NAOJ GW Elog Logbook 3.2
Yesterday I started the measurement of the tama size sample T1.
Thanks to the help of Simon and Matteo I could identify the good sample.
Indeed there are now 2 tama size sample in PCI clean room but one seems to be different (maybe FC mirror?)
The one I installed is the one on the left of entry 301.
However, it seems that this sample creates at least 2 beams in reflection that hit directly the last prism on the probe path before the sample.
In turn, multiple reflections are sent a bit everywhere (but not towards the photo detector).
Using 50 mW of incident pump power I could estimate the power lost in these reflections to be around 10% of the incident power.
Because the sizes of these reflections are quite large, we started the measurement anyway.
These measurements will finish this evening and I will turn off the pump laser at that time.
Measurement finished and reported in the 3 attached figures.
I finally choose to use this colormap for all plots as it is (I think) nice looking, color-blind and printing friendly.
Mean absorption seems to be 18+/-5 ppm/cm.
The sample was oriented to have the kanji for 'up' at the top.