NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2

Attached is the designed OLTF of the previous and the new servoes on Dec 6th.
The phase mergin is about 40 deg. The difference of gain at above the UGF is about 10 dB.
Also, I have tried to look up the time the PR was resonating (at around 6/12/2019 6:00 UTC), but I could not find any DAQ signal for PR local damping loop.
Why don't we add some (if the storage allows)?

Yaochin and Yuhang
Since we did the optimization of the HWP angle for BAB. By this chance, we did again what Aritomi-san reported in elog1587.
First, we rotated HWP then measured the peak height of the s-pol peak and the p-pol peak.
BAB HWP angle |
286.5 |
290 |
294 |
298 |
302 |
306 |
310 |
314 |
s-pol (mV) |
4560 |
4400 |
4120 |
3720 |
3240 |
2640 |
1960 |
1440 |
p-pol (mV) |
2 |
95 |
372 |
880 |
1400 |
2080 |
2840 |
3480 |
We derived visibility from the peak height difference. We also considered the loss introduced by non-optimal visibility is the square of (1-visibility).
Then we removed BAB and put again CC and pump. We measured only squeezing at the previous HWP angle. (Now I realize that it will be better to measure anti-squeezing) Anyway, the measurement result is attached to the first picture.
Finally, by using the formula of FIS degradation, we plotted the calculated squeezing value and compared it with measurement. The result is attached to the second picture. However, it seems data and calculation don't match very well.
I think it's better to measure visibility directly.
>> We also considered the loss introduced by non-optimal visibility is the square of (1-visibility).
This seems not correct. This is how I calculated additional loss in entry 1587.
1. Measure voltage of LO, BAB (HWP 0deg), DC offset, visibility (HWP 0deg)
2. Rotate HWP and measure maximum and minimum of visibility
3. Solve the following equation in terms of V_BAB
(V_max-V_min)/(V_max+V_min-2*V_DC)/(2*sqrt((V_LO-V_DC)*(V_BAB-V_DC))/(V_LO+V_BAB-2*V_DC)) == visibility (HWP 0deg)
4. Additional loss should be 1-V_BAB/V_BAB (HWP 0deg)
I am sorry that what I wrote is wrong. The additional loss is 1-visibility**2. I think it is very clear for us that the efficiency of homodyne is visibility**2. This is written in Henning's thesis.

I did re-alignment work of HOMs' paths and beam profile measurement.
The results of the measurement will be uploaded tomorrow...
The attached picture is a current situation of HOMs.
The purpose of the alignment work was to determine the beam paths of HOMs.
Since I put a BS in order to pick off both HOMs and detect the beat note between them which will contain coating thermal noise information.
One of the HOMs beam pass through the BS and another one is reflected.
Then both of them entered a PBS which is used for combining TEM00 and HOMs.
[Next Step]
Install mode matching lenses for each beam path.
I need to buy some posts for them.

PItch BS channel shows an excess of noise. Damp loops are open and even if I remove DC on coils for the aligment, noise is still there.
This was observed serveral times recently and after a while it goes back by itself. I think it is something electronic, but what?

Yaochin and Yuhang
As we reported in elog1867 and elog1857, we improved the matching between LO/BAB into AMC. However, we didn't care about the residual p-pol component after the optimization. And actually, it is really necessary to optimize them and remove the p-pol component.
LO part (The AMC spectrum before the change is attached as picture 2) (s-pol 11V, p-pol 14mV)
Actually, I am confused that how can we have a p-pol component from LO. Because LO is provided by IRMC TEM00, TEM00 should provide a quite clean s-pol light.
1. We replaced the first mirror after IRMC with a PBS plate.
After this, the p-pol peak is reduced from 14mV to 9mV(attached picture 3). (We also double-checked that total power doesn't change after the replacement of PBS, so this p-pol reduction is a real reduction effect from PBS)
2. We put an HWP just before homodyne BS.
By rotating HWP, we could almost remove the p-pol component totally(attached picture 4).
BAB part (The AMC spectrum before the change is attached as picture 5) (s-pol 4V, p-pol 43.2mV)
For the p-pol component inside BAB, it comes from the not optimized HWP. So we just rotate HWP. And then the p-pol is basically removed totally. (attached picture 6)
BAB HWP angle |
286.5 |
LO HWP angle |
178 |
We measured the squeezing spectrum before and after this change, but there is no obvious change.

Yaochin and Yuhang
We found we could balance homodyne by aligning the flipping mirror and the lens before the far 'eye' of homodyne. (As shown in the attached figure)
By aligning pitch/yaw of flipping mirror and pitch of lens, we could also recover the balance of homodyne.

Today Miyakawa-san managed to solve the long-lasting problem we had to run python script called by medm button (see entry #1656).
He modified the command used by the medm desktop icon to call medm to: bash -c 'source /kagra/apps/etc/ && cd /opt/rtcds/kamioka/k1/medm && /opt/rtapps/epics/extensions/bin/linux-x86_64/medm -x sitemap.adl'
Now the command is also calling a script he made (/kagra/apps/etc/ to include all the needed evironmental variables.
Somehow when opening MEDM with this command the PV info on the channel cannot be seen anymore. The icon MEDM (edit) was not changed so, by using that one, we can still read PV info ( but not run python scripts)
Conlusion: we can now run python screep from MEDM screen open by desktop icon, and this should help to better manage control loops, while we wait for guardians.

Yuhang and Yaochin
We reported sometimes the CC1 loop cannot be locked.
Today we found the cable which is sending error signal for the loop has some connection problem. When we shake the cable, the error signal sent to the loop got a lot of noise.
We have already replaced it with a new cable. We checked the new cable doesn't introduce noise when we shake it.

I adjusted the lenses' positions for mode matching.
I tried to measure the beam profile inside the cryostat chamber, but it was too difficult to measure the distance.
Fortunately, some amount of the beam was reflected by a PBS in front of the chamber due to the imcomplete alignment of FI and it propagets on the optical table.
The profile of this kicked beam is almost same as the beam which incoming to the chamber.
Therfore I will use this beam to measure the beam profile.
I assembled another window for 80K shield as attached picture.
I am planning to use two 80K shield windows for my experiment.
[Next Step]
Measure the beam profile.
Install a FP cavity to characterize fused silica mirrors.

I have set up a measurement bench in TAMA to easily and fastly take reflection data of a 1064nm laser on samples (mostly optics, I guess) as a function of the angle of incidence (from 0 to 90 degrees) and input polarization.
The system works fine but it still not entirely finished. For example, we plan to install a rotation-gear on the angular rotator to compensate the 2*AoI effect, so that a manual change of the PD won't be necessary anymore.
Especially today, I was trying to further understand the laser. I recognized that the used PD cannot measure powers more than 8mW (which is strange as there is a threshold of 50mW written on it...). But putting the laser at such low power-gains, the stability of the laser is not good at all. Therefoe, I was inserting a ND-filter in front of the laser and increased the gain so that the laser-power is stable (change of power after 10 minutes <1%).
After setting up the laser, I tested the system with a Brewster-polarizer (TFP-1064-pw-2037-uv) which we use for the PCI. The input power for the measurements was set for both S and P polarization to 6.53mW.
Please see the attached graphic which illustrates the results. For P-pol, a minimum at 63 degrees was found (R = 3.5%), while for S-pol, the reflectance did not change much at all over the entire measured range (which is somehow expected, I guess).
Please note that the data taken at 80 degrees AoI are probably not very accurate, since I believe that the beam was clipped (I need to check this further, maybe installing a lens is better).

Today I assembled a window for 80K shield with 1~1.5 um broadband AR coated glass.
After that I found that a washer for M4 screw cannot go through the though hole, and it is a little bit difficult to install on 80K shield.
I will ask Ueda-san (KEK) about this.

Yuhang and Yaochin
Firstly, we checked the amplification of BAB with 60mW. The factor is around 30. While the characterization we did last year shows amplification of roughly 60.
Then we measured SQZ and ASQZ at different green power
Green power(mW) |
OPO T (kOhm) |
PLL-pol (MHz) |
CC1 error signal pk-pk (mV) |
CC2 demodulation phase (SQZ) |
CC2 demodulation phase (ASQZ) |
60mW |
7.23 |
170 |
49.2 |
124 |
130 |
55mW |
7.227 |
170 |
40 |
118 |
138 |
50mW |
7.217 |
170 |
37.5 |
115 |
139 |
45mW |
7.211 |
170 |
31.2 |
110 |
145 |
40mW |
7.205 |
175 |
30.8 |
110 |
150 |
35mW |
7.201 |
180 |
26.4 |
105 |
155 |
30mW |
7.196 |
185 |
23.2 |
100 |
155 |
25mW |
7.189 |
185 |
21.6 |
90 |
155 |
From the above data, loss is 25.1% and phase noise is 19.4mrad. The loss is consistent with Aritomi-san's result. While the phase noise is a bit reduced.
We also measured the CC2 phase noise. The measurement is done with a 40mW green power and 110deg CC2 demodulation phase. Then we got CC2 pk-pk 62.4mV. We use this for calibration and got a phase noise of 4.25mrad.

[Camilla, Irene Federico]

I updated the control filter for the PR PIT.
The old filter is in ASC2G and notches.
The new filter works with the filters, test and boost2, with the gain of 1.0. The residual decreases more than 10 times
Attached is the designed OLTF of the previous and the new servoes on Dec 6th.
The phase mergin is about 40 deg. The difference of gain at above the UGF is about 10 dB.
Also, I have tried to look up the time the PR was resonating (at around 6/12/2019 6:00 UTC), but I could not find any DAQ signal for PR local damping loop.
Why don't we add some (if the storage allows)?

Yuhang and Yaochin
We should put AMC offset always at 150V, because different offset will result in different alignment condition.
Attached three pictures show the situation of AMC's offset as 40V, 150V and 240V. We could see quite different alignment situation.

[Yuhang, Matteo, Eleonora]
On Tue 3/12 morning we found the FC has difficulties to acquire the lock and to keep it, while in the past months lock was very robust and easy to get.
After some investigation (and having tweeked the gain of ramepeato) we found the input power was reduced from 12 mW to 9 mW, due to temperature change of SHG.
The day before the air conditiong was switched from summer to winter mode by Yuhang.
The injected power was put back to 12mW and the gains were tuned to get UGF ~ 15 kHz. (See pic 1 and 2). Anyway it seems a loop oscillation happened from time to time and error signal looks noisier than usual. It was quite late and we coudn't keep investingating any longer. We haven't been in TAMA yesterday and today because of F2F. Will check the situation tomorrow.

The main effect causing degradation of the overlap between LO and reflected beam form FC when it is ON and OFF resonance is the relative phase change between TEM 00 (resonating the cavity) and HOM (not resoanting). Raffaele did a quick calculation to show this and the numbers he found are in rough agreement with those we observed. I attached a pdf with a similar calulation and a plot that shows the overlap degradation as a function of the not coupled power into FC.

[Eleonora, Matteo, Raffaele]
On 29/11 dIthering was implemented also in Yaw, with the same scheme used for pitch.
Dithering lines are injected on INPUT and END mirrors at a frequency of 16.5 Hz and 17.5 Hz respectively. Each error signal obtained from transmitted power demodulation is filtered with a simple integrator and fed back to its own mirror.
From the time taken by the loop to recover the alignemnt after misalignig a mirror on purpose, the UGF seems smaller 50 mHz. I tried to measure openloop TF with a swep sine injection at very low frequency but coherence was not good, no matter the excitation amplitude.
Note that with the current filter configuration (simple integrator) the UGF of dithering is limited by the interaction with the damping loops. See attached simulation. We discussed the possibiliy to shape the filter to avod the instabilty. Anyway since damping UGF is quite high ~1 Hz. in the present configuration the sum of the two loops is stable. Another possibility would be to go back to DC controlled optical lever and add the dithering DC correction to the set point of this loop. I think this is what is done in Virgo.

I put fused silica mirrors inside the cryostat chamber in order to construct a FP cavity with cavity length od 9.9cm.
Then I injected a laser into the cavity and tried to see the flash with PD which is located at transmission port.
So far I could not see any transmitted beam.
I will improve the alignment and mode matching with two lenses.