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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
Displaying report 1-1 of 1.
KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 19:45, Friday 29 March 2024 (3497)Get code to link to this report
30mm diameter sapphire absorption

laser : 7 A and HWP = 0deg : ~30mW

surface calib

z_iu = 69.18mm

z = 33 mm, (x,y) = (327.093,119.965)

checked calibration factor from 33 to 36mm, the max is at z=35mm ~13.9/W

z scan : Fri, Mar 29, 2024 11-29-17 AM.txt with Pt = 20.8mW (Pt = 21.4mW corresponds to Pin = 31.4mW)

bulk calibration

Pin = 31.1mW, Pt = 17.1mW to compute transmission

during measurement Pt = 17.5mW

moved z_iu by -0.32mm, z = 33.8mm gives R = 0.6413cm/W

z scan : Fri, Mar 29, 2024 2-27-42 PM.txt

T50#1 (30mm diameter, 50mm length, #4/6)

ziu = 48.61mm

dc was heavily misaligned in vertical... due to holder?

check if center is (x,y) 327,119 we can do +/-10mm in all direction without problem

also dc does not change during this so holder seems fine

Pt = 26.6mW, Pin = 31.2mW

can change z between 20 to 90 mm

HWP = 28deg : Pt = 4.83W

long z scan at x,y center : Fri, Mar 29, 2024 5-33-48 PM.txt

z edges are at 26 and 60 mm :Z_center = 43mm

10 mm radius map at z_center with 5mV gain and Pt = 4.81W : Fri, Mar 29, 2024 6-53-59 PM.txt

I placed a pink tape on top close to IU side

Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 20:01, Saturday 30 March 2024 (3498)

pt _ 4.65W

map at z_53 mm , Pt _ 4.65W; Sat, Mar 30, 2024 11-35-05 AM.txt

map at 33mm ' Sat, Mar 30, 2024 8-01-36 PM.txt