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YuhangZhao - 01:57, Saturday 26 September 2020 (2226)Get code to link to this report
IR_tra and detuning (checked by BAB) becomes more stable after engaging AA/pointing/z_corr loops

Eleonora (remote) and Yuhang

We found GR_tra becomes very stable after engaging AA/pointing/z_corr loops. Before checking FDS, the BAB was tested today. This kind of test was done long time ago (elog2049), we bascially follow the same method.

1. I put BAB on resonance. However, I notice later that PLL was unstable and unlocked at some point. Apart from that, the IR transmission and detuning was stable.

The second trend and minute trend data is shown in the attached figure 1 and 2.

We could see that GR_tra was not stable, which is due to SHG is not stable at the beginning.

The calibration is done with the method in elog2035, the calibration is shown in attached figure 3.

2. I put BAB in a detuned case. The second trend and minute trend data is shown in attached figure 4 and 5.

We could see that both IR_tra and IR_demo are stable in the detuned case.

Images attached to this report
2226_20200925185506_resfull.png 2226_20200925185521_resmin.png 2226_20200925185531_cal.png 2226_20200925185755_detfull.png 2226_20200925185815_detmin.png