Warning: Undefined variable $s in /var/www/public_html/osl/classes/DAO.php on line 959
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MichaelPage - 19:41, Monday 11 April 2022 (2922)Get code to link to this report
TAMA DGS upgrade - frontend PC installation

Following on from the previous report, I ignored the Kerberos prompt since it is not used at NAOJ. When it asked me for the hostname and admin password changing server I just left both options blank. After that, the package installation completed.

I am now working on 1.3 of T2012111 (Installation procedure of new workstations (Debian10)). I'm a bit stuck on mounting the folders as shown. The instruction page doesn't seem to match the format accepted by /etc/fstb (figure 1) so I added some spaces that seem consistent with how the mount command works - i.e. device directory filesystem options 0 0. My guess is that the device is being mounted to the director /etc/opt/rtcds but maybe I should understand which device this actually is. I get the error shown in figure 2, so something is wrong here.

Images attached to this report
2922_20220411123333_20220411185001fstb.jpg 2922_20220411123336_20220411185038mount.jpg