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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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YoheiNishino - 11:18, Thursday 03 March 2022 (2856)Get code to link to this report
Beam profile measurement in the clean room in ATC

I measured the beam profile of the laser in the ATC clean booth. Yuhang and Michael are doing another experiment, so Aso-san and I will use the reflected light on the beam splitter(see figure 1).


  width weist position*
x 0.135 mm -39.4 mm
y 0.136 6.07 mm

* start position is two holes (~50 mm) distant from the center of the BS.

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Comments related to this report
YoheiNishino - 11:41, Friday 04 March 2022 (2860)

I measured the beam profiles again on March 3rd. I took 10 samples for each point and used an average of them.

  width weist position*
x 0.1347+- 0.0006 mm -35.6 +-0.5mm
y 0.139+-0.004 mm 11.8+-2.3mm

* start position is two holes (~50 mm) distant from the center of the BS.