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EleonoraCapocasa - 19:36, Friday 22 November 2019 (1874)Get code to link to this report
OPLEV signal calibration

I summarize the calibration for the OPLEVs.

For the conversion from counts to Volts, I used the following value:  1 V = 1638 counts  ->  cal =  6.105e-4 [V/count].

Note that for BS and PR we use TAMA PSD and no lens for shift/tilt decoupling. 


PR (entry #276)  --- SUM:  11 V  

Yaw:   0.24+/-0.03 [mrad/V]  = 0.146+/-0.02 [urad/count]

Pitch:  0.33+/-0.03 [mrad/V]  = 0.21+/-0.02 [urad/count]

NB: for geometrical reasons pitch is multiplied by a factor sqrt(2) (see attachment in entry 276)


BS (entry #337)  --- SUM: 13.4 V

Yaw:   0.37+/-0.03 [mrad/V]  = 0.25+/-0.02 [urad/count]

Pitch:  0.37+/-0.03 [mrad/V]  = 0.25+/-0.02 [urad/count]

NB: Since in this case the incident angle is almost normal the factor sqrt(2) can be neglected.


INPUT (entry #278 and pag 168 of my Phd thesis)  --- SUM: 3.2 V

Yaw:   0.038 [mrad/V]  = 0.027 [urad/count]

Pitch:  0.062 [mrad/V]  = 0.038 [urad/count]

NB: We considered a factor 100 coming from SR560 amplifiers 


END (entry #278 and pag 168 of my Phd thesis)  --- SUM: 4.45 V

Yaw:   0.030 [mrad/V]  = 0.018 [urad/count]

Pitch:  0.043 [mrad/V]  = 0.026 [urad/count]

NB: We considered a factor 100 coming from SR560 amplifiers 


It would be good to implement real time calibration for OPLEV channels.