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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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HugoSaintOlive - 10:15, Thursday 25 April 2024 (3537)Get code to link to this report
Manipulation 2D polarization
After I've finished colimate my beam in the camera, I changed the orientation of my HWP and QWP to get 90° for the azymuthal angle and 0° for my elipticity.

Then, I made measurement with only 1 LCD of the polarization when we put a video on the LCD (video = all the 256 RGB value).
I did the same with 1 LCD oriented at 90°.

After doing this, I put the two different LCD and adapt my setup in order to get two different video, which allows you to combine the 256*256 different combinations.

All the setups seems to work.

Note : The camera is not synchronized with the 2 video make with a python.
Comments related to this report
HugoSaintOlive - 10:18, Thursday 25 April 2024 (3538)
1 LCD à 0° : Thu, Apr 18, 2024 11-14-30 AM.txt
1 LCD à 90° : Wed, Apr 24, 2024 3-40-14 PM.txt
1st 45° 2nd 0° : Wed, Apr 24, 2024 6-57-43 PM