NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
EleonoraCapocasa - 19:11, Thursday 06 June 2019 (1388)
Local control for END mirror with new DGS
Local control on END mirror were implemented.
Pic 1 Pitch TF
Pic 2 YawTF
Pic 3 Comparison between open and closed loop spectra.
Pic 4, 5 photon model and damp for pitch
Pic 6, 7 photon model and damp for yaw
I found a minimum of the sensing coupling when input signals (pitch and yaw) are rotated of -0.06 rad. So I updated accordingly the rotation matrix.
I used the following driving matrix (pitch, yaw -> coils) [0, 1, 0, 1; 1 0 -1, 1]. Note that the coil disposition is not the usual one!
For a comparison with the old control check entry #238.
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