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YuhangZhao - 00:59, Thursday 13 December 2018 (1151)Get code to link to this report
Using PDA05CF2 for OPO p-pol locking

Actually we did this replacement long time ago. But I would like to put here some reference value of this PD. We should have error signal pk-pk value more than 120mV. And DC value more than 3.3V. Note here the impedence is .

Besides, we can also see that this PD has a better performace than the Qubig we had. There is a result of previous measurement of Qubig PD. Compared with that, we improve the error signal by a factor of 10.

Actually, there is only a factor of 3 or 4 difference between Qubig PD and thorlabs PD's resoponsivity.

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EleonoraCapocasa - 13:50, Friday 14 December 2018 (1153)

This PD has only one output channel.  RF and DC components are separated by using a minicircuit Bias-Tee ZFBT-4R2G+ (datasheet uploaded on the wiki).

The RF part is sent to the mixer for PDH demodulation, the DC is used to monitor the lock status.