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EleonoraCapocasa - 15:36, Friday 01 November 2019 (1795)Get code to link to this report
Input mirror intermediate mass touching issue

[Aritomi, Matteo, Eleonora, Takahashi]

Yesterday we opened the input chamber with the help of Takahashi-san, and we confirm the intermediate mass was touching and picomotors were at the end range. (See entry #1783)

We adjusted IM mass and moved the picomotors by hand (and josystic) to make the reflection from the input mirror to superpose with the incoming one. It was quite hard to achive the superposition as we didn't notice that the intemediate mass was touching again and the picomotors couldn't move the mirror properly. Also the gatevalve between input and BS distorts the beam and causes multiple reflection.

Pic 1 and 2 show the current position of picomotors. In the pitch case we are quite close to the end of the range.

Today, since the vacuum was restored, we open the gatevalves and we could realign and lock the cavity again.

Anyway we found that the spectrum of the pitch motion has a large, sharp peak at 9 Hz that was not there before (pic3) . The TF seems fine (pic4). I wonder if there is still a problem with IM mass. As a first step I will try to adjust the control to damp it better.

Images attached to this report
1795_20191101073939_picojaw.jpg 1795_20191101073952_picopitch.jpg 1795_20191101132117_imspe.png 1795_20191101132129_imspetf.png