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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 01:00, Friday 22 July 2016 (279)Get code to link to this report
Tama-size sample absorption measurement

I removed again the translation stage and placed the tama-size mirror mount, tightly fixed to the optical board.

Yesterday I took 1h of data (rate 100ms) with the pump OFF and  1h of data with the pump ON (9W).

Today I repeated the same measurement: 1h at 0W and 1h at 9W.

I plot the raw data. Blue is the 0W data and red is the 9W data.

I will filter and calculate the ppm/cm.

Images attached to this report
279_20160721175938_tama20160720.png 279_20160721175949_tama20160721.png