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EleonoraCapocasa - 20:22, Friday 17 March 2017 (420)Get code to link to this report
Picomotors check for suspension in BS chamber

Today we checked the picomotors in the BS chamber.

BS suspension picomotors

The out-of-vacuum connector is connected to the flange named PO 4 (see first attached picture)

There are two cables (with 6 pins) coming out from the connector, that I labelled BS ALIGNMENT and BS LENGTH. 

Here what we found:


  • A:   PITCH
  • B:   YAW
  • C:   


  • A:  Z
  • B:  X
  • C: should be Y  but doesn't work!

We checked the connections and they seem to work, so it is probably the picomotor itself which doesn't work although the screw can be rotate by hand. 

2'' telescope mirror picomotors

The not-suspended 2" telescope mirror will be equipped with 3 picomotors (pitch, yaw and a translation). See picture 2.

I have checked that the 3 picomotors can work and I prepared a cable for the out-of-vacuum connection.

I re-used a former cable used for PO1 in the PR chamber adding 2 pins for controlling the translation picomotor. The pinout of the modified, cable labelled TELESCOPE 2", is shown in figure 3.

Images attached to this report
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