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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 20:42, Friday 04 March 2022 (2863)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Shinkosha7 absorption (Click here to view original report: 2855)

We tried to investigate possible explanations for this discrepancy.

First we performed along z scan to be sure that we are able to see the 2 surfaces of the samples.

We could find S1 at 34.8 mm and S2 at 122 mm along z.

We can see the ac/dc signal decreasing with an increase of z (same as Manuel's measurement) but the signal is roughly half of what he got.

We have the same chopper frequency, we're injecting pure s polarization, but differences are that he was injecting about 10 W vs our 8.5 W, he set the DC to about 2.5 V vs 4V now and in his computation he is using 1.16 /cm instead of the 1.04 /cm later measured and I'm not sure how the transmission was taken into account.

For reference Manuel's measurements and analysis are in the KAGRA#7 folder.

One strong possibility is that we have a too large pump beam size. Indeed Manuel found out that it could cause some factor discrepancy when he upgraded the setup.

We characterized the beam size with the razor blade as reported in figure 1. The beam waist is 48.5 um instead of the expected 35 um.

Following Jammt simulation that indicates that the beam waist of 35 um by moving the last lens by ~5mm we started to realign but without clear improvement so we'll continue on Monday.

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