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NAOJ GW Elog Logbook
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 22:05, Thursday 13 September 2018 (985)Get code to link to this report
Small sapphire sample: Ratio between maps at NAOJ and at Hawaii

Small sapphire sample.
As I did for the LMA measurement reported in elog entry 745,
I calculated the ratio overlapping the map taken with my setup in February with the map taken by Alexandrovski.

I shifted the maps to find the minimum of the standard deviation of the ratio on the map.

The ratio is 2.55+/-0.3

Images attached to this report
985_20180913150149_smallsapphirenaoj.png 985_20180913150155_smallsapphirehawaii.png 985_20180913150211_ratiomaphawaiihisto.png 985_20180913150252_ratiomaphawaii.png