NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Yuhang, Eleonora
We report three additional failures of Anti Aliasing (AA) channels.
Symptom: ADC channel reads large, almost constant offset (order of ~1000 counts). The offeset is still present if we disconnect cables towards AA board -> it is not coming from the BNC2Dsub converter. The offset is reduced when we switched off AA board and disappear when we disconnect AA from ADC.
This time the broken channels are:
- Ch.10 of AA0 used for INPUT YAW OPLEV (We realized it while charachterizing input oplev on 13/07)
- Ch.16 of AA0 used for END L SUM OPLEV (not currently used, we know it is broken since several months)
- Ch.14 of AA1 board, used for WFS2 Q3 (We realized it while charachterizing demodulators on 10/07)
For the moment I rearranged the model to used spare Anti Aliasing channels for INPUT YAW OPLEV (chan 9-12 of AA0 moved to chan 25-28 of AA1).
We shoud understand the origin of such problem and solve it. According to Miyakawa-san It might be due to a ground-connection issue in the design of KAGRA Bnc2Dsub converter JGW-D1604781