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ShalikaSingh - 17:58, Monday 29 May 2023 (3260)Get code to link to this report
Fast axis of LC2
Aligining LC along its fast axis. 
1. The LC 2 axis was rotated by 2.15 degrees and this was specified as the initial angle(13.58 deg) in the analysis. The fast axis orientation obtained is as in Fig 1. 
2. The resolution of data is 13 degrees.
3. The LC was kept at a temperature of 30 degrees
Seems like I rotated by 2 degrees but LC rotated by 1 degree. We should rotate by remaining degree to align perfectly. 
folder_name = r'C:\Users\atama\OneDrive\LC-Experiment\Measurement Data\LC2_calibration data\fast axis 10'
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