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NaokiAritomi - 02:39, Tuesday 11 August 2020 (2153)Get code to link to this report
Computer next to standalone cannot connect to network

Today we found we cannot access to remote desktop (first attached picture).

Then we found the computer next to standalone cannot connect to network. Even after we restart the PC, it cannot connect to network. Second attached picture shows LAN cable connection to the PC. 

Images attached to this report
2153_20200810193854_img8582.jpg 2153_20200810193900_img8589.jpg
Comments related to this report
EleonoraCapocasa - 14:58, Tuesday 11 August 2020 (2155)

[Matteo, Yuhang , Eleonora]

The problem was solved just by replacing the LAN cable that connects the desktop PC to the router. Note that the light at the LAN cable connection is still yellow/red and blinking. Probably it doesn't need to be green.