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R&D (FilterCavity)
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AkihiroTomura - 19:37, Saturday 31 March 2018 (730)Get code to link to this report
An interim result of OptoCAD simulation of TAMA squeezing source

I have been doing a simulation of TAMA optical bench using OptoCAD. Here attached interim results. It has not been completed. You can convert an attached text file into a fortran source code by changing .txt to .f90 for eample (depending on your environment). For some unknown reason (probably a problem of windows OS), I couldn't divide code into multiple files (like a main program and some external files beside it) as is a common method to gain readability of a long code. Consequently, the source code got complete mess. Basically it is just a list of optical component so you caan just add components which will be placed later on. For a green beam part at least it is consistent to the actual situation. For an IR beam part it should be changed afterwards.

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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 11:00, Thursday 29 March 2018 (711)Get code to link to this report
KAGRA sapphire substrate measurement

alignment of the imaging unit:
put the surface reference and aling the IU in order to have the blade sharp image on the pd. Do a scan and move the z axis to the central peak maximum Maximize the AC/DC signalas goog as possible. Do again the scan (see first screenshot). The imaging unit position is 65.5mm, set exactly at the distance that have to be moved to measure the 154mm thick kagra sapphire. To measure the substrate we have to move the IU to 0mm.

Calibration: bulk reference
pump power=32mW, DC=4.1V, IUposition=65.5mm, AC=60mV (see second screenshot)

Maps of KAGRA substrate shinkosha#7: 130mm diameter, 1mm resolution, z_stage=110mm,70mm,35mm 

plot the maps with the same color scale

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 10:48, Thursday 29 March 2018 (729)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Monitoring the cavity round trip losses (Click here to view original report: 694)

Loss measurement 28/03/18

Reflectivity: 89%+/- 2.5%  => Losses: 44 +/- 12 ppm

Mismatching/misalignement  considered in the estimation: 11% (worse than usual) 


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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 16:06, Wednesday 28 March 2018 (728)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Monitoring the cavity round trip losses (Click here to view original report: 694)

New did a new measurement of RTL with lock/unlock. 

Reflectivity 84% +/- 2%  => Losses  63±12 ppm

We considered that 7% of the input light is not coupled into the cavity.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 16:10, Tuesday 27 March 2018 (725)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Measured TF and error signals vs model (Click here to view original report: 714)

We have measured the spectrum of the piezo correction, through the channel PZT mon.

In the plot we took into account the factor 100 of attuation of the channel PZT MON and we used the calibration 2 MHz/V.

The spectrum looks similar to that we measured in july.  We fitted it with the curve 7.5 kHz/f, which is compatible with the expected free running laser noise.

I attach the .txt file with data not calibrated.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 14:13, Tuesday 27 March 2018 (724)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Monitoring the cavity round trip losses (Click here to view original report: 694)

In order to increase the statistic yesterday we repeated the measurement of the round trip losses, with the lock unlock technique.

Since we did it in two different moments of the day  the alignement conditions were likely to be different.

  reflectivity losses
#1 0.87±0.02 50±13
#2 0.80±0.03 81±16

The reflectivity has been computed by taking the mean of the time series between a lock and an unlock period. The error is computed as the progagation of the standard deviation of these two set of data. 

We estimated that 7% of the input light does not couple into the cavity.

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724_20180327071209_rtl260318.png 724_20180327071223_rtl260318b.png
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 11:01, Tuesday 27 March 2018 (723)Get code to link to this report
Losses from bandwidth

Last week we measured the bandwidth of cavity. By using this data, we also did the extrapolation and got the losses.

We considered all the losses come from the increase of end mirror transmissivity. Then we did like this:

  1. Fix r1 as sqrt(1-T1) and T1=0.136%.
  2. Use the Airy distribution to fit EM transmission and get R2.
  3. Losses is calculated as 1-R2-T2. T2 is set as 3.9ppm.
Velocity Bandwidth Finesse Losses r2
200Hz/s 119Hz 4191 134 0.999931
400Hz/s 114Hz 4355 78 0.999959
80Hz/s 115Hz 4312 92 0.999952
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 17:08, Monday 26 March 2018 (722)Get code to link to this report
Tama size sapphire sample1

After measuring the Tama-mirror-size sapphire substrate Sample2 (see elog entry 678), I measured the Sample1. I upload the maps of Sample1.

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722_20180326100807_sample13d.png 722_20180326100813_sample13dzoom.png
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KAGRA MIR (Absorption)
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ManuelMarchio - 16:57, Monday 26 March 2018 (721)Get code to link to this report
Small sapphire sample maps

I plot the maps of the small sapphire sample we measured.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuefanGuo - 11:36, Monday 26 March 2018 (720)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Everything is back after the installment of clean booth (Click here to view original report: 717)
Add some pictures of the clean booth.

The first is the overall picture of the clean booth, from this picture you can see the three different parts Yuhang mentioned, the clean level increase from the closest to the furtherst.

The second and the third pictures was where we put the clean suits and gloves in the first clean booth, we are going to add another drawers next to the present one.

The fourth one is the shelf we put in the middle clean booth.

The last picture is the tube between the bench clean booth and the PR tank. We cut the wall of the clean booth with a cross-cutting from inside, the tube is fixed on the view port with a metal ring. Between the tube and the clean booth, we didn't put anything.
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720_20180326043612_clean.jpg 720_20180326043623_clean1.jpg 720_20180326043629_clean2.jpg 720_20180326043636_clean3.jpg 720_20180326043643_clean4.jpg
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 11:49, Saturday 24 March 2018 (717)Get code to link to this report
Everything is back after the installment of clean booth

Last Thursday, the company came here to install our clean booth(three parts).

1. The first part is for in-air bench, it is high level clean.

2. The second part is for electronics and control.

3. The third one is for changing cllean suit.

After this installment, we cleaned everything would be put in and already in the room. We made also other changes.

1. We connected everything need to be connected. All the cables are gonging under the steps around the in-air bench.(Fig 1).

2. The Laser switch boxes are all under the in-air bench now.(Fig 2)

3. The control computer and transmission camera monitor are in the second part clean room now.(Fig 3) 

Finally, we brought back the locking of our filter cavity both for green and infrared.

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YuefanGuo - 11:36, Monday 26 March 2018 (720)
Add some pictures of the clean booth.

The first is the overall picture of the clean booth, from this picture you can see the three different parts Yuhang mentioned, the clean level increase from the closest to the furtherst.

The second and the third pictures was where we put the clean suits and gloves in the first clean booth, we are going to add another drawers next to the present one.

The fourth one is the shelf we put in the middle clean booth.

The last picture is the tube between the bench clean booth and the PR tank. We cut the wall of the clean booth with a cross-cutting from inside, the tube is fixed on the view port with a metal ring. Between the tube and the clean booth, we didn't put anything.
R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 16:23, Wednesday 21 March 2018 (715)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Fit of filter cavity bandwidth (Click here to view original report: 710)

I put some other parameters of fitting here.

velocity bandwith r1(r2 is assumed as 1) Finesse
200Hz/s 119Hz 0.999251 4190
400Hz/s 114Hz 0.999279 4355
80Hz/s 115Hz 0.999272 4311

r1=0.9992673 +/- 1.19e-5

Finesse=4285.3 +/- 69.7

R&D (FilterCavity)
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Matteo Barsuglia - 18:13, Tuesday 20 March 2018 (714)Get code to link to this report
Measured TF and error signals vs model

I have compared the transfer function measured in entry #693 and the error signals measured in the entry #699 with the Matlab model of the servo. 

#1 plot: TF measured vs model. Eleonora's thesis model (PZT pole of 30 kHz). 

#2 plot: TF measured vs model, where I changed the high frequency part of the TF in order ot fit the measurements. In particular, I have moved to higher frequency the frequency of the PTZ pole. This can be explained due to the fact that the PZT transfer fucntion is not really known, even if this is strange that we have to change the model vs Eleonora's thesis measurements. 

#3 plot: TF measured vs model. I changed the high frequency part and also changed the frequency of the zeros at 1540 Hz to 1000 Hz. This is strange, since the frequency of these poles is given by the electronics, but maybe the coherence of the TF measuremnt around 1 kHz is not very high. 

#4 plot: error signals measured vs model. In the model I have used a laser frequency noise of 7.5 kHz/f /sqrt(Hz), as measured during Eleonora's thesis.  We remark that the error signals are higher than the model. 

#5 plot: error signals divided by 2.5 vs model. The factor 2.5 is not explained. A wrong calibration factor? Some problems with data acquisition? An higher input noise? 

As further measurement, I would suggest to save the correction signal of the PZT and maybe try to have a better measurement of the TF below 1 kHz. 

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EleonoraCapocasa - 16:10, Tuesday 27 March 2018 (725)

We have measured the spectrum of the piezo correction, through the channel PZT mon.

In the plot we took into account the factor 100 of attuation of the channel PZT MON and we used the calibration 2 MHz/V.

The spectrum looks similar to that we measured in july.  We fitted it with the curve 7.5 kHz/f, which is compatible with the expected free running laser noise.

I attach the .txt file with data not calibrated.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 09:39, Tuesday 20 March 2018 (710)Get code to link to this report
Fit of filter cavity bandwidth

After using the correct Airy function, we can get a better fit of our filter cavity. It gives us the results as below.

velocity bandwith
200Hz/s 119Hz
400Hz/s 114Hz
80Hz/s 115Hz

According to this result, we can say our filter cavity's Bandwidth(for infrared) is 116 +/- 2.16Hz.

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710_20180320013921_fit114.png 710_20180320013926_fit115.png 710_20180320013931_fit119.png
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YuhangZhao - 16:23, Wednesday 21 March 2018 (715)

I put some other parameters of fitting here.

velocity bandwith r1(r2 is assumed as 1) Finesse
200Hz/s 119Hz 0.999251 4190
400Hz/s 114Hz 0.999279 4355
80Hz/s 115Hz 0.999272 4311

r1=0.9992673 +/- 1.19e-5

Finesse=4285.3 +/- 69.7

R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 21:53, Monday 19 March 2018 (709)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Effect of cutting laser beam by hands (Click here to view original report: 701)

Actually, there is a factor 2 to take into accunt in the definition of the decay time we used, that is P = P0*exp(-2*t/tau)

(see https://www.osapublishing.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-21-24-30114 )

So the decay time from the "hand cutting" fit should be:  2/tau = 3149 => tau = 0.6 ms.  Anyway, since I used this definition also for computing the filter cavity decay time (about 2.7ms) if I'm not wrong we have a factor 5 of difference between the two, in any case. 

R&D (FilterCavity)
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MatteoLeonardi - 13:24, Monday 19 March 2018 (707)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Effect of cutting laser beam by hands (Click here to view original report: 701)

According to the fit the decay time is 0.3msec that is a factor of 10 smaller than the cavity decay time.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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YuhangZhao - 14:53, Sunday 18 March 2018 (706)Get code to link to this report
Preliminary fit of End Mirror transmission

For the purpose of getting a better estimation of cavity bandwidth, we want to fit the transmission of End Mirror.

I tried three model, including gaussian function, generalized normal distribution and airy pattern function. However, none of them seems fit very well. Before proceeding to next step, I would like to ask for some suggestions.

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R&D (FilterCavity)
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AkihiroTomura - 18:44, Saturday 17 March 2018 (705)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Effect of cutting laser beam by hands (Click here to view original report: 701)

Constant velocity assumption may be wrong? I'm not very clear. I can try with some acceleration or the combination of erf and exp as you suggested.

R&D (FilterCavity)
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Matteo Barsuglia - 02:23, Saturday 17 March 2018 (704)Get code to link to this report
Comment to Effect of cutting laser beam by hands (Click here to view original report: 701)

Trying to understand why the best fitting function is not a erf function (given the hypothesis that the beam is cut at constant speed): maybe the exponential decay we see in the data is dominated by the electronics ? one can also try to fit with a function erf + exp. 

R&D (FilterCavity)
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EleonoraCapocasa - 17:29, Friday 16 March 2018 (702)Get code to link to this report
Pictures of electronics before disconnecting the rack for the clean booth installation

Yesterday the clean booth in TAMA central area has been installed. Currently we are working to reorganize the area inside it and reconnect the electronics. 

At the link below you can find pictures taken to the optical table rack before we disconnect everything. They may help the repristination activity.
