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MichaelPage - 00:23, Saturday 21 May 2022 (2951)Get code to link to this report
TAMA DGS upgrade

Marc and Michael

The frontend PC was reinstalled with Debian 11 - we are going to go with the latest software and hardware that will be used in O5 rather than current versions. The frontend was altered with the following manual partition setup (figure 1):
/boot - default size
/ (root file system) - 50 GB (maybe some large things will be installed here...)
/swap - 32 GB - same as RAM size
/tmp - 5 GB
/var - 10 GB
/home - remaining space

Language - English
Region - Japan
Locales - en_US.UTF-8
Keyboard - American English
hostname - FEcentral
domain name - mtk.nao.ac.jp (default)
Network interface - eno1 Intel Corporation ethernet controller 10G X550T
root password - starts with a 1 instead of 0
ops user 1000 (same password as usual)
controls user 1001 (same password as usual)
package manager - deb.debian.org
HTTP proxy - blank

From the ALIGO respository, we are now using the debian bullseye 1.0.9 cdssoft instead of buster 1.0.6 as in the last entry on this topic.

For the data concentrator Debian 11 installation, I am still not so sure about the partitioning. I still haven't seen any guidelines on it. The preinstalled storage hardware is shown in figure 2, from the BIOS settings. Also, we are using the minimal Debian installer and connect to the internet during the installation. But, the Myrinet controller needs some other firmware to run (figure 3). I remember that LIGO has some link to it but can't put it on their repository. In this case we have two ethernet controllers to choose from (figure 4). But, the first one on the list also didn't work. I skipped that and went to the partitioning. It already threw out the preset partitioning with some filesystem that I don't know of (figure 5), and I'm not entirely sure how to do this one either. So I just stopped there and didn't write anything to the disk, i.e. it still boots CentOS 7

Images attached to this report
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Comments related to this report
MichaelPage - 02:51, Friday 27 May 2022 (2960)

I changed the root password back to normal. For me it was just Linux paranoia to make the root password different but I guess it doesn't matter here.