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YoheiNishino - 21:18, Tuesday 16 January 2024 (3404)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of open loop transfer function

Schematics can be found here. All filter shapes are written. Actuation gain of PZT and temperature actuator can be found in previous works, Niwa's master thesis for example.

I measured the open loop transfer function of the main-cavity system.

UGF is ~2 kHz and phase margin is 80 degree.

See the whole plot and local plot around UGF.

Comments related to this report
YoheiNishino - 11:33, Wednesday 31 January 2024 (3423)

Attatched links are not valid anymore.

Please see this folder. You can find how the data is handled in jupyter notebook, filter_gain.ipynb.