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MarcEisenmann - 19:53, Wednesday 30 March 2022 (2905)Get code to link to this report
Assembly of the new DGS rack

Marc, Yuhang

Today we installed all the required pcs and switches for the new DGS in the rack close to the input chamber.

From top to bottom there is :

  • dolphin switch
  • front end pc for central building
  • myrinet switch
  • tcp-ip switch
  • data concentrator pc
  • gps receiver
  • camera server
  • smart ups

We put label on each component but did not connected anything yet.

The key of the data concentrator pc is on the blue plastic container on the right side of the rack

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MarcEisenmann - 20:56, Thursday 31 March 2022 (2906)

Marc, Yuhang

We installed the GPS cable on the top of all the cables going around the central building up to the new dgs rack.

During this operation, we found the lightning arrester (HP 58505A). It is now installed above the bottom end of the stairs. We still need to connect it to the ground.

We also found out that the gps receiver had the led 'Alarm' on. But because we now have the lightning arrester we are confident that we could connect the gps cable directly to the irig-b card.

We turned on the 2 pc and during the boot we could saw the hardware that we previously installed. The os 'CentOS' is already installed but we don't know the pcs password so we could not investigate more.

We connected the tcp-ip switch to the switch used by the standalone pc with a 10 m long ethernet cable and connected the 2 pcs to this switch.

While turning off the front end pc (offline) it updated some drivers.