

4. Additional loss should be 1-V_BAB/V_BAB (HWP 0deg) 

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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SimonZeidler - 11:22, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1932)Get code to link to this report
AR Coating on Brewster Polarizers?


Yesterday, while doing the reflection and transmission measurements, I briefly checked the existence of some ghost-beams of the examined polarizers.
It seems so far, that there are ghost beams but I could see them only for P-pol at large AoI (>65 deg).

For S-pol, I couldn't recognize any second order reflection...

Investigation is to be continued.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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SimonZeidler - 11:18, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1931)Get code to link to this report
Reflection Measurement Bench


Note: The measurement bench is open for anybody who wants to do some quick characterizations of samples

Please find attached also some photos of the setup right now.

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1931_20191211031812_51.jpg 1931_20191211031819_59.jpg 1931_20191211031824_02.jpg 1931_20191211031837_49.jpg
KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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SimonZeidler - 11:13, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1930)Get code to link to this report
Futher Calibration Measurements on Brewster Polarizers


In addition to the measurements on Monday, I took the transmission data for both S and P polarization of the Brewster Polarizer. This is to further understand the type of coating that has been manufactured for it.
Attached is the respective graph.
As can be seen, in S-pol there is a distinct minimum at 45 degrees, while for the transmission in P-pol the minimum is at around 30 degrees with a maximum at 63 degrees AoI. This result correlates quite well with the reflection measurements.

Also, I characterized a second polarizer of the same type in terms of reflection and compared it with the previous one.
The reflection curves of both polarizers are almost identical and show the same location of the minimum in P-pol (~ 63 degrees).

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1930_20191211031332_transmissionplot.png 1930_20191211031339_reflectionplot.png
R&D (FilterCavity)
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AyakaShoda - 22:24, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1928)Get code to link to this report
Comment to PR Pitch local control updated (Click here to view original report: 1914)

Attached is the designed OLTF of the previous and the new servoes on Dec 6th.

The phase mergin is about 40 deg. The difference of gain at above the UGF is about 10 dB.

Also, I have tried to look up the time the PR was resonating (at around 6/12/2019 6:00 UTC), but I could not find any DAQ signal for PR local damping loop.
Why don't we add some (if the storage allows)?

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 22:22, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1927)Get code to link to this report
Loss from not optimal HWP angle

Yaochin and Yuhang

Since we did the optimization of the HWP angle for BAB. By this chance, we did again what Aritomi-san reported in elog1587.

First, we rotated HWP then measured the peak height of the s-pol peak and the p-pol peak.

BAB HWP angle









s-pol (mV)









p-pol (mV)









We derived visibility from the peak height difference.  We also considered the loss introduced by non-optimal visibility is the square of (1-visibility).

Then we removed BAB and put again CC and pump. We measured only squeezing at the previous HWP angle. (Now I realize that it will be better to measure anti-squeezing) Anyway, the measurement result is attached to the first picture.

Finally, by using the formula of FIS degradation, we plotted the calculated squeezing value and compared it with measurement. The result is attached to the second picture. However, it seems data and calculation don't match very well.

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1927_20191210142006_figure1.png 1927_20191211155206_datafit.png
Comments related to this report
NaokiAritomi - 11:25, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1933)

I think it's better to measure visibility directly.

>> We also considered the loss introduced by non-optimal visibility is the square of (1-visibility).

This seems not correct. This is how I calculated additional loss in entry 1587.

1. Measure voltage of LO, BAB (HWP 0deg), DC offset, visibility (HWP 0deg) 

2. Rotate HWP and measure maximum and minimum of visibility

3. Solve the following equation in terms of V_BAB

(V_max-V_min)/(V_max+V_min-2*V_DC)/(2*sqrt((V_LO-V_DC)*(V_BAB-V_DC))/(V_LO+V_BAB-2*V_DC)) == visibility (HWP 0deg)

4. Additional loss should be 1-V_BAB/V_BAB (HWP 0deg) 

YuhangZhao - 23:50, Wednesday 11 December 2019 (1936)

I am sorry that what I wrote is wrong. The additional loss is 1-visibility**2. I think it is very clear for us that the efficiency of homodyne is visibility**2. This is written in Henning's thesis.

R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 21:41, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1926)Get code to link to this report
Re-alignment of HOMs' paths and beam profile measurement

I did re-alignment work of HOMs' paths and beam profile measurement.
The results of the measurement will be uploaded tomorrow...
The attached picture is a current situation of HOMs.

The purpose of the alignment work was to determine the beam paths of HOMs.
Since I put a BS in order to pick off both HOMs and detect the beat note between them which will contain coating thermal noise information.
One of the HOMs beam pass through the BS and another one is reflected.
Then both of them entered a PBS which is used for combining TEM00 and HOMs.

[Next Step]
Install mode matching lenses for each beam path.
I need to buy some posts for them.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 18:32, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1925)Get code to link to this report
PItch BS channel showing higher noise. Why?

PItch BS channel shows an excess of noise. Damp loops are open and even if I remove DC on coils for the aligment, noise is still there.

This was observed serveral times recently and after a while it goes back by itself. I think it is something electronic, but what?


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YuhangZhao - 17:17, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1924)Get code to link to this report
Remove of residual p-pol component from LO and BAB

Yaochin and Yuhang

As we reported in elog1867 and elog1857, we improved the matching between LO/BAB into AMC. However, we didn't care about the residual p-pol component after the optimization. And actually, it is really necessary to optimize them and remove the p-pol component.

LO part (The AMC spectrum before the change is attached as picture 2) (s-pol 11V, p-pol 14mV)

     Actually, I am confused that how can we have a p-pol component from LO. Because LO is provided by IRMC TEM00, TEM00 should provide a quite clean s-pol light. 

     1. We replaced the first mirror after IRMC with a PBS plate.

             After this, the p-pol peak is reduced from 14mV to 9mV(attached picture 3). (We also double-checked that total power doesn't change after the replacement of PBS, so this p-pol reduction is a real      reduction effect from PBS)

     2. We put an HWP just before homodyne BS.

            By rotating HWP, we could almost remove the p-pol component totally(attached picture 4).

BAB part (The AMC spectrum before the change is attached as picture 5) (s-pol 4V, p-pol 43.2mV)

     For the p-pol component inside BAB, it comes from the not optimized HWP. So we just rotate HWP. And then the p-pol is basically removed totally. (attached picture 6)

BAB HWP angle


LO HWP angle


We measured the squeezing spectrum before and after this change, but there is no obvious change.

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1924_20191210084948_removeppol.png 1924_20191210091935_tek00086.png 1924_20191210092014_tek00089.png 1924_20191210092043_tek00095.png 1924_20191210092102_tek00090.png 1924_20191210092114_tek00091.png
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:23, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1923)Get code to link to this report
About DC balance of homodyne

Yaochin and Yuhang

We found we could balance homodyne by aligning the flipping mirror and the lens before the far 'eye' of homodyne. (As shown in the attached figure)

By aligning pitch/yaw of flipping mirror and pitch of lens, we could also recover the balance of homodyne.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 10:58, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1922)Get code to link to this report
Python scripts from MEDM: issue solved!

Today Miyakawa-san managed to solve the long-lasting problem we had to run python script called by medm button (see entry #1656).  

He modified the command used by the medm desktop icon to call medm to: bash -c 'source /kagra/apps/etc/client-user-env_tama.sh && cd /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/medm && /opt/rtapps/epics/extensions/bin/linux-x86_64/medm -x sitemap.adl'

Now the command is also calling a script he made (/kagra/apps/etc/client-user-env_tama.sh) to include all the needed evironmental variables.

Somehow when opening MEDM with this command the PV info on the channel cannot be seen anymore. The icon MEDM (edit) was not changed so, by using that one, we can still read PV info ( but not run python scripts) 

Conlusion: we can now run python screep from MEDM screen open by desktop icon, and this should help to better manage control loops, while we wait for guardians.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 10:40, Tuesday 10 December 2019 (1921)Get code to link to this report
Cable connection problem for CC1 loop

Yuhang and Yaochin

We reported sometimes the CC1 loop cannot be locked.

Today we found the cable which is sending error signal for the loop has some connection problem. When we shake the cable, the error signal sent to the loop got a lot of noise.

We have already replaced it with a new cable. We checked the new cable doesn't introduce noise when we shake it.

R&D (Cryogenic)
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SatoshiTanioka - 21:00, Monday 09 December 2019 (1920)Get code to link to this report
Log on Dec. 9th

I adjusted the lenses' positions for mode matching.
I tried to measure the beam profile inside the cryostat chamber, but it was too difficult to measure the distance.
Fortunately, some amount of the beam was reflected by a PBS in front of the chamber due to the imcomplete alignment of FI and it propagets on the optical table.
The profile of this kicked beam is almost same as the beam which incoming to the chamber.
Therfore I will use this beam to measure the beam profile.

I assembled another window for 80K shield as attached picture.
I am planning to use two 80K shield windows for my experiment.

[Next Step]
Measure the beam profile.
Install a FP cavity to characterize fused silica mirrors.

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