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EleonoraCapocasa - 20:17, Friday 25 November 2016 (334)Get code to link to this report
Recap of the CPUs and I/O channels used for filter cavity mirrors and telescope control

Today I checked the I/O channals that will be needed for the control of the BS suspension (part of the filter cavity injection systems). Here a brief recap of the CPUs and the I/0 ports used for all the controlled suspensions. See also first picture in the attached file.

INPUT MIRROR  (4 input , 4 output)

CPU:   SAS_NM1b (  in central room

INPUT : SC1 MOD 6 /ai 4:7

OUTPUT: DEV1 /ao 0:3


TELESCOPE MIRRORS  BS ans PR (4 input, 8 output)

CPU: SAS-NM2b ( in central room

INPUT: SC1 MOD 3 /ai 0:7   (1, 2 used for PR   5,6 used for BS)  NB: #4 doesn't work!

OUTPUT DEV2 /ao 0:7  (1, 2, 3, 4 used for PR  5, 6, 7, 8 used for BS)


END MIRROR (4 input, 4 output)

CPU: SAS-EM2a ( in end room

INPUT: SC1 MOD3 /ai0:3

OUTPUT: PXI1 Slot3/ao 0:3


NB: Some days ago I had to change the port in the swtch that was connecting the CPUs in the central room to the network. I found out that the port used previusly (see attached picture 2)  didn't work anymore and that was the reason why I wasn't able to connect the supervisor PC to the remotes targets.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 14:19, Wednesday 23 November 2016 (333)Get code to link to this report
[FAILED] BS suspension installation

Workers: Tatsumi, Takahashi, Yuefan, Eleonora

During the installation work, one standoff was dropped off from the mirror.


[Glueing work]

Tatsumi made glueing work for standoff at TAMA.



We will make installation work on Thursday afternoon.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 13:09, Tuesday 22 November 2016 (332)Get code to link to this report
BS suspension wire setting
Finally we (me and Yuefan) successfuly hang
all of BS dummy mirror, intermediate mass, and
inter. dummping mass.
Therefore, as scheduled we will start installation work
at 13:30 in TAMA center room.
Finally we (me and Yuefan) successfuly hang
all of BS dummy mirror, intermediate mass, and
inter. dummping mass.
Therefore, as scheduled we will start installation work
at 13:30 in TAMA center room.
Hanging dummy mass survived in large earthquake.
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DaisukeTatsumi - 18:23, Sunday 20 November 2016 (331)Get code to link to this report
BS suspension wire setting

[GOOD NEWS]   I successfuly hang BS dummy mass with four tungsten wires of 100 micron.

[BAD NEWS]    Dumping mass of the intermediate mass is missing.

Together with this mass, strong magnets and two hanging rods are needed.

[21 Nov.] I found these at bottom of rack for absorption measurement system.

Another missing parts are base plates to sit 10 cm diameter masses for hanging JIG.

I recommend to keep whole parts in one container box.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 10:04, Saturday 19 November 2016 (330)Get code to link to this report
Failure of BS suspension wire setting

Worker: Yuefan Guo, Daisuke TATSUMI

We failed to set suspension wire of BS mirror.

We try three times and always break the suspesion wire during the pulling up

the aluminum dummy mirror.

I guess that these failure come from systematic reasons.

Therefore, we stop the work today.


I know the safy factor of tensile strength is about 2 for 10cm fused silica mirror.

Because BS mirror has different dimensions, I calculate several parameters.

[[  ]]

1) Tensile strength of tungsten wires
2500-3500 N/mm^2
2) Wire dimensions
Diameter           50 micro-meter
Number of wires    4
2500 N/mm^2 * (0.025 * 0.025 * pi) * 4
= 19.6 N
= 2.0 kgf
3) Mass of mirror and dummy
Diameter 1 0cm / Thickness 6 cm     Volume = 471 cm^3
Diameter 15 cm / Thickness 4 cm     Volume = 707 cm^3
Density of
Fused silica           2.20 g/cm^3
Aluminum alloy 5052    2.68 g/cm^3
Weight of
10cm / Fused silica    1036 g
10cm / Aluminum        1262 g
15cm / Fused silica    1555 g
15cm / Aluminum        1895 g

It means that for 15cm alumimum dummy mirror,

there is almost no safety factor. If tension balance of four wires is not good,

the wires will break easily.

I decide to change the wire diameter to 100 micron.


High wire tensions are needed to reduce its mechanical loss.

For stearing mirror of the filter cavity, we do not take car of thermal noises.

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 17:49, Thursday 17 November 2016 (329)Get code to link to this report
VI for Rectangular and Circular maps

Members: Sakai, Manuel

We improved the VI that makes the absorption maps. Now it can also make Circular maps. We added an elapsed/remaining time and progress indicator. We also cleaned up the Front Panel to make it simpler. Next, we will include the filters.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 16:08, Tuesday 15 November 2016 (328)Get code to link to this report
Glueing work for TAMA BS mirror

I finished the glueing work for TAMA BS mirror.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 15:48, Tuesday 15 November 2016 (327)Get code to link to this report
TAMA beam height from the floor

I measured the beam height at TAMA center room.

The beam height is about 1200 mm.

This is consistent with Takahashi-san's answer.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 15:31, Tuesday 15 November 2016 (326)Get code to link to this report
TAMA high power EOM

I checked some EOM at TAMA.

I found that Yuefan already installed a custom EOM for SHG.

I know the following things.

1) Custom EOM crystal (producted by DELTRONICS Inc.) was assembed into Newport 4003 housing. And then its resonant frequency was tuned to be 15.235 MHz by New Port Inc.

2) To reduce a power density of the passing beam, the crystal has dimensions of 4 x 4 x 40 mm. In addition, holes on the housing were expanded to 4 mm in diameter. Normal New Port EOM 4003 has 2 mm of its aperture.

3) At TAMA site, we have several EOMs as listed bellow.

PRODUCT Resonant freq. (MHz) Aperture  
Custom EOM 15.235 4 mm already installed for SHG
NewPort 4003 15.24 2 mm  
NewPort 4003 76.1 2 mm  
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YuefanGuo - 16:08, Thursday 10 November 2016 (325)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Magnet has been glued to the BS mirror (Click here to view original report: 324)
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YuefanGuo - 16:07, Thursday 10 November 2016 (324)Get code to link to this report
Magnet has been glued to the BS mirror
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YuefanGuo - 16:08, Thursday 10 November 2016 (325)
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DaisukeTatsumi - 19:20, Tuesday 08 November 2016 (323)Get code to link to this report
RF photodetector

I upload a PDF on TAMA RF photodetector.

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DaisukeTatsumi - 19:19, Tuesday 08 November 2016 (322)Get code to link to this report
TAMA Faraday Isolator

I upload three PDF files on a system of TAMA Faraday Isolator. I do not have information on Faraday crystal.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:01, Monday 07 November 2016 (321)Get code to link to this report
VI for real time filtering (median and average)

Members: Sakai-kun, Manuel,

We made a VI that takes a single input, uploads the array buffer, applies a median and an average filter and returns a filtered output. There are controls for the filter array sizes and switches to enable and disable the filters. We put this VI in the loop of the VI that shows the signals, we filtered the X and Y signals and plot the AC and Phase. The plots show the filtered signals in white and the unfiltered in gray.

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YuefanGuo - 16:32, Monday 07 November 2016 (320)Get code to link to this report
Wire-breaker has been glued onto the BS mirror
The attached picture reviews the wire-breaker has been glued onto the mirror(Two light spot), done by Tatsumi-san this afternoon.
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DaisukeTatsumi - 14:21, Monday 07 November 2016 (319)Get code to link to this report
Height changing of optical table for squeezer

I contacted to the company (Japan Laser Coorp. as a japanease agency of Newport). The currect legs can be separated into upper and lower parts. Cheapest way to change the height is to change the lower part of the legs. To get a quotation, about one week is needed. An expected delivering time is about three months.

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RaffaeleFlaminio - 07:32, Monday 07 November 2016 (318)Get code to link to this report
Minutes of Meeting 2016-11-02

Minutes of Meeting
November 2nd, 2016
Participants: M. Barsuglia, E. Capocasa, R. Flaminio, Y. Guo, M. Tacca

1. Coating at LMA
Discussion on going.

2. Optical scheme
New optical scheme produced by Matteo and Eleonora.

2a. Which polarization shall we use? The OPO and the SHG seems to work with S-pol (TBC with
Matteo Leonardi). Which polarization one is compatible with the EOM that we have?
Yuefan wil check.

2b. SHG lock. It can be done in transmission. GEO did it in transmission. Virgo is doing
it in reflection. If so we can remove the optics to do the lock-in in reflection.

2c. Share of IR power between SHG path and 1064IMC path? Need to check with Matteo Lombardi
what is the minimum power required for the SHG.

2d. Modulation frequency for the SHG/1064MC: GEO was using 75MHz. Virgo is using 80 MHz.
We are planning to use 15 MHz.

2e. IMC's. Mechanical design received form JP Zendri. Finesse: 500? Polarization: S?
Raffaele will consult with Matteo Lombardi. APC team will consult with people at LKB.

2f. Telescopes. Now that the optical lenght are fixed, telescopes can be studied.
Yuefan is studying the telescope for the SHG. Matteo Tacca will pass to Yuefan
the information about three lenses telescopes.

3. Window on vacuum chamber
Flange size is about 15 cm
KAGRA design received from Akutsu. With KAGRA design max window size will be ~9cm.
Matteo Tacca will ask Virgo design for same type of flange.

4. Optical table height. Tatsumi is investigating possible solutions to ahve the beam height
at the same height as the window on the vacuum chamber.

5. Visit to NAOJ of Matteo Tacca. Goal of visit will be the set-up of the green path
for the filter cavity control and the injection into the OPO. Need to define the list of
components to be bought.


KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 19:01, Friday 04 November 2016 (317)Get code to link to this report
VI for absorption maps

Members: Sakai-kun, Manuel

In order to make maps of samples, we made a labview VI that moves the translation stage in 2 directions (namely scan and shift), reads the lockin amp values and put the data in a file.

In attachment the pdf of the front panel and the block diagram.

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YuefanGuo - 17:16, Friday 04 November 2016 (316)Get code to link to this report
Thermal control of the SHG housing
We got the shipped SHG housing today, assembled all the part, connected it to the thermal controller and started to do the thermal test. According to the spec of the thermal sensor, the corresponding resistance of 60 degree is 3.010 kOhm, 70 degree is 2.224. Since the current do have a linear relationship with the resistance based on the test we did to the higher resistance, finally we set the resistance to 2.6 kOhm to get the 65 degree we wanted. When it reached our goal temperature,the setting limited current is 0.5 A and the exact value is 0.464 A, this result is pretty different from what I did last time. Under this circumstance, I measured the temperature of the different parts with the spare thermal sensor, almost got the same value (24 degree) which are also quiet close to the room temperature. Then I cut down the heat source, after the crystal block back to the room temperature (about 23 degree), restart the process again and count the time. It took 6 min and 52 sec to reach the setting.
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DaisukeTatsumi - 13:52, Friday 04 November 2016 (315)Get code to link to this report
Height modification of optical table for squeezer
 [[ Brief summary on current situations ]]
1) TAMA beam height from the floor is set to be 1200mm.
2) Current height of TAMA optical tables are 900mm.
Here the height is that of tabletop surface.
We are using Newport RS4000 Series optical tables.
Table thickness is 8 inches.
Leg height (nominal) is 28 inches. This is the longest leg in catalogue products.
3) Now a beam height from the table is under discussion.
Possible height is 2 inch to 3 inch.
[[ KAGRA ]]
I found the following Wiki page on KAGRA output optical tables.
Because of ground surface curvature,
the table height depends on each optical port.
The range is 0.940 to 1.000 meter in height.
Guideline for beam height and periscope [in Japanease]
* Beam height on the table is fixed to be 3 inches.
* The height gap between the table and output/input beam should be
 greater than 7.6 inches. (NOT LESS THAN)
* By using periscope the height gap are solved.
[[ Questions to Aso-san ]]
[Q1] What are the limiting factors for table height of one meter?
KAGRA beam height and requirements for periscope are determined the table height.
(I guess there is no technical limiting factors for the table height)
[Q2] Please tell me the product company and its number for REFL port's table.
Product company:  Nippon Bousin Industry http://www.boushin.com/
Product number:     LBHD-2412TS (2400x1200x940H)
[[ Possible solution ]]
I ask an japanease agency of Newport product about the legs.
They said that Newport can provide us custom-made legs.
To check the details of the table, they will come to TAMA site.
After that, I can get a quotation for it.
That's all