NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Here I attach the measurement of PLL phase noise. The measurement has some disconnect points although I used V/sqrt(Hz) as a unit. The result is summarized as following.
filter cavity locked | filter cavity free running | |
cc-phase noise(RMS) | 18mrad | 12mrad |
pp-phase noise(RMS) | 28mrad | 8mrad |
The lock of filter cavity make RMS phase noise increase by a factor of 1.5/3.5
The excess of high frequency noise measured last summer when the cavity is locked (see entry #903) seems disapeared. This is good but the reason is not clear to me.
Note that in order to sum the line into the PZT for the calobration we have reconnected the ramp potentiometer which was disconnected last summer, following Pierre's advice, in order to reduce the rampeato noise (see entry #875).
We have left it connected for now. It would be interesting to compare the difference in the error signal spectrum when it is connect and disconnected as done last summer (entry #883).