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NaokiAritomi - 21:10, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2537)Get code to link to this report
100Hz bump was removed

[Aritomi, Yuhang, Michael]

Today we found that the SMA cable for GRMC demod was not fixed well. After we fixed it, the 100Hz bump disappeared!

The attached figure shows FDS with CCFC. CCFC gain was 2000 and CC2 mass feedback gain was 2.7. Although the 100Hz bump disappeared, there is still a small bump at 150Hz and many 50Hz harmonics. We might have another unfixed cables.

The detuning is a bit high in this measurement so we will measure FDS with correct detuning again.

sqz_dB = 10.4;                    % produced SQZ (dB)

L_rt = 120e-6;                    % FC losses

L_inj = 0.31;                     % Injection losses  

L_ro = 0.24;                      % Readout losses

A0 = 0.05;                         % Squeezed field/filter cavity mode mismatch

C0 = 0.05;                         % Squeezed field/local oscillator mode mismatch

ERR_csi = 30e-3;                  % Phase noise (rad)

ERR_L =   1e-12;                  % Lock accuracy (m)

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MarcEisenmann - 18:39, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2536)Get code to link to this report
beam dump on spurious green beams

I have installed 2 beam dumps on spurious green beams.

Figure 1 is spurious beam due to a galvo

Figure 2 is spurious beam due to the PR window.

While I don't think it will improve performances, it will make the work more confortable as these beams were quite powerful.

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MarcEisenmann - 14:01, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2535)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Filter cavity reflection mode matching to homodyne LO by considering beam jittering (filter cavity half detuned) (Click here to view original report: 2519)

If my understanding is correct, this measurement was made with the FC half detuned. So it means that the mode-mismatch computed here mixes the mode-mismatch between BAB/FC together with BAB/LO, which means that we should not use this value in FDS degradation budget.

Also note that the measurement was performed over 50s and not 200s as this 50s corresponds roughly to the FDS measurement duration.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 13:57, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2534)Get code to link to this report
Comment to OPO nonlinear gain and threshold power (Click here to view original report: 2528)

We forgot to tune the OPO temperature during this measurement that could explain the difficulty to fit..

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MarcEisenmann - 13:56, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2533)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Bump around 100Hz (Click here to view original report: 2532)

Marc, Michael, Yuhang

Yesterday morning we started the measurement of opto-mechanical transfer functions to check the AA filter design (results will follow in another entry)

During this activity we injected noise in input pitch and yaw using diagui.

In order to send these noises from diagui we had to close the damp loop of input.

When we tried to do the same for end mirror we first could not see any noise so we remove many filters (especially 50 and 100 Hz notches) from this loop and then had a FC unlock due to an extremely large offset that we forgot to remove.

I think it is the only modification between your last 2 measurements, but as this loop had a gain of 0, it might not affect the apparition of this peak...

R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 21:27, Wednesday 26 May 2021 (2532)Get code to link to this report
Bump around 100Hz

I measured FDS with CCFC around optimal detuning (attached figure).

CCFC filter gain is 2000 with 30Hz LPF. CC2 mass feedback gain is 2.7.

The spectrum for squeezing quadrature (red curve) seems distorted by backscattering noise and the fitting result is not reasonable.

Now the problem is a bump around 100Hz. I tried the different LPF cut off frequency and gain of CCFC filter, but the 100Hz bump cannot be removed...

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MarcEisenmann - 13:56, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2533)

Marc, Michael, Yuhang

Yesterday morning we started the measurement of opto-mechanical transfer functions to check the AA filter design (results will follow in another entry)

During this activity we injected noise in input pitch and yaw using diagui.

In order to send these noises from diagui we had to close the damp loop of input.

When we tried to do the same for end mirror we first could not see any noise so we remove many filters (especially 50 and 100 Hz notches) from this loop and then had a FC unlock due to an extremely large offset that we forgot to remove.

I think it is the only modification between your last 2 measurements, but as this loop had a gain of 0, it might not affect the apparition of this peak...

KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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MarcEisenmann - 17:03, Wednesday 26 May 2021 (2531)Get code to link to this report
SHINKOSHA evaluation plate measurement after cleaning

Following the cleaning of the SHINKOSHA evaluation plate with first contact, I performed absorption measurements in XY,YZ and XZ planes at the same location with the previous measurements.

The results are presented in the first 3 figures.

Using the calibration computed just before the measurement and reported in entry 2510 together with the power measurements : Pt = 2.764 W and Pin = 3.193 W.

Without any fit we got :

  mean [ppm/cm] std [ppm/cm]
XY 290 109
XZ 217 233
YZ 232 245

I think that a more precise estimate of the XZ and YZ planes measurements could be done by only considering the data inside the sample.

For instance, using the equation 3.19 of Manuel's PhD where the effective thickness of the sample is computed.

Note that I checked that the lockin was not saturing before starting the XY map. However, after the last measurement in the YZ plane I found out that the lockin was saturated...

I'm wondering if it arised because of point defect/ new dust... Anyway I started a new XY plane measurement after changing the lockin gain. Sadly, the PCI computer got a windows update and stopped this measurement...

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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MichaelPage - 17:40, Monday 24 May 2021 (2528)Get code to link to this report
OPO nonlinear gain and threshold power

Marc, Yuhang, Michael

We measured the OPO nonlinear gain vs input green power.

The measurement was performed by modulating green phase at about 1 Hz and looking at the BAB transmission from the OPO. The signal was triggered to maintain its position on the oscilloscope window and the "persist" function was used to keep the resonance peak on the screen. The peak oscillates up and down as a consequence of modulating the green phase. The maximum value of the peak represents the amplification and the mimnum value represents the deamplification. By plotting max and min gain vs green power we can find the OPO threshold power shown in figure 1.

The fit looks a bit odd, and is quite imprecise on the deamplification fit. I found it especially quite difficult to discern what the minimum deamplified power was on the oscilloscope - the persist function of the oscilloscope was used to keep the mimnimum and maximum values of the resonant peak visible, but it also oscilalted slightly on the frequency axis, which obscured the minimum values visible.

At face value, the nonlinear gain seems slightly reduced from the previous value of 80.56 +/- 0.14 mW (Yuhang/Aritomi thesis)

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MarcEisenmann - 13:57, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2534)

We forgot to tune the OPO temperature during this measurement that could explain the difficulty to fit..

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 17:32, Friday 21 May 2021 (2523)Get code to link to this report
High micro-seismic noise and weather check

Marc, Michael, and Yuhang

When we want to lock filter cavity today, we found it was harder to lock even with filter cavity z correction loop on.

To understand why this happens, we took measurement of oplev signal and checked weather information.

1. Oplev signal. In the attached figure one, four suspended mirrors oplev spectrum is shown. We can see the mirco-seismic noise between 0.2 and 0.8Hz is increased by a factor of 5 for BS/Input/End.

2. Tide/seawave/wind information: We checked Yahoo tenki, as shown in the attached figure 2,3,4,5, the tide is small tide, the sea wave height is around 3m, the sea wind is around 12.5m/s, the ground wind is around 5m/s.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 02:39, Friday 21 May 2021 (2522)Get code to link to this report
Theoretical CCFC FDS curve with optimal detuning

Attached figure is theoretical CCFC FDS curve with optimal detuning (54Hz). With the following parameters, frequency at which the anti squeezing crosses shot noise is 44Hz.

sqz_dB = 10.5;                    % produced SQZ (dB)

L_rt = 120e-6;                    % FC losses

L_inj = 0.35;                     % Injection losses

L_ro = 0.24;                      % Readout losses

A0 = 0.05;                         % Squeezed field/filter cavity mode mismatch

C0 = 0.05;                         % Squeezed field/local oscillator mode mismatch

ERR_L =   1e-12;                  % Lock accuracy (m)

ERR_csi = 30e-3;                  % Phase noise (rad)

phi_Hom = [0/180*pi, 30/180*pi, 60/180*pi ,90/180*pi]; % Homodyne angle (rad)

det = -54; % detuning [Hz]

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NaokiAritomi - 00:44, Friday 21 May 2021 (2521)Get code to link to this report
CC PLL frequency tuning

According to elog2514, the current CC detuning should be ~72Hz and we have to change it by 18Hz to have the optimal detuning. Using the formula in elog1727, the CC PLL frequency should be changed by 2*18/1.91 = 18.85Hz. Since the current CC PLL frequency is 6.99701252 MHz, the optimal CC PLL frequency should be either 6.99703137 MHz or 6.99698367 MHz. By checking the CCFC error signal, I confirmed that 6.99703137 MHz is the correct one (In DDS, 6.99703139 MHz was set).

Here is the new CC PLL setting. I saved the DDS setting as "20210520_dds3_CCFC_check" for characterization of CCFC error signal and "20210520_dds3_CCFC_FDS" for CCFC FDS measurement.

channel function frequency (MHz) binary number
CH0 CC PLL 20.99109418 1010 10111111 01011000 00111110
CH2 CC1/CCFC demod 13.99406279  111 00101010 00111010 11010100
CH3 CC2 demod   6.99703139    11 10010101 00011101 01101010

Fig 1,2 show the measured CCFC error signal and locking accuracy, respectively. The CCFC calibration amplitude is 182mVpp. Now the CC detuning is 60Hz.

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NaokiAritomi - 00:15, Friday 21 May 2021 (2520)Get code to link to this report
FDS with CCFC on 20210520

[Aritomi, Yuhang]

We changed the filter setting for CCFC to remove the peak at 170Hz. The new filter setting is 30Hz LPF and gain of 1000.

Then we measured FDS with CCFC (attached figure). The peak at 170Hz disappeared with the new setting.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the anti squeezing quadrature. We will measure it again.

Degradation parameters:

sqz_dB = 10.5;                    % produced SQZ (dB)

L_rt = 120e-6;                    % FC losses

L_inj = 0.35;                     % Injection losses

L_ro = 0.24;                      % Readout losses

A0 = 0.05;                        % Squeezed field/filter cavity mode mismatch

C0 = 0.05;                        % Squeezed field/local oscillator mode mismatch

ERR_L =   1e-12;                  % Locking accuracy (m)

ERR_csi = 30e-3;                  % Phase noise (rad)

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YuhangZhao - 18:30, Thursday 20 May 2021 (2519)Get code to link to this report
Filter cavity reflection mode matching to homodyne LO by considering beam jittering (filter cavity half detuned)

Marc, Michael, Yuhang

In the past, we usually check the mode matching between filter cavity (FC) reflection and homodyne LO without considering the beam jittering. However, FC reflected beam jittering is an issue which degrades homodyne detection efficiency.

To check this issue, we first lock filter cavity with green with AA/pointing/length control loops on. Then we half-detune BAB and check its spectrum on oscilloscope when it arrives AMC. Due to jittering, there are peaks going up and down in the AMC spectrum. We used oscilloscope persisit function to record the spectrum for about 200 seconds (as attached figure). In this situation, we measure the highest value of these peaks.

The peaks height are

856 8 20.8 48.4 4 12 4.4 3.6

All the peaks in the above table are taken in the same manner. But we firstly took TEM00, then we zoomed in and checked higher order modes. Since they are taken in the same manner, we do division as (all HOMs)/(all HOMs+TEM00) = 10.57%.

If we use this value, the mode mismatch in homodyne detection will be 0.8943*0.8943 = 80%. Considering the optical loss in elog2511, the total optical losses will be 1-0.8*0.807*0.904*0.99 = 42.2%. This value is larger than the optical losses we used in PRL paper, but closer to the derived optical losses from SQZ/ASQZ measurement in this link. However, it is noted that the evaluation of mode mismatch in this entry should be a pessimistic one. Because we take the highest HOMs, which only tells us the worst mode matching in the 200s measurement. We also conceived to take many instant AMC spectrum of FC reflected BAB, which should give a more reasonable evaluation.

In addition, we can also use visibility measurement to double check the mode mismatch induced homodyne in-efficiency.

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MarcEisenmann - 14:01, Thursday 27 May 2021 (2535)

If my understanding is correct, this measurement was made with the FC half detuned. So it means that the mode-mismatch computed here mixes the mode-mismatch between BAB/FC together with BAB/LO, which means that we should not use this value in FDS degradation budget.

Also note that the measurement was performed over 50s and not 200s as this 50s corresponds roughly to the FDS measurement duration.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MarcEisenmann - 11:35, Thursday 20 May 2021 (2517)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Measurement of optical losses, FC mode-matching and RTL (Click here to view original report: 2511)

The mode-mismatch was slightly over estimated as I divided by tem00 power and not total one...

The corrected values are : misalignment = 3.9%, mode-mismatch = 1.2% and total 5.3%.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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NaokiAritomi - 02:32, Thursday 20 May 2021 (2516)Get code to link to this report
FDS with CCFC on 20210519

I measured FDS with CCFC (attached figure). The DDS setting for FDS with CCFC is saved as 20210519_dds3_CCFC. During this measurement, CC2 input test mass feedback was engaged with gain of 3.

There is a large peak around 170 Hz introduced by CCFC. I will try to change the filter for CCFC if we can remove the peak.

Unfortunately, the homodyne angles in this measurement are in the wrong side. So I will measure again with correct homodyne angles.

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MichaelPage - 20:25, Wednesday 19 May 2021 (2515)Get code to link to this report
OPO replacement - characterisation of beam placed in ATC cleanroom

Marc and Michael

We measured the beam profile after the mode matching telescope simulated in 2486 and placed as shown in 2501. The measurements are plotted in figures 1 and 2. Figure 2 includes an outlier, perhaps the distance was recorded incorrectly? Figure 1 shows the result without the outlier. Either way, it seems the beam size and position is close enough to the prediction that fine tuning can be done using the lens rails of the mode matching telescope. Note that in the OPO replacement measurement, the beam will be shifted by a periscope after the f=75mm and then the OPO will be mounted on a rotation stage.

Before this measurement, we checked the alignment of the beam path. It is well centered on the steering mirror before the f=75mm. Without the lens, the beam goes along the screw holes on the table. However, when the lens is placed, the beam diverts about 1cm towards the edge of the table over a distance of about 25-30 holes. It diverts in the same direction when the lens is flipped.

Also I made a slight bump on the EOM rotation stage adjustment knob when handling the beam profiler cable, but it doesn't seem to have affected the beam path.

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NaokiAritomi - 16:54, Wednesday 19 May 2021 (2514)Get code to link to this report
CCFC with 20mW pump green

[Aritomi, Michael]

This work is done on 20210518.

We decreased the pump green power from 40mW to 20mW for CCFC. First, we checked the nonlinear gain with 20mW green.

green power (mW) BAB maximum (V) OPO temperature (kOhm) p pol PLL (MHz)
0 0.656 7.164 245
20 3.28 7.164 190

The measured nonlinear gain is 5 with 20mW green. When we assume the OPO threshold is 80.6mW, the theoretical nonlinear gain is 4. It seems that the OPO threshold is lower than 80.6mW now.

Then we measured CCFC error signal and locking accuracy (Fig 1,2). The CCFC calibration amplitude is 182mVpp.

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NaokiAritomi - 16:31, Wednesday 19 May 2021 (2513)Get code to link to this report
LEMO cable problem in Z correction

I found that a huge offset is sometimes injected in Z correction and the Z correction unlocks due to it. I also found that the huge offset appears when I touch the LEMO cable between rampeauto and SR560 in Z correction loop. I replaced the LEMO cable and the problem was solved.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 20:28, Tuesday 18 May 2021 (2512)Get code to link to this report
FDS measurement with AA/pointing/BScontrol

Aritomi, Michael, Yuhang

We tried to optimize filter cavity reflection mode matching to homodyne LO. Now it is about 5%, which is still larger than last year.

After that, we tried to measure FDS. Considering a reasonable degradation budget, we did a fit for all the measurements.

We found ~3.3dB squeezing above rotation frequency, but almost no squeezing was observed below rotation frequency.

The degradation parameters:

squeezing level: 11.2dB

round trip loss: 120ppm

total optical loss: 38%

Matching to filter cavity: 5%

Matching to local oscillator: 5%

Locking accuracy: 5e-12m

phase noise: 30mrad

sqz_dB = 11.2;%8.3;                       % produced SQZ
L_rt = 120e-6;                    % FC losses
L_inj = 0.38;                     % Injection losses
L_ro = 0.0;%0.05;                      % Readout losses
A0 = 0.05;%0.06;                        % Squeezed field/filter cavity mode mismatch losses
C0 = 0.05;%0.02;                        % Squeezed field/local oscillator mode mismatch losses
ERR_L =   5e-12;                % Lock accuracy [m]
ERR_csi = 30e-3;   
sqz_dB = 11.2;%8.3;                       % produced SQZ
L_rt = 120e-6;                    % FC losses
L_inj = 0.38;                     % Injection losses
L_ro = 0.0;%0.05;                      % Readout losses
A0 = 0.05;%0.06;                        % Squeezed field/filter cavity mode mismatch losses
C0 = 0.05;%0.02;                        % Squeezed field/local oscillator mode mismatch losses
ERR_L =   5e-12;                % Lock accuracy [m]
ERR_csi = 30e-3;   
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MarcEisenmann - 19:49, Tuesday 18 May 2021 (2511)Get code to link to this report
Measurement of optical losses, FC mode-matching and RTL

Marc, Michael, Yuhang

Yesterday we started characterizaton of the fds degradation budget,


First we checked the propagation losses by measuring the BAB power at various places on the bench :

after the waveplate just after the OPO : 462 uW

before homodyne : 369 uW

The ratio of these powers gives an overall propagation loss of 19.3%. This value is compatible with previous measurements.

We also compared at the edge of the bench before injection ( P=437 uW ) and just after reflection (P=374 uW ). This ratio gives the in vacuum propagation loss as 14.4%. Note that the BAB was not resonating inside the FC for this measurement.

We checked at the edge of the bench in reflection ( P = 368 uW) and just before homodyne ( P = 363 uW ). This gives losses on this part of 1.4%. There is only 5 optical components there and better quality ones are already bought.

We also checked the power after the waveplate after the OPO ( P = 462 uW ) and just before injection at the edge of the bench ( P = 446uW). This gives 3.5% of losses.


We locked the FC with green and tuned the AOM frequency around the various resonances of BAB.

We placed a photodiode just before the one used for CCFC in order to get a larger gain.

TEM00 was scan with AOM speed 60mHz and deviation 6kHz while TEM01/10 and LG01 were scanned with same speed and deviation 600Hz. Taking into account these factors we can calibrate these signals with calibration = 2*deviation / (1 / (2/speed)) = 2 * 2 *speed  * deviation where the first '2' comes from green to IR conversion and second one to get the half-period of AOM scan.

In figure 1 you can see these 3 scans.

The mode-matching was estimated by computing the area under each curve after removing the offset (90 counts).

It gives 4.1% misalignment and 1.3% mode-mismatch and overall value of 5.4%


We did as reported in the RTL estimation paper (namely switch on/off resonance of BAB).

We got the results attached in figure 2.

In addition to the mode-matching, we also assumed 8% of RF sidebands power and 1% lost due to laser fluctuations.

It gives round-trip losse of 116 ppm in good agreement with previous estimation.

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Comments related to this report
MarcEisenmann - 11:35, Thursday 20 May 2021 (2517)

The mode-mismatch was slightly over estimated as I divided by tem00 power and not total one...

The corrected values are : misalignment = 3.9%, mode-mismatch = 1.2% and total 5.3%.