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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 17:48, Sunday 06 October 2019 (1701)Get code to link to this report
IR alignment with dithering

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

We measured mode matching when filter cavity is aligned with pitch dithering. The result is as follows. Mode matching was around 90%. We found that when pitch dithering was engaged, pitch misalignment became less, but yaw misalignment became more.

Mode AOM frequency (MHz) IR transmission
TEM00 109.03607 3000
HG10 109.43128 350
HG01 109.43219 200
IG02 109.8288 115
offset   94

IR TEM00 transmission was fluctuating even when dithering was engaged (attached movie). Time scale of the movie is 2s and DC offset is 94.

We measured BAB reflection when BAB is on/off resonance. Off resonance reflectivity is 82% and the reflection might be still cutted.

Injection: 334uW
Reflection: 273uW (off resonance)
Reflection: 190-250uW (on resonance)
However, after one hour, IR was misaligned even though green was aligned well with dithering. We guess that it is because green and IR is not overlapping well.
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