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NaokiAritomi - 14:41, Monday 31 January 2022 (2812)Get code to link to this report
Two magnets of end mirror fell down

[Takahashi, Aritomi]

Since there is a new 6.35Hz peak in END oplev spectra as reported in elog2808, we opened the end chamber and checked the suspension. We found that two magnets of end mirror fell down! This is the reason why the Z correction does not work recently. Takahashi-san will glue the magnets next Monday.

Comments related to this report
RyutaroTakahashi - 22:46, Monday 31 January 2022 (2815)

Picture of the mirror without magnets.

RyutaroTakahashi - 22:36, Monday 07 February 2022 (2833)

One magnet (upper) was glued with the jig and released 3 hours later. The other magnet (left) is under gluing. It will be released on the 14th.

RyutaroTakahashi - 11:36, Monday 14 February 2022 (2837)

The other magnet (left) was released. The TM was released and the chamber was closed.