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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:01, Monday 26 April 2021 (2474)Get code to link to this report
1cm thick SHINKOSHA absorption measurement started

Abe, Marc, Matteo

This morning, we installed the 1cm thick SHINKOSHA sample.

We recentered the beam dump on the laser unit and covered back this unit.

Then, we increased the power to ~300 mW to check the sample center and inclinaison.

We checked its X,Y and Z centers :

X center = 398.195 mm

Y center = 121.5 mm

Z center = 51.4 mm

Then, we checked the z center at the left, right, bottom and top position of the sample with extremal positions separated by 13 cm.

We found a 0.8 mm vertical tilt of the mirror and a 0.4 mm horizontal tilt.

Finally, we increased the laser power to 3.46W and started the measurement of absorption map of this sample.

We also did a preliminary evaluation of the absorption as

AC = 3.6e-3 V;
DC = 4.71 V;
P_in = 3.46 W;
P_t = 2.94 W;
T_sample = P_t/P_in;
R_bulk =0.7414 W/cm;

abs = AC/(DC*P_in*sqrt(T_sample)*R_bulk)*1e6*mat_correction ~1080 ppm/cm

Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 17:30, Wednesday 28 April 2021 (2477)

Before the measurement we also moved the IU to z=68.6mm.

I'll add to the wiki the IU position for surface and bulk reference as well as TAMA size, 1cm shinkosha and KAGRA samples.