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MarcEisenmann - 20:03, Friday 10 November 2023 (3340)Get code to link to this report
Electrical shutdown preparation

[Marc, Shalika]

Workstation in room 216/217 off

ATC clean room koach filter off

LC : everything's off

PCI : everything should be off. We could not reach the switch of HEPA filter of pre clean room so it is unplugged (accessible from the stairs)

FDS : everything should be off both inside clean room, all oplevs, coil drivers, DGS. End electronics also off. Vacuum was taken care of by Takahashi-san (?)

Also turned off the server/network switch in storage, the new DGS switch, DAC/ADC and network switch


Can not upload pictures but I took the reference levels of several components.

Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 12:04, Monday 13 November 2023 (3341)

Takahashi-san, Sato-san and Hirata-san recovered vacuum without issue.

I recovered LC, PCI and Filter Cavity mostly without issues.

However, the wifi antenna in TAMA storage seems to be broken.

Also, one of the power supply switch in FC clean room  (mainly used for homodyne power) is making a strange sound if I turn it on.

I will replace it