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NaokiAritomi - 22:07, Thursday 27 August 2020 (2182)Get code to link to this report
CCFC successfully locked

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

Carrier and CC AOM frequency are as follows.

carrier: 109.03577 MHz
CC: 109.03586 MHz

We changed a cable length for CCFC LO and checked the CCFC error signal. The result is as follows (Pic.1,2,3 are 0,2,4 m cable length).

CCFC LO cable length phase 
0 m 0 deg (I phase)
2 m 90 deg (Q phase)
4 m  180 deg

Then we added the CCFC I phase error signal to perturb of green FC servo. We used SR560 with lowpass filter 0.1 Hz and gain 200 before injecting the perturb. Then CCFC stably locked!

When SR560 gain is 1000, it oscillates with 88Hz (Pic. 4).

We measured CCFC phase noise. For CCFC calibration, we used Pic. 5. Since AOM scan speed is 1600 Hz/s, the calibration factor (Hz/V) is 1600 Hz/s*70 ms/40 mV = 2800 Hz/V. Measured CCFC phase noise is shown in Pic. 6. Note that free run CCFC error signal is out of linear range and the spectrum could be wrong. I also compared with IR locking accuracy we usually use (Pic. 7).

We measured the ratio of CCFC OLTF and green OLTF with SR560 (Pic. 8). The crossover frequency is 40 Hz.

When the CCFC demodulation phase is optimal, CCSB frequency separation can be obtained from the distance of two dips in Q phase signal since the two dips correspond to CCSB resonance (Pic. 9). From Pic. 2, time difference of the two dips is about 120 ms and therefore frequency separation of CCSB is 120 ms*1600 Hz/s = 192 Hz. This is a bit larger than optimal value 108Hz. Note that when the CCFC demodulation phase is not optimal, it will also change the distance of the two dips.

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Comments related to this report
YuhangZhao - 03:14, Saturday 29 August 2020 (2185)

Just a reminder, sometimes we still suffer from the unlock of CC1 loop. This is mainly due to the saturation of CC1 correction signal. We need to investigate how to improve this.

NaokiAritomi - 15:51, Monday 30 November 2020 (2297)

I attached OLTF of CCFC and green lock. Note that I flipped the sign of measured data to match the measurement and theory. The measured phase is not consistent with theory.

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SatoshiTanioka - 20:57, Thursday 27 August 2020 (2181)Get code to link to this report
Some measurements and remedy of the circuit

What I did

Today, I tried to measure the finesse of the cavity by locking the laser.
However, I could not lock and found the servo had some problems at low-pass parts.
I tried to remedy the circuit but could not solve the problem.
So I decided to make another circuit.
Actually this work has not finished yet...

Besides it, I did some measurements without locking the laser, i.e. doppler method which depends on the dynamical response of the cavity.
Also I measured the frequency split between transmitted p- or s- polarized beam.
As shown in the attached picture, there is a frequency shift between the s- and p- polarization.
The injected beam is pure s-polarized beam, but by playing with a HWP one can inject p-polarized beam. 
This frequency spilt measurement corresponds to a cavity enhanced ellipsometry.


To be honest, the analysis has not yet done...
The frequency spit was about 150 usec by 100 Hz 3 Vpp triangle wave.


The temperature of the cavity was about 120 K.

At first, the reflected (and transmitted) power was about 70 % less than I expected.
I doubted that the misalignment, but it seemed not.
Though I optimized the alignment, the reflected power did not improve.
After one or two minuites illumination, suddenly both of them recovered.
I could not figure out the reason, but the desorption of moleuclar layer is one of the possible reason.
Further investigations are needed.

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SatoshiTanioka - 19:36, Sunday 30 August 2020 (2189)

I found one of the integrator was not working due to the insufficient soldering.
I remedied it, then the TF of the servo seems what I intented.

However, I found that the gain was too high for stable lock...
I will modify the servo or locking scheme.

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NaokiAritomi - 16:49, Wednesday 26 August 2020 (2180)Get code to link to this report
CC1 locked with new mixer

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

We replaced a TAMA mixer with a new mixer (ZX05-1L-S+) and a low pass filter (SLP-1.9+) for CC1. CC1 error signal with the new mixer and TAMA mixer are shown in Pic. 1,2. SNR with the new mixer seems much better and there is no offset in the new mixer. Note that CC1 servo offset should be 5.

Then we locked CC1. CC1 gain is 2 for 25mW green. Pic. 3 shows CC1 OLTF. UGF is 3.7 kHz and phase margin is 50 deg. Pic. 4 shows CC1 phase noise. CC1 rms phase noise is 84.2 mrad and squeezing phase noise from CC1 is 84.2/2 = 42.1 mrad.

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YuhangZhao - 13:51, Wednesday 26 August 2020 (2179)Get code to link to this report
pitch/yaw coupling test for input mirror

A similar test for input mirror with elog2173 was done.

pitch to yaw coupling 1.8%
yaw to pitch coupling 1.7%

Almost no coupling was found. This is consistent with the result reported in elog2172.

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SatoshiTanioka - 00:08, Wednesday 26 August 2020 (2178)Get code to link to this report
Notes on Tochi Board

This entry is just a memomrandum.

Last week I made a sum-amp circuit to add the offset to PDH feedback signal.
But the output from the circuit did not contain the input signal, i.e. insensitive to the input signal and could not use though I confirmed all the conduction was fine.

Actually, there was a problem at one op-amp port labeled 5 on the board.
By changing the port, this problem was solved, but what caused this was uncertain...

One possible reason is due to the poor soldering around the op-amp but not sure.

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NaokiAritomi - 23:17, Tuesday 25 August 2020 (2177)Get code to link to this report
CCFC error signal on 20200825

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Eleonora]

First we amplified CCFC RF signal by 33.6dB with RF amplifier port which was used for AOM before. We put a DC block (BLK-89-S+) before the RF amplification. The result is as follows.

injected green: 56 mW
14MHz peak before amplification: -51.8 dBm
14MHz peak after amplification: -18.2 dBm
amplification factor: 33.6 dB

We demodulated it with a new mixer and measured CCFC signal when CC1 is scanned and CCSB are off resonance. The signal is 120 mVpp and no offset (Pic. 1).

Then we locked CC1 (CC1 gain: 0.5 for 56 mW green) and changed PLL setting as before. Carrier and CC AOM frequency are as follows. Frequency difference between carrier and CC is 60Hz which is good.  We scanned AOM around CC resonance. The CCFC error signal seems I phase (Pic. 2). Theoretical CCFC error signal with 56mW of green is Pic. 3.

carrier: 109.03584 MHz
CC: 109.03590 MHz

We tried to change the CCFC demodulation phase by changing 14MHz DDS phase, but CCFC error signal didn't change. Since changing 14MHz DDS phase changes both CC1 LO and CCFC LO, this may cancel out the phase change.

So we tried to change the CCFC LO demodulation phase only by adding a 2.5 m cable to CCFC LO. Then CCFC error signal became Q phase (Pic. 4) although it is not crossing 0. Theoretically 90deg phase delay of 14MHz signal should be 3.5 m (lambda/4 = c/sqrt(2.3)/14MHz/4) where 2.3 is the relative permittivity of polyethylene. There is a bit difference between theory and experiment. We need a phase shifter for fine tuning of CCFC demodulation phase.

Anyway it seems we can use this error signal to lock FC.

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YuhangZhao - 18:29, Tuesday 25 August 2020 (2176)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of optical losses for HWP (before and after cleaning)

Aritomi and Yuhang

As reported in entry2156, different HWP has different optical losses. Especially the dirty ones have more optical losses.

So we decide to clean these HWP and measure again the optical losses of them.

The experiment set-up is the same with entry2156, but the measurement is different this time. This time, the HWP was moved slightly by hand around center or tilt a bit to find the maximum/minimum transmission. Let's remind that HWP was placed randomly last time.

The result of optical losses max/min value is summarized as following:

  maximum losses minimum losses
before cleaning 0.97% 0.24%
after cleaning 1.4% 0.24%

One important point is that the minimum losses is the same before and after cleaning, which indicates that there is always a good point on the HWP to minimize optical losses.

But it was a bit strange that the maximum losses became larger after cleaning.

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SatoshiTanioka - 13:16, Monday 24 August 2020 (2175)Get code to link to this report
Raising the temperature

This entry is a log on the last weekend.
I injected He gas in order to raise the temperature inside the chamber.
Now the temperature is about 293 K.

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NaokiAritomi - 15:34, Wednesday 19 August 2020 (2174)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Characterization of the four driving magnets for END mirror (Click here to view original report: 2173)

Let's also check driving for INPUT to compare.

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YuhangZhao - 15:21, Wednesday 19 August 2020 (2173)Get code to link to this report
Characterization of the four driving magnets for END mirror

Eleonora and Yuhang

Since the problem of AA's pitch/yaw coupling is more severe when END mirror is driven, we decide to check the driving/control of END mirror.

1. The first test was to check the pitch/yaw motion peak with oplev when one set of coil/magnet is driven. The test was done for 4Hz and 10Hz. (figure 1-8)

  H1(pitch/yaw) H2(pitch/yaw) H3(pitch/yaw) H4(pitch/yaw)
10Hz (3,63) (50,14) (2,32) (64,13)
4Hz (13,375) (93,20) (19,323) (122,16)

Therefore we can derive

  driving difference H1/H3 driving difference H2/H4
10Hz ~2:1 ~5:6
4Hz ~1:1 ~5:6
  H1  coupling to pitch H2 coupling to yaw H3 coupling to pitch H4 coupling to yaw
10Hz <5% 28% 6% 20%
4Hz <4% 22% 6% 13%

2. The second test was to send directly the pitch/yaw driving signal. After that, we checked the time series and also the spectrum. (figure 9-12)

pitch to yaw coupling 15%
yaw to pitch coupling 2%
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NaokiAritomi - 15:34, Wednesday 19 August 2020 (2174)

Let's also check driving for INPUT to compare.

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NaokiAritomi - 10:59, Wednesday 19 August 2020 (2172)Get code to link to this report
Optimization of demodulation phase for each QPD segment

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

This is work on Aug 17th.

First we maximized WFS2 I3 12Hz INPUT PIT by DDS demodulation phase. We set WFS2 segment 3 DGS phase 0. The optimal DDS demodulation phase for WFS2 I3 was 160 deg.

Then we optimized other WFS2 segments by DGS demodulation phase. We found that optimal demodulation phases for other WFS2 segments were around 40deg. This is quite different from WFS2 segment 3 demodulation phase which is 0 deg. Maybe this is related to broken WFS2 Q3 channel and it will be solved by fixing the channel.

We also optimized WFS1 segments by DGS phase. The optimal DGS demodulation phases for WFS1 were around 0 deg. Here is a summary of optimal DGS demodulation phases with 160deg of DDS demodulation phase.

segment WFS1 1 WFS1 2 WFS1 3 WFS1 4 WFS2 1 WFS2 2 WFS3 3 WFS3 4
optimal DGS phase 0 10 0 0 40 35 0 40

We measured sensing matrix. We still have pitch and yaw coupling...


WFS1 I PIT 0.4 0.03 0.2 0.07
WFS1 I YAW 0.03 0.49 0.09 0.2
WFS2 I PIT 0.26 0.05 0.24 0.12
WFS2 I YAW 0.01 0.23 0.09 0.28

After that we found that WFS1 pitch and yaw coupling for INPUT PIT changed in several minutes (Pic. 5)...

We also injected a 8Hz line to INPUT PIT, but WFS1 pitch and yaw coupling is similar with 12Hz line (Pic. 6).

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EleonoraCapocasa - 18:28, Tuesday 18 August 2020 (2171)Get code to link to this report
WFS2_Q3 channel now available

Yuhang, Eleonora

In order to acquire the WFS2_Q3 channel priviously connected to a broken AA channel (see entry #2117) we moved the cable from AA 13-16 to AA 29-32 which was unused. See Pic1. We modified real time model accordingly. See pic2.

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SatoshiTanioka - 18:44, Monday 17 August 2020 (2170)Get code to link to this report
Cooling test

I turned on the refrigerator on Friday to see the temperature the cavity can reach.
Actually, the mirror temperature was below 10 K.
Therefore, we can measure the mirror properties from room temp. to around 10 K where the ET's test mass target temperature.
Fig. 1 shows the measured temperature, A represents the temperature of the mirror and B represents that of the table.

In addition, I could lock the laser to the cavity.
The red line in Fig. 2 shows the transmitted beam power though this picture is taken when the cavity was not locked.

I will make the servo to add the offset to feedback signal.
After that I will implement it to stabilize the lock.

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YuhangZhao - 00:48, Friday 14 August 2020 (2169)Get code to link to this report
CC1 investigation (3)

Aritomi, Yuhang

We are having issue of offset and bad SNR.

We checked the 14MHz peak from TAMA PD (as shown in figure 1 and 2). Usually it is amplified to -42dBm after an amplification of 21dB from -63dBm. The SNR before amplification is about 14dB, which is increased to about 20dB after the amplification.

The local oscillator used for demodulation is -7dBm, as shown in figure 3 .

The demodulated signal before and after amplification are shown in figure 4 and 5. Compared with the linewidth shown in figure 6, the SNR for demodulated signal is only about 1.5.

We could see that there is a almost constant offset around 8mV. Therefore, a larger LO may solve the offset problem.

(TAMA1991 demodulator was used and shown in this entry. We also tried other two demodulators, which give much larger offset)

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NaokiAritomi - 23:06, Thursday 13 August 2020 (2168)Get code to link to this report
CCFC preparation
First I removed a faraday on the bench in the reflection path and put a flipping mirror for CCFC locking. 
I measured 14MHz CCFC signal reflected from filter cavity. Pic.1,2 show 14MHz CCFC peak with 25 mW, 56 mW pump green. Measured CCSB power difference is 9.4dB.
MZ offset pump power (mW) p pol PLL (MHz) CCFC 14MHz peak (dBm)
4.2 25 190 -61.9
4.8 56 120 -52.5
From the pump power, we can calculate the theoretical CCSB power.
pump power (mW)  x = sqrt(P_pump/P_th)  Normalized CCSB power x/(1-x^2)^2
25 0.56 1.2
56 0.84 9.7
Theoretical CCSB power difference is 10*log10(9.7/1.2) = 9.1dB which is consistent with the measurement.
I also measured CCFC demodulated signal with 25, 56 mW green when CCSB are off resonance of FC and CC1 is scanned. I used CC1 LO for CCFC LO and used TAMA mixer for demodulation (Pic.3,4). There is an offset in CCFC signal. We'll try to put DC block in CCFC RF signal if we can remove the offset.
CCFC signal with 56mW green is only 4 mVpp, so we need to amplify the CCFC RF signal.

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NaokiAritomi - 22:40, Thursday 13 August 2020 (2167)Get code to link to this report
Check of QPD1,2 optimal demodulation phase and WFS1 rotation phase

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

Yesterday we optimized QPD1,2 demodulation phase and WFS1 rotation phase. Today we checked them if they change from yesterday or not. WFS1,2 signals for INPUT PIT measured today is shown in the attached picture. For WFS1, I and Q decoupling is fine, but it is not good for WFS2. Also there are pitch and yaw coupling for both WFS1 and WFS2. We need also WFS2 pitch and yaw rotation.

We optimized WFS2 demodulation phase by DGS. WFS2 DGS demodulation seems working. Optimal WFS2 demodulation phase is 10 deg while it was 0 deg yesterday.

WFS2 DGS demod (deg) WFS2_I_PIT WFS2_Q_PIT
0 0.2 0.07
10 0.31 0.02
20 0.3 0.05

We optimized pitch and yaw WFS1 rotation. WFS1 pit and yaw rotation phase is now 20 deg while it was 10 deg yesterday.

WFS1 rotation (deg) WFS1_I_PIT WFS1_I_YAW
0 0.46 0.17
10 0.51 0.08
20 0.45 0.02
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YuhangZhao - 14:07, Thursday 13 August 2020 (2166)Get code to link to this report
The implementation of AA telescope with another design (QPD 1/2 are located at Gouy phase -45 and 45 deg)

Aritomi, Yuhang

We had issue of pitch and yaw sensing coupling, as reported in elog2141, especially from end mirror motion. We see from that entry that the driving of end mirror pitch/yaw goes into yaw/pitch sensing mainly in WFS1.

Therefore we tried a new design of AA telescope as shown in attached figures. The first figure is contain the phase information. The second figure shows how components are organized on top of bench.

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NaokiAritomi - 23:14, Wednesday 12 August 2020 (2165)Get code to link to this report
Movement of QPD positions

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

As we reported before, demodulation phase for QPD1 changes day by day, and pitch and yaw coupling in WFS1 is not good. We guess that this may be because QPD1 is at the waist position. QPD1 is sensitive to gouy phase change and astigmatism.
As we reported before, optimal demodulation phase for QPD1 changes day by day and pitch and yaw coupling in WFS1 is not good. We guess that this may be because QPD1 is at the waist position. QPD1 is sensitive to gouy phase change and astigmatism.
We moved QPD positions to have +- 45 deg gouy phase. Yuhang will report the new optical design for WFS.
First we optimized DDS demodulation phase for WFS2 by looking at 12Hz line in INPUT PIT. The optimal DDS demodulation phase for WFS2 is 135 deg.
Then we optimized DGS demodulation phase for WFS1. The optimal DGS demodulation phase for WFS1 is 157.5 deg.
We measured sensing matrix. For WFS1, pitch and yaw coupling for END YAW is much better while others are more or less similar with previous configuration. For WFS2, only INPUT PIT is good and others are worse than previous configuration.
WFS1_I_PIT 0.41 0.06 0.2 0.02
WFS1_I_YAW 0.1 0.48 0.13 0.19
WFS2_I_PIT 0.21 0.05 0.23 0.09
WFS2_I_YAW 0.01 0.18 0.1 0.25
Since there is still pitch and yaw coupling in WFS1, we rotated WFS1 pitch and yaw by 10 deg to minimize 11 Hz BS pitch peak in WFS1. Then we measured sensing matrix again.
WFS1_I_PIT 0.37 0.14 0.23 0.03
WFS1_I_YAW 0.03 0.45 0.07 0.17
WFS2_I_PIT 0.21 0.05 0.23 0.09
WFS2_I_YAW 0.01 0.18 0.1 0.25
Rotation of WFS1 pitch and yaw makes INPUT/END PIT better and makes INPUT/END YAW a bit worse.
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NaokiAritomi - 18:21, Wednesday 12 August 2020 (2164)Get code to link to this report
CC1 investigation (2)

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

Today we found CC1 error signal is only 35.2 mVpp with old mixer while TAMA mixer gives similar value (~150mVpp) as yesterday. We need good mixers for CC1 and CCFC.

We swapped LO and RF of CC1 with TAMA mixer, but there is still offset and the CC1 error signal got smaller (first attached picture: before swap, second attached picture: after swap).

We checked RF power in LO and RF for CC1.

LO: -7.3 dBm

RF: -42 dBm

Note that this 14 MHz CC1 LO should be divided for CCFC LO.

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SatoshiTanioka - 11:25, Wednesday 12 August 2020 (2163)Get code to link to this report
Alignment improvement

This entry is a log on Aug. 11.

I opened the chamber in order to improve the alignment of the cavity.
The transmitted power was improved by a factor of 2.

Then I closed the chamber and started evacuating.


One temperature sensor shows fluctuation.
It may come from the connection of the cable inside the chamber.
I think it does not have serious impact on the experimet because the fluctuation is within 0.2 K though our requirement is about 1 K.