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MichaelPage - 01:41, Friday 12 July 2024 (3651)Get code to link to this report
OPO PZT replacement

Logan, Michael

We inspected the 0.5in incoupler mirror of the OPO cavity using a strong flashlight. I took very close up photos with my macro lens (fig 1). There is a lot of o-ring residue which is unavoidable. Also a bit of dust. Maybe won't hurt to put First Contact.

We took out the OPO PZT and inspected (fig 2, 3). The new one looks a bit cleaner (fig 4, 5). Maybe the electrode on the old one is burnt out? I don't really know but maybe should carefully confirm the polarity of the PZT before soldering.

When replacing the PZT the retaining ring was screwed in too far and was hard to unscrew with stuff in the ATC room (fig 6). I'm pretty sure there is a proper tool in TAMA. That said I also think this OPO spacer design is very bad.

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