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MarcEisenmann - 17:18, Thursday 15 April 2021 (2452)Get code to link to this report
ir re-alignment inside the FC & loose screw on MM1000s

Marc, Yuhang

Today we continued the ir alignment started yesterday.

Based on the labeled presented in figure 1, we could see that the beam was misaligned horizontally on M2, the 2 following lenses and M3.

We acted on M1 to recenter the beam there.

Then, we wanted to recover the beam on the target outside PR chamber by acting on M3.

Even tough I only moved slightly the horizontal screw, it might have been too much as it became easily loose.

As a reminder M3 is mounted using a holder MM1000s from First Mechanical Design compagny (http://www.1md.co.jp/mm1000_E.php)

To recover this screw, it was needed to tighten another small screw pointed by the red arrow in figure 2.

Realignment is on-going (one reference back on PR chamber)

Images attached to this report
2452_20210415101621_20210415irrealign.png 2452_20210415101720_20210415mm1000ssrew.jpg