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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 16:02, Monday 10 July 2017 (412)Get code to link to this report
Filter cavity locking loop characterization

In the past days we tried to characterize the locking loop of the filter.

The loop transfer function for the filter cavity (sketched in figure1) is compose by different blocks

  • G1 [Hz/V]  = piezo actuator                      
  • G2 [Hz/Hz]  = SHG                                  
  • G3 [Hz/W]  = cavity
  • G4 [W/V]  = photodiode + demodulation
  • H [V/V]= servo 
if we define G = G1*G2*G3*G4  the open loop trasfer function is simply  H*G
In the loop scheme are shown the points where we can read the signal and the points when we can inject noise. By choosing the appropriate combination of observation and injection points we have tried to measure different parts of the loop transfer function. In particular
1)      H*G   ->  OPEN LOOP TF
  • inject noise on perturb 
  • measure EPS1/EPS2
NOTE:  We perform this measurement with a swept sign. (See picture 2) It allows to measure the UGF and the phase margin. The measure is not good at low frequency where the gain on the loop is higher. Unfortunately at these frequency where are not able to inject enough noise to dominate the error signal without unlocking.
2)       H   -> ELECTRONIC TF
  • inject noise on perturb
  • measure piezo mon/EPS2
NOTE: We performed the measure with a swept sine (See picture 3). Unfortunately I was not able to find a way to monitor the coherence between the two channels while performing a swept sine, so I don't know how much we can trust the measurement. It seems to be flat after the cavity pole (1.5 kHz) as it should be.
We have also perform the TF without injecting additional noise and assuming that the laser was sufficiently high. A result of the measure is plot in figure 4. I have also measures the coherence between the two channels ( shown in picture 5) which shoud tell in which regions the measuremts is more reliable.
3)         G  
  • inject noise on RAMP
  • measure  EPS2/piezo mon
NOTE: The blocks composing G are basically frequency independent up to few tens of KHz except for the cavity which should have a pole at 1.45 KHz.
Being able to fit the pole frequency would allow a measurement of the cavity finesse [ f_p = c/( 4*L*F)]
Also in this case, the amount of noise we could inject without unlocking was not high enough to provide a clear measurement ( we tried with with noise and swept sign). The obtained TF is shown in picture 6. it is not possible to extrapolate a value for the cavity pole.
In the last picture there is a scheme of the rampeauto done by Pierre prat with a summary of the gain of each channel.
Images attached to this report
412_20170710084417_07.png 412_20170710084439_tfopenloop.png 412_20170710084502_31.png 412_20170710084517_04.png 412_20170710084529_cohe.png 412_20170710084628_27.png 412_20170710084706_rampeautosummary.jpg
Comments related to this report
EleonoraCapocasa - 07:43, Wednesday 26 July 2017 (536)

The amplitude of the loop transfer functions plotted so far are actually the square of the real amplitude. The problem comes from the way I treated data saved by the spectrum analyzer. Each file is composed of 3 columns: frequency, real part (a) and imaginary part (b) of the TF.  Of course amplitude and phase are recovered by doing:

Amplitude = sqrt (a^2 +b^2)

Phase = angle (a+i*b)

Due to an oversight, I had replaced the sqare root with the absolute value in the amplitude computation. This explain the unexpected behaviour (1/f^2 instead of 1/f) of the openloop TF around the UGF. 

We will upload soon new TFs measurements (taken by Yuefan and Marc on monday night) properly plotted.